Top 11 Ways to Cure Tooth Decay at Home Effectively and Immediately

Tooth decay is a fairly common oral disease that can occur at any age, the main cause of which is excessive consumption of foods high in sugar and starch, combined with improper oral hygiene, causing bacteria to grow and develop strongly. The feeling of pain and discomfort when having tooth decay is inevitable and you can apply some ways to treat tooth decay at home to feel more comfortable immediately.

1. Treat tooth decay at home with salt water

Salt is not only an indispensable spice in every family’s meals, but also has effective antiseptic and disinfectant effects, so it is often used to treat oral diseases. Salt water solution is the best choice for people with tooth decay, helping to effectively reduce toothache and sensitivity. In addition, salt water can also help limit bacteria from attacking more strongly, reduce swelling and pain as well as enhance the body’s ability to heal.

You should dilute 2-3 teaspoons of salt with warm water and use it to rinse your mouth 2-3 times a day. Each time for about 15 minutes and do it persistently until you see clear results.

Treat tooth decay at home with salt water

2. Treat tooth decay at home with ice cubes

Applying ice cubes is one of the simplest and fastest ways to support the treatment of tooth decay at home. Ice with low temperature will paralyze the sensory nerves, thereby quickly reducing toothache.

Note that you should not apply ice directly to the cheek area with toothache because ice that is too cold will cause discomfort and will not be very effective. Instead, you should place the ice cubes in the palm of the hand on the same side as the toothache area and rub the ice cubes in the space between the index finger and thumb for about 7 minutes or until there is a feeling of numbness in this area.

Treat tooth decay with ice

3. How to treat tooth decay at home with guava leaves

Guava leaves are a familiar ingredient to almost everyone, but few people know that guava leaves can also be used to treat tooth decay simply at home. Guava leaves have an astringent taste and contain astringents with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which can make the gums stronger, thereby reducing toothache.

Patients just need to crush about a handful of guava leaves with salt and warm water, squeeze out the juice and use a cotton ball soaked in guava leaf juice to apply to the painful cavity area. You should do this every day before going to bed for best results.

Treat tooth decay at home with guava leaves

4. Treat tooth decay at home with ginger and garlic

Ginger and garlic are both familiar ingredients available in every family’s kitchen. They have high anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, so they can be used to effectively treat tooth decay at home. The active ingredients in garlic and ginger have the ability to reduce pain and inhibit the growth of tooth decay bacteria effectively. Specifically, the active ingredient allicin in garlic has strong antibacterial properties, helping to quickly relieve tooth decay pain.

To treat tooth decay with these two ingredients, you crush ginger and garlic in a 1:1 ratio, you can add a little salt. After pounding, add a little water to dilute the mixture, soak a cotton ball in the water and apply directly to the painful cavity. You should persistently apply this home remedy for tooth decay at least 2-3 times a day to see the effect.

Treat tooth decay at home with ginger and garlic

5. Simple way to treat tooth decay at home with betel leaves

Since ancient times, betel leaves have been used quite a lot in folk medicine with their excellent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, betel leaves are also an ingredient used to treat tooth decay very effectively.
Patients need to crush betel leaves with a few grains of salt and mix with a cup of white wine. Leave for about 10 minutes to settle, then decant the clear liquid, use cotton to absorb the water and apply to the cavity for about 5 minutes. Then rinse your mouth thoroughly with clean water. Treating tooth decay with betel leaves should be done persistently for a long time to bring the highest efficiency.

Treating tooth decay with betel leaves at home

6. How to treat tooth decay at home with green tea leaves

Green tea is effective in treating tooth decay at home thanks to the catechin flour, amino acid L-theanine, tannin, vitamins and minerals. Green tea leaves are one of the top ingredients for antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, effective against biochemical effects and help gums become stronger.

There are two ways to treat tooth decay with green tea leaves as follows:

– Use green tea leaves to boil water to drink or gargle daily to help stimulate the protein enamel layer to inhibit the growth of bacteria and limit pain. You just need to wash the tea leaves, crush the leaves and boil, let cool and then drink or gargle for 2-3 minutes. Do this at least 2-3 times a day.

– Chew the tea leaves directly when the pain appears for about 5 minutes.

Treat tooth decay at home with green tea leaves

7. How to treat tooth decay at home with mint

Mint is a type of leaf that is quite easy to find and has the effect of supporting the treatment of tooth decay at home. This ingredient has a spicy taste, causing mild anesthesia to help relieve pain quickly. The antibacterial active ingredients in mint will also kill bacteria, helping to reduce and eliminate tooth decay symptoms.

