Latest porcelain crown price list today – 2024

Latest porcelain tooth crown price list today - year 2024
Latest porcelain tooth crown price list today – year 2024

The price list for porcelain teeth will often vary between dental facilities. At BIK International Dental Clinic, the price for a porcelain tooth ranges from 1,500,000 – 9,000,000 VND/tooth. Although porcelain crowns are not a very complicated technique in the dental industry, customers should still consider staying away from some cheap porcelain crown services to ensure the quality, effectiveness of porcelain crowns and oral health.

1. How much does porcelain crowns cost?

How much does porcelain crowns cost?
How much does a porcelain crown cost?

How much does a porcelain crown cost?

Before answering the question How much does a porcelain crown cost? We will learn about the types of porcelain teeth first. There are 3 main types of porcelain teeth as follows:

  1.1. Price of metal porcelain teeth

Metal porcelain teeth have an inner layer made of metal alloy. This type of porcelain teeth has a fairly good ability to withstand biting force, the outside surface is covered with a layer of porcelain so the color matches the natural tooth. So how much does a porcelain tooth cost? The price of a metal ceramic tooth is usually around 1,000,000 – 3,000,000 VND/tooth.


   – Low cost
– The same strength as real teeth, ensuring chewing function


   – Opaque white color, not transparent
– The tooth will be oxidized under the influence of acids in the oral cavity and gradually blacken the neck of the tooth close to the gum line
– It is easy to recognize the black light of the metal inside the ceramic tooth when exposed to light
– Easily irritates soft tissues in the mouth

  1.2. All-ceramic teeth

All-ceramic teeth
All-ceramic teeth

All-ceramic teeth are made entirely from pure ceramic, without any metal components. Currently, Cercon CAD – CAM all-ceramic teeth are the newest type on the market. A full ceramic tooth currently ranges from 4,000,000 – 9,000,000 VND.


   –  Has the same color as real teeth, bringing natural beauty
–  Still retains white color when exposed to light
–  Lasts up to decades
–  No black gum line because ceramic cannot be oxidized in the oral cavity
– Does not irritate other soft tissues or cause bad breath


   –  High cost
–  Requires the most advanced technology and machinery to manufacture modern ceramic teeth
– The doctor performing the procedure needs to be highly skilled

  1.3. Porcelain Veneer

Veneer Porcelain Veneer
Veneer Porcelain Veneer

Porcelain veneers are a very popular cosmetic restoration technique that preserves real teeth in the US and Europe. However, in Vietnam, this form is not really popular due to the complexity of the implementation process as well as high technical requirements. The current price of a porcelain veneer is around 6,000,000 – 12,000,000 VND.


No need to grind too much tooth, the doctor just needs to grind a thin layer of enamel on the outside of the tooth surface according to a certain ratio and then stick the porcelain on top.


     –  Low durability because the adhesive will gradually degrade
–  Relatively high cost
– Complicated implementation technique

->> See more: How much does it cost to cover the entire jaw with porcelain? How long does it take?

Veneer porcelain veneer
Veneer porcelain veneer

2. Porcelain teeth price list at BIK International Dental Clinic

Porcelain teeth are one of the most popular tooth restoration methods today. Below is the latest updated price list for porcelain crowns at BIK International Dental Clinic in 2023:

American metal porcelain crowns (3-year warranty) 1 tooth 1,500,000 VND
Titanium porcelain crowns (5-year warranty) 1 tooth 2,400,000 VND
Zirconia all-ceramic crowns (CAD/CAM) (7-year warranty) year) 1 tooth 3,900,000 VND
Full Zirconia All-Ceramic Teeth (CAD/CAM) (10-Year Warranty) 1 tooth 4,400,000 VND
ArgenZ Ultra All-Ceramic Teeth (CAD/CAM) (10-Year Warranty) 1 tooth 5,400,000 VND
ArgenZ HT+ All-Ceramic Teeth (CAD/CAM) (10-Year Warranty) 1 tooth 6,000,000 VND
Cercon HT All-Ceramic Teeth (CAD/CAM) (10-Year Warranty) 1 tooth 6,000,000 VND
Ceramill Zolid All-Ceramic Teeth (10-Year Warranty) 1 tooth 6,600,000 VND
Lava Plus All-Ceramic Teeth – 3M ESPE (CAD/CAM) (15-Year Warranty) 1 tooth 8,800,000 VND
Porcelain Veneer Emax (CAD/CAM) (5-year warranty) 1 tooth 6,000,000 VND
3D Glass Porcelain Veneer without grinding real teeth (10-year warranty) 1 tooth 9,000,000 VND
CAD/CAM Porcelain Inlay/Onlay (10-year warranty) 1 tooth 5,000,000 VND

3. Can I pay for porcelain crowns in installments?

Can I pay for porcelain crowns in installments?
Can I pay for porcelain crowns in installments?

