What is a dental abscess? Is it dangerous? What is the best treatment?

A dental abscess is a dangerous dental problem that needs to be treated promptly to prevent potential complications. So, how to recognize the signs of a dental abscess and how to treat it, as well as how to prevent it? Let’s explore the information in the article below with BIK International Dental Clinic!

What is a dental abscess? Is it dangerous? The best treatment
What is a dental abscess? Is it dangerous? Best treatment

What is a tooth abscess? How many types are there?

A tooth abscess is a serious problem, when there is a formation of pus under the tooth root. Depending on the cause of the disease, the diagnosis of a tooth abscess can be made in the following two cases:

Periapical abscess with a cavity

This is a condition in which the pulp and gums are destroyed due to long-term untreated tooth decay. Pressure around the tooth can cause damage to other areas such as bone, gums and periosteum,…

Periodontal abscess with a cavity
Periodontinal abscess with a cavity

Periodontal abscess

Periodontal abscess is a phenomenon in which bacteria accumulate on food plaque on the teeth, causing inflammation and forming periodontal pockets.

Signs of a tooth abscess

Here are some signs of a tooth abscess:

  • Severe toothache even when eating light foods.
  • Toothache when exposed to hot or cold foods.
  • Swollen gums.
  • Pus appears at the base of the tooth, when touched it feels painful and pus flows out.
  • The mouth has a foul, fishy smell due to the pus secreted.
Signs of tooth abscess
Signs of tooth abscess

Causes of tooth abscess

Dental abscess occurs due to a number of reasons such as:

  • Improper oral hygiene leads to bacteria accumulating in the oral cavity.
  • Periodontitis progresses severely.
  • The tooth has a damaged root canal.
  • The tooth is cracked or broken due to external force or accident accident.
  • Tooth decay and pulpitis are not treated promptly.
  • People with diabetes and cardiovascular disease often have a weakened immune system, creating conditions for bacteria to invade and cause dental abscess.
Causes of dental abscess
Causes of dental abscess

Is dental abscess dangerous?

Most patients ask whether tooth abscess can heal on its own? The answer is no, because tooth abscess can only be completely cured through appropriate dental methods. If not treated or treated improperly, patients with tooth abscess may experience some dangerous complications:…

Maxillary sinus infection, endocarditis

This consequence occurs when bacteria spread to the heart, brain and other organs in the body. When severe symptoms appear, sepsis can be fatal.

Diffuse cellulitis

When cellulitis spreads to the roof of the mouth and causes an oral abscess, other organs are also affected. In severe cases, it can lead to respiratory obstruction and death. However, if dental abscesses are treated promptly, this complication can be prevented.

Extraoral abscesses cause inflammation and swelling of the mouth and eye sockets. This condition not only causes pain and discomfort but can also adversely affect the patient’s health and quality of life.

External abscess
External abscess

How to treat a tooth abscess

The treatment methods for tooth abscesses are prescribed by doctors based on the patient’s condition and degree of abscess. However, most abscess treatments focus on removing the abscess, preserving the tooth, and preventing complications from developing. Specifically, as follows:…

Acute treatment

First, the abscess pus pocket under the tooth root needs to be removed to prevent the spread of pus. The doctor may perform an incision to drain the abscess. Bacteria will be removed from the infected area.

At the same time, the patient will be prescribed antibiotics to kill bacteria and prevent the strong growth of the abscess area.

In addition, the patient will also be prescribed treatment and pain relief drugs such as anti-inflammatory drugs, supplements, pain relievers…

See more: How to treat tooth abscess at home

Treatment from the root

After treating acute tooth abscess, to avoid recurrence, the patient needs to perform methods to treat tooth abscess from the root.

Specifically, the patient will be examined and required to perform methods such as scaling, root canal treatment, removal of broken tooth fragments… In case of severe abscess, tooth extraction is mandatory.

After treatment, the patient needs to have regular check-ups so that the doctor can check and prevent recurrence. At the same time, patients can consider methods such as dental implants, dental fillings… to restore the aesthetics of the teeth.

Treatment from the root
Treatment from the root

How to prevent dental abscess

To avoid dental abscess, you need to practice proper oral care. First, brush your teeth twice a day about 30 minutes after eating and use mouthwash, saline, and dental floss to keep your mouth clean.

Also, see your dentist twice a year to detect dental problems early. Fill your teeth to prevent tooth decay and periodontitis, especially in hard-to-reach areas.

How to prevent tooth abscess
How to prevent tooth abscess

Maintain a healthy diet, supplement minerals and vitamins. Stay away from drinks and foods that can harm your teeth, such as sweets, sour foods, and drinks containing stimulants.

The above article provides useful information about tooth abscess. To thoroughly treat this problem, go to a reputable dental clinic for proper advice and treatment. If you have any questions, please contact the hotline 19008015 for dedicated support.

Mỗi phòng khám thuộc hệ thống Nha Khoa Quốc Tế BIK được Sở Y tế các tỉnh thành thẩm định các danh mục kỹ thuật khác nhau. Quý khách sẽ được thực hiện các dịch vụ theo đúng những danh mục kỹ thuật mà Sở Y tế cho phép. Những danh mục khác sẽ được thực hiện tại bệnh viện.
Each clinic in the BIK International Dental System is assessed by the Department of Health of each province and city for different technical categories. You will receive services according to the technical categories permitted by the Department of Health. Other categories will be performed at the hospital..