Top 8 ways to relieve pain when wisdom teeth grow? Which solution is effective?

When wisdom teeth grow, many people often have to deal with a feeling of prolonged and uncomfortable pain. This condition not only affects oral health but also makes it difficult to eat and drink and do daily activities. So how to reduce pain when wisdom teeth grow? In the article below, BIK International Dental Clinic will share with you simple ways to reduce pain when wisdom teeth grow at home.

Causes of pain when wisdom teeth grow

Wisdom teeth, also known as number eight teeth, usually grow after number 7 teeth if there is enough room for them to grow. Everyone has 4 wisdom teeth at the four corners of the jaw, but not everyone has wisdom teeth because they are often deep in the jawbone. While some cases of wisdom teeth grow easily, there are also many cases of wisdom teeth growing that cause pain and discomfort.

Reasons why wisdom teeth grow painfully include that this tooth needs to break through the gum layer to be able to grow, which is enough to cause a burning sensation.

Causes of pain when wisdom teeth grow

In addition, because other teeth have grown and fully developed, there is no more room for wisdom teeth to grow. Therefore, wisdom teeth often grow crooked or press on other teeth, or even get stuck under the gums. All of these situations cause pain during wisdom teeth growth.

When wisdom teeth are stuck under the gums, the gums are susceptible to damage and infection if not properly cleaned. This can lead to problems such as infections, cysts, abscesses, gum disease, etc.

What are the symptoms of wisdom teeth eruption?

The eighth tooth, also known as wisdom teeth, usually erupts when you are between 17 and 25 years old. However, there are cases where wisdom teeth erupt later or do not erupt at all. When wisdom teeth begin to erupt, you may experience the following symptoms:

Swollen gums

Like other teeth, wisdom teeth erupt, causing red and swollen gums. This sign is easily seen on the lower molars with the naked eye. Meanwhile, on the upper molars, you can only feel slight swelling of the gums.


Feeling pain when wisdom teeth erupt is a common phenomenon. The pain often lasts longer and is more severe than when teething normally. The main reason is that the jawbone and tooth structure have been completed, causing the wisdom teeth erupting process to cause a stronger feeling of pain.

Fever, discomfort

When wisdom teeth grow, some people may experience fever, which can be high fever or mild fever, causing fatigue. The pain from wisdom teeth makes eating and drinking difficult, and prolonged fever weakens the body.

Symptoms of wisdom teeth growing


Wisdom teeth growing can cause pain and affect other nerves, leading to headaches, discomfort, and even making it difficult for the patient to sleep.

How many days does it take for wisdom teeth to grow?

Wisdom teeth can cause pain for a few days or for a long time depending on each person’s constitution. This process can take from a few days to a few years for the wisdom teeth to fully grow and develop.

People who experience pain when growing wisdom teeth will go through many different stages, from when the wisdom teeth first appear until they are fully grown.

The time for wisdom teeth to fully grow can last from several months, a year or even several years. During the teething process, you will have to endure the pain caused by wisdom teeth.

How many days does it take for wisdom teeth to grow?

There is no exact answer to how long it takes for wisdom tooth pain to stop, as each person can experience pain from a few days to a month.

Each person can grow from 1 to 4 wisdom teeth, and the pain between teeth can be from 1 to several months apart.

The level of pain when wisdom teeth grow also depends on the position of the tooth. If the wisdom teeth grow in the right position, you may feel pain in the first few episodes. However, if the wisdom teeth grow crookedly, grow underground or grow improperly, the pain will be more severe, accompanied by fever and swollen gums. The time of swollen gums due to wisdom teeth growing will depend on each person’s constitution.

Top 8 ways to relieve pain when wisdom teeth grow?

To reduce the feeling of pain and discomfort when wisdom teeth grow, you can try 8 folk ways to relieve pain when wisdom teeth grow that BIK International Dental Clinic shares below:

How to relieve pain when wisdom teeth grow

Rinse your mouth with salt water

Salt water has the effect of cleaning the mouth, preventing the growth of bacteria and reducing pain when wisdom teeth grow.

According to some studies, salt water also has the ability to kill bacteria. Therefore, rinsing your mouth with salt water regularly will help eliminate harmful bacteria in the mouth.

For best results, you need to mix the salt water properly. Mix a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water, then gargle and hold the water for a few minutes before spitting it out. Repeat this process 2 to 3 times a day for best results.

Applying a tea bag

Using a tea bag is a simple and effective method to relieve pain when wisdom teeth grow. Tea bags contain tannic acid, a powerful anti-inflammatory. You just need to soak the tea bag in water, then put it in the refrigerator. After a few hours, take it out and apply it to the swollen gums caused by wisdom teeth growing.

