What causes tooth loss? Answers from experts

The most common cause of tooth loss is old age, but there are also other reasons for tooth loss. However, it is still possible to prevent early tooth loss by simply adjusting your diet and paying more attention to your daily oral hygiene.

1. Due to age

The most common cause of tooth loss is old age and poor health. At this time, the gums, enamel, pulp and tooth roots will also become weaker and less sturdy. At the same time, some dental diseases that appear due to the daily chewing process can also cause unhealthy teeth to break, fall out or be damaged, leading to extraction.

2. Due to smoking

The habit of smoking regularly of many people has unintentionally brought millions of toxic substances into the body and caused a series of dangerous diseases. The Nicotine content in cigarettes can destroy tooth enamel, damage the gums and teeth, which is also a very common cause of tooth loss.

3. Due to tooth damage

When subjected to a strong and sudden impact, the tooth can be completely damaged and loose. Regularly using teeth to bite hard objects or twist bottle caps can easily affect the front teeth. In addition, if you use toothpicks regularly for a long time, the gaps between the teeth will become loose, food will get stuck more, and from there create conditions for bacteria to attack, causing the gums and teeth to gradually weaken.

4. Tartar causes tooth loss

Tartar is a yellowish-ivory plaque that often adheres tightly between the gums and the tooth root. These plaques are where bacteria thrive and grow. In cases where the gums are strongly attacked by bacteria and damaged to a certain extent, they will no longer be able to hold the teeth, causing the teeth to become loose and is one of the common causes of tooth loss.

5. Gingivitis leads to tooth loss

There are many causes of gingivitis, but the majority are due to poor oral hygiene. Inflammation of the gums will cause the supporting tissues such as ligaments and alveolar bone to be destroyed, thereby causing the teeth to become loose and eventually fall out.

There are 2 types of gingivitis:

–  Local gingivitis does not cause too much pain but is prone to recurrence
–  Widespread peri-dental gingivitis affects the tooth structure, causing prolonged pain, but once cured, the possibility of recurrence is very low.

6. Effects of tooth loss

Losing one or more teeth can cause certain effects as follows:

  6.1. Affects aesthetics

In the case of a tooth falling out, it will make the patient feel self-conscious when communicating and afraid to smile, thereby missing out on many opportunities in work and life. In addition, if a tooth falls out and bleeds, it will cause infection and pus, which will also cause bad breath.

  6.2. Affected chewing ability

When a tooth falls out, it means that food is missing a tooth to chew and grind, so the pressure will increase on the remaining teeth. At this time, the chewing process is difficult and the patient will tend to swallow more food. This will affect the digestive system as well as overall health.

  6.3. Potential physical pathology

In fact, inside the tooth there are many nerves that connect to other organs of the body. Therefore, when a tooth falls out, other parts of the body can also be affected. For example, wisdom tooth extraction can affect vision.

7. How to prevent tooth loss?

  7.1. Regular dental check-ups

Usually, experts recommend making an appointment with a dentist at least twice a year to monitor and care for your teeth. However, in cases of other dental diseases, the number of visits to the dentist may be more.

  7.2. Pay attention to proper oral hygiene

You need to brush your teeth at least twice a day, morning and night, to clean plaque on your teeth and remove all bacteria in your mouth. Be sure to use a soft-bristled toothbrush to avoid damaging your teeth and gums. You can combine dental floss and saline to remove food particles stuck between your teeth.

  7.3. Reasonable nutrition

There is absolutely no need to follow a special diet to avoid tooth loss, but it is still necessary to meet the daily needs of Vitamin and Calcium to help keep teeth strong. In addition, sugar is an ingredient that supports bacteria in producing acids and enzymes that are harmful to teeth, so limit and reduce the amount of sugar you take in every day.

  7.4. Control biting and grinding teeth

Bite and grind teeth can cause enamel erosion, so to prevent tooth loss, proper stress management and relaxation techniques will help a lot. In addition, your doctor can advise some measures to protect your bite in case of habit of grinding teeth while sleeping.

  7.5. Stay away from cigarettes

The toxins in cigarettes will affect the blood supply to the gums, increasing the rate of periodontal disease. In addition, smokers often have difficulty treating their illness and their response to treatment is also more difficult to predict, which makes the condition more serious.

  7.6. Monitoring chronic diseases

If you have chronic diseases, you need to have a habit of monitoring and taking care of your teeth more. Because once you have a disease, you will encounter many difficulties in the treatment process because the body loses its ability to fight infections and heal wounds.

So there are many reasons why teeth fall out and cause certain effects on the patient. Therefore, when you feel some unusual signs of gums and teeth, you need to immediately go to the dentist for examination, consultation and timely treatment.

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Each clinic in the BIK International Dental System is assessed by the Department of Health of each province and city for different technical categories. You will receive services according to the technical categories permitted by the Department of Health. Other categories will be performed at the hospital..