Transparent and clear dental implant costs – BIK International Dental Clinic

The method of implanting artificial teeth is considered the most optimal choice to replace lost teeth. In which, implanting teeth is the most popular method with the ability to restore both aesthetics and chewing function. With the long-term and outstanding effects that implanting teeth brings, how much does implanting teeth cost is a concern of many people.

1. What is the dental implant method?


Dental implant, also known as Implant transplantation, is a method of implanting an Implant pillar into the jawbone without affecting adjacent teeth. At this time, the Implant pillar acts as a replacement for the lost real tooth root and after a while the jawbone will adhere to the Implant surface. The process of combining the Implant with the jawbone is called “Osteointegration”.  

2. How much does a dental implant cost?

Images before and after implanting teeth

Because the implant tooth consists of 3 main parts, the total cost of implanting teeth will be calculated as follows:

Implant price = (Implant price + Abutment price + Porcelain tooth price) x Number of teeth to be made + Other costs (if any)

In general, the price of implanting teeth is higher than other methods of implanting teeth, but in return, the durability and chewing sensation will be better. The number usually ranges from 19,000,000 – 40,000,000 VND/ 1 tooth. In addition, there may be additional costs for the complete treatment of oral diseases (if any). The above price includes a Titan porcelain crown worth 3.5 million VND on the Implant.

3. Price of porcelain tooth restoration on Implant

The price of dental implants at BIK International Dental Clinic includes the full package. If you want to change to a higher-end porcelain crown, the price is as follows:

4. Why is the cost of dental implants so high?

The cost of dental implants will basically depend on and be affected by the following factors:

4.1. Materials

Currently, no company in Vietnam can produce dental implants. Foreign companies produce Implants and Abutments from high-quality Titanium using modern techniques, so the price of materials is relatively high.

4.2. Modern technology machinery

Implant dentistry requires support from modern machinery and equipment technology specifically for implant placement such as: Implant surgery machine, surgical guide printer, high-tech CT scanner, sterile system according to Ministry of Health standards, etc.

4.3. Complex technical requirements

The expertise and qualifications of the doctor are one of the most important factors determining the success of the implant treatment. Because the dental implant technique is very complicated, it requires doctors to have high skills and rich experience.

5. Images before and after dental implants

Here are some images before and after dental implants of customers at BIK International Dental Clinic:


Customer: H. T. Tung (born 1995) Implanted teeth at BIK International Dental Clinic


Customer: L. T. Hoanh (born in 1959) had implanted teeth at BIK International Dental Clinic

6. Dental Implant Procedure

Dental Implantation must be performed according to the correct procedure to ensure the quality and results of the implantation after completion.

6.1. General examination

The doctor will examine your gums, teeth and health in general to advise on solutions to overcome any dental problems.

6.2. Check your oral health

The doctor will perform a CT scan to check the height, width and porosity of the jawbone. Based on the results, the doctor will plan the treatment and choose the appropriate implant size. In addition, the doctor will also advise whether you need bone grafting before implant placement.

6.3. Oral hygiene and anesthesia

Before performing anesthesia to reduce pain, the doctor will perform oral hygiene steps such as scaling to ensure the oral cavity is completely free of bacteria, avoiding the risk of infection before and after implant placement.

6.4. Tooth extraction or bone grafting (if necessary)

In case the tooth is damaged beyond repair, tooth extraction will be performed first. In the case of long-term tooth loss, bone loss may occur, so the doctor will perform bone grafting. However, after that, it will not be possible to implant the implant immediately but will have to wait for a while. The waiting time for bone grafting is 4-6 months and tooth extraction is 2 months.

6.5. Implant placement

The implant surgery is performed in a strictly sterile environment to avoid infection and the implant will be completed in about 30-60 minutes.

6.6. Waiting for the Implant to integrate with the jawbone

The time for the Implant to integrate with the jawbone is about 3-6 months depending on each person’s condition. During that time, the doctor will schedule the patient for a periodic check-up after 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, etc.

6.7. Taking porcelain tooth impressions

The doctor will take a second X-ray to check the stability of the Implant. If the dental implant has integrated stably, the doctor will take a dental impression to make the porcelain tooth.