Applying tea bags to relieve pain when wisdom teeth grow

Using mint leaves

The ingredients of mint leaves contain compounds that help relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Therefore, mint leaves are often used in the production of toothpaste or mouthwash. The method of treating wisdom tooth pain with mint leaves is simple, safe and does not cause dangerous complications.

To perform this method, you need to grind the mint leaves and extract the juice. Then, you can dip cotton into the extract and apply directly to the wisdom tooth area to relieve pain.

Use fresh lemon?

To relieve pain when wisdom teeth grow, you can apply the method of using fresh lemon. This is a simple and easy approach because fresh lemons are easy to buy. You just need to squeeze the juice from a lemon, then soak a cotton ball in the lemon juice and apply it to the painful tooth area at least 2 times a day. Do this continuously for about 3-5 days, you will feel less pain and more comfortable.

Use clove oil

Using clove oil is also an effective method to relieve wisdom tooth pain at home. Clove oil has a great effect in relieving pain, fighting bacteria and helping to reduce the risk of oral infections.

You can apply clove oil directly to the wisdom tooth area or boil it to create a pain-relieving solution.

Use cajeput essential oil

To relieve pain when wisdom teeth grow, many people have applied the method of using tea tree essential oil. Tea tree oil contains antibacterial ingredients, so before using it, you need to dilute tea tree oil with water before applying it to your teeth.

Besides, you can also combine tea tree oil with coconut oil, then apply it directly to the painful wisdom tooth area. To avoid swallowing this mixture, be careful when using it and rinse your mouth thoroughly with clean water after treatment.

Cajeput essential oil helps relieve pain when wisdom teeth grow

Using garlic and ginger

Garlic and ginger are not only two popular ingredients in cooking, they also have very good antibacterial properties. In addition, garlic also has anti-inflammatory effects. When combined, these two ingredients can become an effective method to treat wisdom teeth pain.

The best way to use garlic and ginger to relieve pain when wisdom teeth grow is to crush the mixture, then apply it to a patch and stick it on the gum area.

Using onions

Onions are an effective way to relieve pain when wisdom teeth grow. You can refer to the method of treating pain with onions! Onions have very strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, helping to kill bacteria in the mouth, while preventing tooth decay and bleeding gums. Just chew onions until they smell pungent.

Note: In case of prolonged pain, you should visit your dentist for a check-up and specific advice. The dentist will give appropriate advice, helping you know whether your wisdom teeth need to be kept or extracted.

Should you relieve pain when wisdom teeth grow at home? Which solution is suitable?

Should you relieve pain when wisdom teeth grow at home?

In fact, the 8 methods of relieving pain when wisdom teeth grow that BIK International Dental Clinic has mentioned are folk remedies passed down from grandparents. These methods only provide temporary pain relief, if used excessively or overdosed, it can be harmful to oral health. When experiencing pain in the wisdom tooth area, it is best to go to the dentist for timely advice and treatment. Because the location of the wisdom tooth contains many nerves, applying pain relief measures at home is not always safe and can cause complications.

Should I relieve pain when my wisdom tooth grows?

Should wisdom teeth be extracted when in pain?

When the body begins to show signs of fatigue and weakness, this shows that the internal immune system is declining, at this time you should not arbitrarily extract wisdom teeth. Instead, you should go to the dentist for timely advice and treatment from experts.

Especially in cases where wisdom teeth grow in the wrong position, grow crookedly or cause pain and other health problems, wisdom teeth extraction is a necessary option recommended by doctors.

Wisdom teeth are not important for chewing and do not affect the beauty of the smile. Wisdom teeth extraction is not dangerous and does not harm your overall health. However, the decision to extract wisdom teeth or not should be made after consulting a professional dentist.

If your wisdom teeth are not causing any problems and are not painful, keeping them is the best option. However, if your wisdom teeth are causing pain, bacteria, or affecting the surrounding teeth, wisdom tooth extraction may be the last resort to keep your oral health in the best condition.


In this article, we have learned about what wisdom teeth are, the symptoms of wisdom teeth eruption, and how to relieve pain when wisdom teeth erupt at home. Wisdom teeth eruption can cause a lot of discomfort and pain, however, through simple and natural pain relief methods, you can effectively reduce this pain.

Applying pain relief measures when wisdom teeth erupt at home should only be done when you feel mild pain and do not have a serious infection. In case of prolonged pain or signs of infection, you should visit and receive treatment at a professional dentist. Please contact hotline 19008015 for advice and examination of your wisdom tooth pain.

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