What causes dreams about losing teeth? Is it a good or bad omen?

If you have a dream about losing teeth, don’t worry, it’s completely normal. You’re not the only one, 39% of the world’s population has dreamed about losing teeth at least once in their life. Many people believe that dreams are messages that your subconscious wants to send you and each dream will have its own meaning, especially dreams about losing teeth that appear continuously.

1. Reasons why you dream about losing teeth


There are many events and things that cause you to have a dream about losing teeth:

1.1. Personal Loss Causes Dreams About Losing Teeth

One of the most common reasons for dreaming about losing teeth is that you have suffered a major loss or trauma related to something that has great significance in your life. These losses can be emotional, such as losing a job, breaking up with a lover, losing a close friend, or they can also be material losses, such as losing a house, money, or a car.

1.2. Lack of Self-Confidence

Self-confidence is an important and decisive factor when you face challenges in life. When you lose your self-confidence, feeling that you are not respected by others can also cause you to dream about losing teeth.

1.3. You are in a state of stress (Stress)

Stress is a natural and common state for everyone. Most of us do not realize our own level of stress, but dreams can reflect this. When you dream of losing teeth, it shows that you are under more stress than usual.

1.4. You are worried about your life

It is clear that stress and anxiety are often mentioned together, but few people know that they are two completely different states. Anxiety is a condition caused by long-term stress and anxiety and it affects your daily life. Anxiety leads to grinding your teeth while sleeping and that makes you dream about losing teeth.

It is not by chance that our ancestors have a saying: “Teeth and hair are the root of a person”, because physical beauty has always been focused on and has been a top concern for a long time. And in the subconscious of each person there is a secret worry about their appearance, excessive anxiety will be the reason why you see your teeth falling out in your dream.

If you dream about losing teeth, it can also be due to worries about old age. Middle-aged people often fear old age and have certain psychological crises when they get old.

1.5. Big changes appear in your life

Perhaps because everyone loves stability in life, big changes, whether they are good things or planned projects, bring a feeling of excitement. Facing changes such as promotions at work, immigrating to a new country, getting married or having a baby, etc., will make us worry about whether something bad will happen with those new changes. That is the reason for dreams about losing teeth.

1.6. Dreaming about losing teeth can be due to depression

Dreams about losing teeth can be a sign that you are suffering from depression. Depression is a mental illness and will have symptoms such as loneliness, extreme guilt and despair. If dreams about losing teeth appear with great frequency along with unstable psychological manifestations, you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

1.7. Jealousy

Excessive jealousy causes negative energy in you to be suppressed and affects your subconscious, which affects your dreams and makes you dream about losing teeth.

1.8. Poor health

If you neglect your daily health care, do not eat well or exercise to improve your health, your health will decline. Your body is not as healthy as usual, leading to a decrease in the quality of sleep. And dreaming about dreams like teeth falling out is a sign that you should take better care of yourself.

2. What does it mean to dream about teeth falling out without bleeding?


 2.1. Surrounding relationships

If you dream about teeth falling out but without bleeding, it could be a sign of a rift in your relationship, whether it’s a love affair or a family relationship. This is because the dreamer himself has an insecure psychological state and feels unsafe in those relationships.

 2.2. About career and personal finance

Dreaming of teeth falling out without bleeding shows that you are very worried about your job, you may be worried about losing your job or worried that your lie at work will be seen by others.

Not all dreams of teeth falling out without bleeding bring bad omens, if you have such a dream, don’t worry too much because you may soon receive a new investment for your career or a bonus at work.

3. What message does dreaming of teeth falling out with bleeding bring?


Dreaming of losing teeth and bleeding often comes from pressure and deadlocks in work and study, and it is also a prediction that you will soon have to face difficulties in life.

Dreaming of losing teeth and bleeding also reflects the excessive anxiety that is accumulating in you or the fear, confusion and lack of confidence in a relationship or situation.

According to the Greek concept, dreaming of losing teeth and bleeding indicates that a family member or a close friend is seriously ill and may even die.

4. Decoding some other dreams about losing teeth

4.1. Dreaming of losing front teeth

Dreaming of losing front teeth indicates fatigue with things happening in life, and being in a state of complete demoralization. Besides, you also encounter a lot of trouble at work and the worst case is losing your job.

4.2. Dreaming of losing lower front teeth

Dreaming of losing lower front teeth indicates that you or your family members will have health problems. There will also be many arguments in the relationships around you, so pay more attention to the relationships around you so as not to lose important people to you.

4.3. Dreaming of losing upper teeth

Indicating that you will soon encounter difficulties and instability in work and love.

4.4. Dreaming of someone else’s teeth falling out

Indicating that someone in the family is seriously ill or a good omen in terms of money. In addition, if it is a relative, it is very likely that that person will have a negative impact on your life.

4.5. Dreaming of losing 2 teeth

Indicating that good news will come to you and your family soon. It could be a wedding or a married couple who will soon have a baby.

4.6. Dreaming of many teeth falling out at the same time

Predicts that you will be in danger and you should be more careful in your daily life.

5. Decoding dreams about tooth loss from the perspective of dentistry

In addition to signs about the future, family and career. A dream about tooth loss can be a sign that your oral health is having problems and it has been a long time since you last went to the dentist for a dental check-up. Maybe dental diseases are causing you so much pain and discomfort that you are always worried and wondering about it. Therefore, it is completely normal for you to dream about losing teeth.

You should go to the dentist to protect your oral health and help yourself feel more secure. Once your teeth are healthy, the things you encounter in your dreams are certainly not worth worrying about.

The above omens about dreams about losing teeth are for reference only because there is no scientific work to prove them. It is all just a dream, you should focus on taking care of your health and spirit so that dreams about losing teeth cannot cause anxiety and insecurity that affect your life.

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