What to do to get rid of mouth ulcers quickly? Effective tips to treat mouth ulcers

Mouth ulcers are a common dental problem. Although not dangerous to health, the pain caused by mouth ulcers can make the patient uncomfortable, especially when eating or talking. So what should you do when you have mouth ulcers? Let’s find out effective tips for treating mouth ulcers with BIK International Dental Clinic.

What should you do when you have mouth ulcers?

Causes of mouth ulcers

Mouth ulcers can come from many different causes, but the most common are:

  • Eating a lot of spicy, hot foods or foods containing gluten causes heat in the body.
  • Biting on the soft tissue in the mouth, brushing teeth too hard, using a hard toothbrush damages the oral cavity and leads to mouth ulcers.
  • Lack of vitamins such as B6, B2, C, zinc, folic acid plays a role in preventing mouth ulcers.
  • Hormonal disorders in women during the menstrual cycle or during pregnancy.
  • Prolonged stress and fatigue.

Causes of mouth ulcers

Simple and extremely effective tips to treat mouth ulcers

Symptoms of mouth ulcers usually last from 7 to 10 days. To reduce this time, you can refer to and apply the following measures:

Rinse your mouth with saline solution

This is a very simple but effective method that you should apply as soon as you have an ulcer until the pain disappears. Salt water has the ability to kill bacteria, clean and effectively reduce inflammation. Initially, when you gargle with salt water, you may feel a little pain but it will not last long, instead the ulcer will heal faster.

You can buy pre-mixed salt water to gargle at drug stores or mix it yourself according to the following recipe:

  • Dissolve 5g of clean salt in 230ml of warm water
  • Use this water to rinse your mouth several times a day, each time for 15 – 30 seconds to treat mouth ulcers.

Tips for treating mouth ulcers with saline

Using honey to treat mouth ulcers

Instead of using clean saline solution, many people prefer to use honey to quickly treat mouth ulcers at home, especially for children because of its pleasant sweetness. Honey has very good antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, especially suitable for treating mouth ulcers.

Many scientific studies have shown that found that using honey significantly reduces pain and swelling caused by mouth ulcers. Using honey early also helps prevent secondary infections caused by mouth ulcers.

To treat it this way, you can apply pure honey to the mouth ulcers 3 to 4 times a day. Continue doing this until the pain and inflammation gradually subside.

Coconut Oil for Mouth Ulcers

Similar to honey, coconut oil also has strong antibacterial properties thanks to its natural lauric acid content. When you have mouth ulcers, you should use coconut oil immediately to reduce swelling, relieve pain and help the mouth ulcers heal faster.

To treat, you can apply a sufficient amount of pure coconut oil to the canker sore and cover it several times a day. Remember to limit swallowing saliva after applying so that the coconut oil has time to work and help heal the mouth ulcer.

Tips for treating canker sores with coconut oil

Treat canker sores with chamomile tea

Chamomile tea is still popular because of its pleasant aroma and natural delicious taste, and is also a favorite natural remedy in many countries. Research on Roman chamomile tea has shown that it is effective in relieving pain and healing wounds. Chamomile tea also contains Levomenol and azulene, two substances that have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

To treat mouth ulcers, you can apply a chamomile tea bag to the wound area for a few minutes. If this is not convenient, you can also make warm chamomile tea to gargle 3-4 times a day until the mouth ulcers are gone.

Mouthwash to treat mouth ulcers

You can use dental mouthwash to control and reduce inflammation in the mouth, including mouth ulcers. Using this mouthwash helps stimulate the wound healing process quickly and prevent the recurrence of mouth ulcers.

To use, you can dilute the mouthwash with warm water according to the instructions and gargle 2-3 times a day until the condition is controlled. Remember not to use it for too long because this can adversely affect your teeth and health.

These are simple but effective measures to treat mouth ulcers, which have been successfully applied by many people. Start using it as soon as you have a mouth ulcer to reduce healing time, swelling, pain and discomfort.

Mouthwash for mouth ulcers

Treat mouth ulcers with garlic

One of the quick treatments for mouth ulcers within 1 day that is often used is using garlic. Garlic is considered a popular ingredient and is easy to find in most Vietnamese kitchens. Garlic contains the active ingredient Allicin, which has anti-inflammatory effects and effectively reduces mouth ulcers when used.

  • Step 1: Take a clove of garlic, peel it and cut it in half.
  • Step 2: Use the prepared garlic to rub on the mouth ulcer for about 1 – 2 minutes.

What to do to effectively prevent mouth ulcers

Mouth ulcers are usually not dangerous, do not spread and do not cause serious inflammation in the mouth. However, if they recur many times, the patient may experience discomfort and pain. To prevent mouth ulcers from recurring, you need to control the following factors:

  • Take care of your mouth by choosing a soft toothbrush, eating slowly and chewing thoroughly, avoiding foods that are too hard and risk biting the inside of your mouth.
  • Supplement with enough vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin B, iron and zinc.

Effective prevention of mouth ulcers

  • Limit foods that cause heat such as alcohol, beer, hot fruits, spicy foods.
  • Reduce stress, fatigue and avoid staying up late.
  • Maintain oral hygiene by brushing your teeth and using mouthwash

Canker sores are a common problem, especially in the hot summer. BIK International Dentistry has shared with you what to do with canker sores, hoping to help you reduce the discomfort of canker sores.

Mỗi phòng khám thuộc hệ thống Nha Khoa Quốc Tế BIK được Sở Y tế các tỉnh thành thẩm định các danh mục kỹ thuật khác nhau. Quý khách sẽ được thực hiện các dịch vụ theo đúng những danh mục kỹ thuật mà Sở Y tế cho phép. Những danh mục khác sẽ được thực hiện tại bệnh viện.
Each clinic in the BIK International Dental System is assessed by the Department of Health of each province and city for different technical categories. You will receive services according to the technical categories permitted by the Department of Health. Other categories will be performed at the hospital..