Top 8 Effective Ways to Treat Dental Abscesses at Home

Tooth abscess is a common disease today. If not treated promptly, the disease can cause serious complications such as inflammation, tooth loosening or even tooth loss. To promptly prevent these dangerous complications, let’s learn about common signs as well as some ways to treat tooth abscess at home in the following article with BIK International Dental Clinic!

Treat tooth abscess at home

1. What is a tooth abscess?

A tooth abscess or an abscessed tooth is a condition in which a pus pocket can form in different parts of the tooth due to bacterial infection. When a patient has a tooth abscess, they will experience pain ranging from mild to severe, in some cases it can spread to the ear or neck.

If not treated promptly, abscessed teeth can become more serious, threatening the health and even life of the patient.

What is a tooth abscess

2. Causes and classification of dental abscesses

Some common causes of dental abscesses include:

– Improper oral care and hygiene habits.

– External impacts causing trauma or impact to the face or mouth.

– Complications during dental procedures.

Dental abscesses can be divided into three common types based on the location of appearance:

– Periapical abscess

– Periodontal abscess

– Gingival abscess

Apical abscess

3. Signs of tooth abscess

To recognize tooth abscess, patients can rely on some of the following common signs:

– When chewing, the tooth feels sensitive and painful.

– The gums are swollen, changing from the original light pink color to a darker red color.

– There are aches and pains around the pus pocket, especially when lying down, it will cause severe pain.

– Lymph nodes form in the neck and under the jaw.

– The cheek on the side of the abscess shows signs of swelling.

– Bad breath, unpleasant odor.

Signs of a tooth abscess

4. Ways to treat a tooth abscess at home

How to treat a tooth abscess is a top concern. In addition to following the dentist’s treatment instructions, patients can apply some of the following home remedies:

4.1. Cold compress

Cold compress is one of the ways to help reduce toothache, gum pain and swelling. The correct way to apply cold compresses at home:

– Use a clean, dry towel, place a few ice cubes in it and wrap it up.

– Apply the ice-wrapped towel to the outside of the damaged area.

– This method can be used for a period of 15 minutes.

– Cold compresses can be repeated several times a day.

Cold compress to treat tooth abscess at home

4.2. Using baking soda

Using baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, which has antibacterial properties, is a popular choice to treat tooth abscess. How to use baking soda:

– Dilute ½ teaspoon of baking soda with ½ cup of water and add a little salt.

– Hold the solution in your mouth for about 3 to 5 minutes.

– Spit it out and continue repeating the process until you have used up all the diluted solution.

– This method should only be repeated a maximum of twice a day to avoid enamel erosion.

Baking soda cures tooth abscess at home

4.3. Using curry grass

This is also a tip to reduce tooth abscess, because curry grass has good antibacterial properties, often used to reduce inflammation and heal wounds at home. Patients can use curry grass in the following way three times a day as follows:

– Take a quantity of curry tea in boiling water and stir well.

– Let the mixture cool.

– Use a cotton swab to soak in the mixture and apply a small amount to the area with tooth abscess.

Curry grass cures tooth abscess

4.4. Gargle with salt water

Gargle with salt water is a popular and affordable way to temporarily relieve the pain of tooth abscess and other symptoms. Gargling with salt water is very good for oral health and can speed up the recovery process of teeth. Treat tooth abscess with salt water in the following way:

– Patients can buy pre-mixed saline solution at the pharmacy or can mix ½ teaspoon of salt with ½ cup of warm water, stir until the mixture dissolves completely.

– Hold the mixed salt water in your mouth and try to gargle for at least two minutes.

– You can rinse your mouth again with clean water.

– Gargle with salt water up to 3 times a day.

Gargle with salt water

4.5. Use Oregano essential oil

Oregano oil is an essential oil extracted from Oregano (Oregano), a famous aromatic herb in Italy, which patients can buy at health food stores.

Oregano oil has good antibacterial and antioxidant properties and can be used to reduce inflammation and pain symptoms when suffering from tooth abscess. Oregano essential oil can be used as follows:

– Dilute Oregano oil with the special solvent that comes with the purchase.

– Drop a few drops of the solution onto a cotton ball or cotton swab.

– Apply cotton wool or cotton swabs to the abscessed area for two to three minutes.

– Use Oregano essential oil two to three times a day.

Oregano essential oil for tooth abscess treatment

4.6. Using garlic

Garlic is not only a familiar ingredient in every family’s kitchen, but garlic also has the ability to effectively treat tooth abscesses. Because garlic has hot properties and anti-inflammatory, anti-swelling, and antibacterial properties. In addition, garlic also contains a component called Allicin and sulfur compounds that help fight inflammation and speed up the wound healing process.

How to use garlic to treat tooth abscess:

– Step 1: Take a clove of garlic, peel and crush it.

– Step 2: Use crushed garlic and rub it directly on the infected area, can be used regularly to achieve the best results.

Garlic to treat tooth abscess at home

4.7. Using clove essential oil

Cloves have long been proven to be effective in antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Therefore, patients can use clove essential oil to treat tooth abscesses at home:

– Take about 4 to 5 drops of clove essential oil mixed with coconut oil or olive oil.

– Use a cotton swab to absorb the solution. Then, apply the cotton swab directly to the area of ​​the tooth abscess.

Clove essential oil to treat tooth abscess

4.8. Using Hydrogen peroxide

This is a type of antiseptic solution commonly used in medicine. Therefore, when encountering a tooth abscess, patients can use Hydrogen peroxide to improve:

– Dilute the Hydrogen peroxide solution with a little clean water.

– Use this solution to rinse your mouth. Note that you must absolutely not swallow the solution during the process.

In addition, patients can combine baking soda with Hydrogen peroxide in a 2:1 ratio. Then, apply the mixture directly to the tooth abscess.

Use hydrogen peroxide

So tooth abscess is a relatively dangerous disease with symptoms such as swollen and inflamed gums, painful and uncomfortable pain, bad breath, etc. In addition to the treatment instructions of the dentist, patients can apply some of the above ways to reduce the condition of abscesses at home. However, patients should not be subjective, but as soon as the pain tends to increase or does not subside, they should immediately go to a dental facility for treatment. BIK International Dental Clinic is a reputable dental address for treating tooth abscesses with a team of experienced doctors so that customers can completely trust in it.

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Each clinic in the BIK International Dental System is assessed by the Department of Health of each province and city for different technical categories. You will receive services according to the technical categories permitted by the Department of Health. Other categories will be performed at the hospital..