To reduce financial pressure on many customers, BIK International Dental Clinic has provided a 0% interest installment payment service for porcelain crowns. To be eligible for installment payments, the payment value must be from VND 20,000,000 or more. Customers can use credit cards from many different banks such as VP Bank, Techcombank,… to pay in installments.

The installment payment procedure is very simple and customers will be supported in detail by BIK staff when needed.

->> See more: 0% interest installment payment at BIK Dental

4. Why are porcelain crown prices different at different dental clinics?

Porcelain crown material

As mentioned above, porcelain crown material will affect the price of cosmetic porcelain crowns. Dental clinics that use genuine porcelain teeth will have higher prices, but the quality of porcelain teeth will also be better.

Equipment and machinery

Equipment and machinery imported from countries with advanced technology in the region and the world such as: Korea, Japan, Germany, America… will shorten the treatment time and the level of damage to the minimum for you.

Equipment and machinery
Equipment equipment and machinery

Doctor’s skills

The durability and beauty of porcelain crowns will depend largely on the doctor’s skills. For dental clinics with many doctors graduating from top medical universities, the cost for a porcelain crown will be higher. But in return, it will ensure that the porcelain crown restoration results are highly aesthetic and safe.

Service quality

Currently, a good dental address does not only need a skilled doctor and modern equipment and machinery. To evaluate whether a dental clinic meets the standards or not, it also depends on the quality of service, customer satisfaction, and customer care before, during and after treatment.

->> See more: How much does a porcelain crown cost?

5. Should I get cheap porcelain crowns?

should I get cheap porcelain crowns?
Should I get cheap porcelain crowns?

Porcelain crowns are certified to be safe and do not affect oral health. However, many cheap porcelain crown services at dental clinics have not been quality tested, leading to the following complications:

  5.1 Tooth sensitivity

When a doctor does not have enough expertise to perform porcelain crowns, the teeth will not fit together tightly. This inadvertently creates conditions for food to accumulate in the gap, causing prolonged pain, especially when eating foods that are too hot or too cold.

  5.2. Gingivitis

Before making porcelain teeth, there will be a step of grinding real teeth to support the porcelain crown. If the doctor does not perform carefully and meticulously, it is very likely that the grinding line will sink deep under the gums, causing bleeding and bad breath when the gums are infected.

  5.3. Risk of broken porcelain teeth

With a cheaper price than the market, porcelain teeth produced with processes and materials that do not ensure quality not only do not meet aesthetic requirements but also have poor durability and are easily broken during chewing.

  5.4. Cheap porcelain crowns lead to pulpitis

If the dentist grinds the real tooth in the wrong proportion, accidentally invading the inner pulp, bacteria will have the opportunity to invade and attack, causing pulpitis. This condition not only causes pain, but if not treated promptly, the patient may have to remove the infected tooth.

6. Porcelain teeth warranty policy at BIK Dental

BIK International Dental Clinic has invested in a Labo room to make porcelain teeth using CAD / CAM 3D technology right at the dental clinic. Ensuring aesthetics, natural color and the most suitable size ratio for each customer.

Performing porcelain teeth restoration at BIK Dental helps shorten the completion time. 100% genuine, high-quality porcelain material, imported directly from Germany and the US… The performing team is highly skilled specialists.

In addition to the porcelain teeth warranty at BIK International Dental Clinic, customers also have a direct warranty from the manufacturer, with the highest warranty period of up to 20 years.


So the price list of porcelain teeth at different dental clinics will be different, but usually not much different from the general level. To ensure safety and avoid dangerous complications of cheap porcelain crowns, customers should find a reputable, quality dental clinic with a team of doctors with many years of experience in porcelain crowns. If you are in need of porcelain crowns, come to BIK International Dental Clinic, the doctor will provide 100% free consultation and ensure no additional costs.

BIK International Dental Clinic – Vietnam’s leading cosmetic porcelain crowns dental clinic

Free consultation hotline: 0975686969

Branch 1: 20 – 22 Le Van Viet, Hiep Phu Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City
Branch 2: 707 Kha Van Can, Linh Tay Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City
Branch 3: 553 Dai Lo Binh Duong, Hiep Thanh Ward, Thu Dau Mot City, Binh Duong Province

Mỗi phòng khám thuộc hệ thống Nha Khoa Quốc Tế BIK được Sở Y tế các tỉnh thành thẩm định các danh mục kỹ thuật khác nhau. Quý khách sẽ được thực hiện các dịch vụ theo đúng những danh mục kỹ thuật mà Sở Y tế cho phép. Những danh mục khác sẽ được thực hiện tại bệnh viện.
Each clinic in the BIK International Dental System is assessed by the Department of Health of each province and city for different technical categories. You will receive services according to the technical categories permitted by the Department of Health. Other categories will be performed at the hospital..