6.8. Attaching the porcelain tooth

The doctor will install the Abutment and fix the porcelain tooth onto the previously implanted Implant.

6.9. Regular check-ups

After completing the implant process, the doctor will write an appointment for a regular check-up every 6 months to check and promptly fix any problems that may occur when using dental implants.

7. Doctor answers frequently asked questions

Doctor answers frequently asked questions when using dental implants

7.1. How long does it take to implant a tooth?

In fact, the time to perform the surgery to implant the implant into the jawbone only takes about 20-30 minutes.

After surgery, it is necessary to wait about 2-3 months for the implant to integrate with the jawbone before being able to perform porcelain tooth restoration and complete the implant process

For those who have lost teeth for a long time without intervention, causing the jawbone to deteriorate, they need to go to the dentist so that a specialist can advise on an appropriate treatment plan.

7.2. Does implanting a tooth hurt?

Before inserting the implant into the jawbone, the doctor will anesthetize so there will be no pain during the surgery. However, when the anesthesia wears off, you will feel slight pain in the implant area. This pain usually does not last too long, the pain will gradually decrease within 1 to 2 days if you follow the doctor’s instructions correctly.

7.3. Are dental implants durable? How long do they last?

The lifespan of dental implants depends on many factors, including the surgeon’s skills, diet, age, overall health of the patient, and post-implantation care.

However, normally, dental implants can last up to 20 years, even a lifetime if you know how to take good care of them.

7.4. For those who have lost teeth for a long time and have jawbone loss, can they get dental implants?

For those who have jawbone loss, bone grafting will be used. But it depends on the severity of the bone loss. In this case, please come to BIK International Dental Clinic so that the doctor can examine and assess the level of jawbone loss most accurately.

8. Why should you get dental implants at BIK International Dental Clinic?

Customers with dental implants at BIK DENTAL

BIK International Dental Clinic is one of the leading prestigious dental implant addresses in Ho Chi Minh City, licensed to operate and practice legally by the state. This shows that BIK International Dental Clinic fully meets the requirements of quality and technique, and is capable of providing high-quality, safe and effective dental implant services to customers.

With modern equipment and a team of experienced doctors, BIK International Dental Clinic is committed to using genuine materials and the most advanced treatment processes, ensuring safety when implanting teeth, bringing the best results to customers. At the same time, BIK International Dentistry always complies with regulations and quality control procedures, ensuring that it meets the highest quality standards in the field of dental implants.

Customers can completely trust and use the dental implant service at BIK International Dental Clinic, with a legal operating and practicing license from the state, ensuring the prestige and quality of the service.

9. Payment methods when getting dental implants at BIK International Dental Clinic

Payment methods when getting dental implants at BIK International Dental Clinic are divided into the following forms:

9.1 Payment by credit card

–  Installment payment with 0% interest rate.
–  Linking customers to pay in installments with many banks, extremely convenient when paying: VIB, VP Bank, Sacombank,…
–  Support for opening credit cards at affiliated dental banks
– Customers can pay in installments flexibly according to terms of 03, 06, 09, up to 12 months.
– Receive information when the payment deadline comes.

9.2 Direct payment at the dental clinic

Customers can also choose to pay directly at the dental clinic, this form is divided into 2 installments:

–  Installment 1: When completing the implant placement, the customer will pay in advance the cost of implant placement and abutment

–  Installment 2: When the customer returns to the dental clinic for porcelain tooth restoration, the remaining cost will be paid

Hopefully, the information provided above has answered the question of how much does an implant cost. The total cost of an implant is quite high, but in return, this is a long-term effective solution for tooth loss.

Mỗi phòng khám thuộc hệ thống Nha Khoa Quốc Tế BIK được Sở Y tế các tỉnh thành thẩm định các danh mục kỹ thuật khác nhau. Quý khách sẽ được thực hiện các dịch vụ theo đúng những danh mục kỹ thuật mà Sở Y tế cho phép. Những danh mục khác sẽ được thực hiện tại bệnh viện.
Each clinic in the BIK International Dental System is assessed by the Department of Health of each province and city for different technical categories. You will receive services according to the technical categories permitted by the Department of Health. Other categories will be performed at the hospital..