You can apply the following ways to treat tooth decay with mint leaves:

– Use about 20 fresh mint leaves, soak and wash them in warm water. Blend them with 200ml of water and then strain the juice. Gargle with mint water after cleaning your teeth at least 3 times a day to help treat tooth decay.

– Chew 2-4 mint leaves when you have a toothache until the leaves secrete juice covering the painful area, rinse your mouth with warm water after 10 minutes.

– Soak 1 teaspoon of dried mint leaves in a cup of boiling water for about 20 minutes, wait for the water to cool down and then use it to rinse your mouth, you can spit it out or swallow it.

Mint leaves support tooth decay treatment

8. How to cure tooth decay at home with areca wine

This is a method of treating tooth decay that has been used for a long time because areca wine is spicy, astringent and contains a large amount of substances such as Tannic, Galic Acid, Ligin, … which can limit the growth of harmful bacteria in the oral cavity that cause tooth decay. The concentration of alcohol combined with areca nuts will have strong antiseptic properties and at the same time make teeth stronger, so it is very good for those who have tooth decay.

You can apply this method of treating tooth decay at home by following these steps:

– Step 1: Separate the seeds of about 20 – 25 fresh areca nuts and wash them.

– Step 2: Split the areca nuts into 2 or 4 parts and put them in a glass jar, pour white wine over the areca nuts in a ratio of 1:3.

– Step 3: Spread the areca nuts evenly and cover the jar tightly, soak in wine for about 30 days before using.

– Step 4: Hold a little areca wine in your mouth for about 3-5 minutes, then rinse your mouth with clean water, apply 1-2 times a day.

Treat tooth decay with areca wine

9. How to treat tooth decay at home with cloves

Cloves contain Eugenol, a natural anesthetic compound that effectively relieves toothache. Not only that, this ingredient also has strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that help prevent tooth and gum infections.

You can apply this method of treating tooth decay at home with cloves by using a cotton ball soaked in clove essential oil and placing it directly on the painful tooth area. If essential oils are not available, patients can chew dried cloves and hold them in the painful cavity for about 30 minutes. Crushing the cloves helps them release the essential oils inside, which effectively relieves toothache.

Cloves help reduce tooth decay at home

10. How to treat tooth decay at home with aloe vera

Aloe vera has always been known for its wonderful beauty benefits. However, very few people know that this ingredient can also be used to effectively support the treatment of oral diseases, especially tooth decay.

Experts say that aloe vera acts as a natural antibacterial agent that helps kill bacteria that cause tooth decay effectively and quickly. This method is quite simple, you just need to apply aloe vera gel directly to the painful area and gently massage until the pain subsides.

Aloe vera supports treating tooth decay at home

11. How to treat tooth decay at home with guava leaves

Gingava leaves contain phytosterols, tannins, flavonoids,… with antibacterial properties, effectively reducing inflammation symptoms. From there, it can also improve symptoms of tooth decay such as bad breath, red and swollen gums,…

You can use guava leaves in the following ways to effectively treat tooth decay at home:

– Use about 1 handful of young guava leaves, grind them with sea salt water and filtered water. Use a sieve to filter the water and use this mixture to rinse your mouth every day. On the first day, gargle every 4 hours, from the 2nd day onwards, gargle twice a day.

– Wash the young betel leaves, soak in salt for 15 minutes. Put about 5-7 leaves in a pot and boil with about half a liter of water. When the water boils, turn down the heat and continue to boil until it is reduced to a small bowl. Take the water to gargle and gargle every morning and evening for 1 week.

– Crush a few young betel leaves with salt and squeeze out the juice. Use the juice to gargle for about 15 minutes, then spit it out and gargle with warm water. Apply twice a day.

Tips to treat tooth decay with guava leaves

So you can apply the home remedies for tooth decay that BIK International Dental Clinic has summarized above to reduce the feeling of discomfort and pain when attacked by bacteria. However, to completely overcome cavities and prevent them from recurring, you need to go to a reputable dental facility for examination and advice on implementing specialized tooth decay treatment measures.

Mỗi phòng khám thuộc hệ thống Nha Khoa Quốc Tế BIK được Sở Y tế các tỉnh thành thẩm định các danh mục kỹ thuật khác nhau. Quý khách sẽ được thực hiện các dịch vụ theo đúng những danh mục kỹ thuật mà Sở Y tế cho phép. Những danh mục khác sẽ được thực hiện tại bệnh viện.
Each clinic in the BIK International Dental System is assessed by the Department of Health of each province and city for different technical categories. You will receive services according to the technical categories permitted by the Department of Health. Other categories will be performed at the hospital..