Children with swollen gums is not a rare condition today, mainly due to the process of changing baby teeth or because the child has just started teething. However, in some other cases, swollen gums can also be a manifestation of some other dangerous oral diseases. Parents need to carefully understand the causes, signs as well as how to prevent them to help their children prevent this condition most effectively.
1. What is swollen gums?
Swollen gums are a common phenomenon not only in adults but also in children. Healthy gums are initially tight, light pink, do not bleed and do not cause pain or discomfort when the child eats or chews. When the gums swell, they often turn dark red and bleed easily when exposed to external influences. Although this is not a dangerous disease, parents should not be subjective because in some serious conditions, the gums can swell to the point of partially covering the child’s teeth.
2. Causes of swollen gums in children
There are many causes of swollen gums in children, of which the common causes include:
2.1. Due to plaque on teeth
One of the causes of swollen gums in children is plaque on teeth. If children are not instructed on proper oral hygiene, leftover food will get stuck in between their teeth over time, gradually forming plaque. When these plaques are continuously formed on children’s teeth, they will create a favorable environment for bacteria to grow and attack the child’s oral cavity. From there, causing a number of dangerous dental diseases such as: Swollen gums, bleeding gums, gingivitis, …
2.2. Due to gingivitis or tooth decay
Gingivitis and tooth decay are also two of the causes of swollen gums in children. Initially, due to poor oral hygiene, children may have tooth decay, causing pain and discomfort for children. Over time, bacteria that cause tooth decay can attack healthy teeth next to them or can cause gingivitis.
2.3. Due to teething
Teething is a cause that parents can think of if they see their children have swollen gums. When children are 6 – 7 years old, swollen gums can be a sign that the child is starting to grow the first two molars. Therefore, after the teeth grow, the gums will also stop swelling, so parents do not need to worry too much.
2.4. Due to mechanical impact
A cause that few parents pay attention to but is also highly likely to cause swollen gums in children is due to mechanical impact. External factors such as brushing teeth too hard, using toothpicks or chewing foods that are too hard can also cause swelling in children’s gums.
3. Is swelling in children dangerous?
Although swelling in children is not a rare condition, according to oral health experts, as soon as you discover that your child has swollen gums, you should treat it immediately. If the cause of this condition is teething, there is no need to worry too much, but if the cause is dental disease, it can be potentially dangerous.
When the gums are swollen, it will cause pain, making the child uncomfortable and crying day and night. When children are young, their immune system is weak and they are prone to swollen gums. In addition, weak baby teeth are also a factor that creates favorable conditions for bacteria to attack, causing children to have swollen gums.
If swollen gums are not treated promptly and properly, it can cause the child’s teeth to become loose, causing inflammation and even tooth loss.
4. What to do when your child has swollen gums?
When discovering that your child has swollen gums, the common mentality of parents is to worry and buy medicine at home to treat their child. However, this is an absolutely unacceptable action, because if you buy the wrong medicine or use it incorrectly, your child’s swollen gums can become worse. Instead, parents need to:
4.1. Instruct children on proper oral hygiene
Proper oral hygiene seems like a simple task, but it can prevent and reduce swollen gums in children. Parents can instruct their children to clean their teeth thoroughly every day with a soft-bristled toothbrush to avoid damaging the gums, which can minimize the risk of bacteria attacking and causing swollen gums in children.
For children under 3 years old, parents should use a soft gauze wrapped around their index finger and soaked in warm salt water to gently wipe the child’s teeth and gums.
4.2. Take your child to the dentist for examination
Parents should take their child to the doctor if they see that their child’s gums are swollen and may be accompanied by the following conditions:
– The child’s tongue, lips and throat are red and swollen.
– The child has a rash and blisters on other areas of the body.
– Fever higher than 38 degrees Celsius.
When taking your child to the dentist, the doctor will examine the child’s swollen gums. Once the cause of the swelling has been determined, there will be appropriate treatment measures for each different cause. Your doctor may prescribe ibuprofen or acetaminophen to relieve teething pain and prevent mild fever.
Regarding dosage and usage, parents should carefully consult their doctor’s advice before using it. Parents should absolutely not use medication or topical gel without consulting a doctor, because if used incorrectly or incorrectly, it will not only not bring high results but can also cause extremely dangerous consequences for children.
5. How to prevent swollen gums in children
To prevent swollen gums in children, parents should note the following:
– Train children to brush their teeth at least twice a day, especially after each meal, to remove food plaque.
– Encourage children to brush their teeth by giving them a toothbrush and toothpaste with a flavor that they love.
– Replace your child’s toothbrush every 3-4 months to avoid bacteria buildup.
– Maintain a scientific diet for children, supplementing all the necessary vitamins and minerals to help increase resistance to help the child’s body fight harmful bacteria such as fruits and juices from citrus fruits and tomatoes.
– Take your child to the dentist regularly at least every 6 months to ensure that their oral health is checked regularly.
So swollen gums in children is a common condition, parents should not worry too much when they discover that their child has swollen gums, but should determine the cause of swollen gums. If the gums are swollen due to teething, there is no need to worry. However, if not for this reason, parents should take their children to dental facilities for proper examination. Parents can choose BIK International Dental Clinic as a reliable treatment place with a team of doctors with many years of experience in oral health.