The Most Effective Ways to Relieve Wisdom Tooth Decay Pain

Tooth decay is not a rare phenomenon. There are many reasons for wisdom teeth to decay, but the main cause is that wisdom teeth are not cleaned thoroughly every day, causing plaque and bacteria to appear and attack the teeth. So how to relieve pain from wisdom teeth? Let’s find out with BIK International Dentistry through the article below!

1. Are wisdom teeth dangerous?

The phenomenon of wisdom teeth growing has no functional significance in the jaw cavity. Wisdom teeth have a negative impact on oral health, especially in the case of wisdom teeth number 8 decay, the patient is also at risk of facing the following complications:

– The phenomenon of severe pain appears, difficulty opening the mouth and affecting daily chewing function.

– Tooth decay bacteria attack the tooth body, it can follow the soft pulp and spread to the jawbone and surrounding gums. In the worst case, it can lead to necrosis.

– Tooth decay can spread to important chewing teeth and adjacent teeth, causing damage. If the patient leaves it untreated for too long, the tooth decay can damage the healthy teeth next to it. At this time, the doctor will remove those teeth.

In addition to cavities, wisdom teeth can grow crooked, grow in the opposite direction, grow underground and affect the jawbone structure and surrounding teeth. Therefore, in most cases of wisdom teeth growth, doctors recommend not to maintain it on the jaw.

Is wisdom tooth decay dangerous?

2. Causes of wisdom tooth decay

Wisdom teeth, also known as molars in position number 3 or also known as number 8 teeth, usually grow between the ages of 18 and 25. Wisdom tooth decay is a fairly common condition today. The reason is that the teeth grow in the back, so it is difficult to clean the teeth every day. In addition, wisdom teeth are located next to teeth with important chewing functions, so food is often easily stuck, causing tooth decay.

Because they are located in the back, when cleaning the teeth, it is often difficult to clean the wisdom teeth completely. Plaque that is not removed over time will become tartar. Harmful bacteria in plaque and tartar are the main cause of wisdom tooth decay. The gum area in this position is also at high risk of inflammation, causing painful and uncomfortable pain.

Causes of wisdom tooth decay

3. Signs of wisdom tooth decay

Wisdom tooth decay often has a few easily recognizable signs including:

– Wisdom tooth pain: The pain appears more and more continuously and intermittently even when the tooth is not affected from the outside.

– Teeth become sensitive: Patients often feel pain or sensitivity when eating cold, sweet or sour foods.

– Wisdom tooth color changes: This is a sign that is easier to observe in lower wisdom teeth than in upper wisdom teeth. At this time, the tooth shows signs of gray, brown or black spots on the tooth surface.

– Bad breath: When you have cavities, bacteria will form holes on the tooth surface. Tooth food will get stuck and the wisdom tooth area will be difficult to clean every day. This is the reason why cavities become a breeding ground for bacteria and cause bad breath for the patient.

Signs of wisdom tooth decay

4. Ways to relieve wisdom tooth pain at home

Currently, there are many ways to relieve wisdom tooth pain at home as well as at dental facilities. However, home pain relief measures can only relieve pain but cannot completely treat this disease. Therefore, when discovering wisdom tooth decay, patients can apply home remedies if they cannot go to the dentist immediately.

4.1. Use ice cubes

When wisdom teeth are swollen and painful, patients can use ice cubes to relieve pain. This method is very simple, the patient needs to take a few ice cubes and wrap them in a towel, then apply them to the swollen and painful area. The cold temperature of the ice can numb the affected area, making the patient feel less pain, soothe and reduce inflammation.

4.2. Use tea bags

Tea is an ingredient that contains many ingredients that are good for health, especially the ability to fight oxidation, inflammation, and bacteria very effectively. To perform this method, mix hot water with a tea bag, then do not take out the tea bag but put the whole cup in the refrigerator. When the tea has cooled, take the tea bag and place it on the swollen and painful gums to relieve pain and reduce inflammation.

Using tea bags to relieve pain from decayed wisdom teeth

4.3. Gargle with salt water

Gargle with salt water is one of the measures that dental experts recommend doing at home to protect teeth as well as prevent toothaches. Salt water is known for its antiseptic properties, killing bacteria, removing plaque or cleaning the oral cavity.

The method is to simply mix a cup of warm water, add 2 teaspoons of salt and stir until the mixture dissolves. Then, you can gargle with the mixture for 30 seconds or longer. Do this regularly during the day to relieve toothache.

Relieve pain by rinsing with salt water

4.4. Use mint

Mint is one of the ingredients that effectively relieves pain from wisdom teeth. Because mint has the ability to anesthetize, it helps to relieve pain and eliminate bacteria that cause infection. In addition, mint also brings a fresh, natural aroma that makes the patient feel more comfortable.

There are two methods to apply mint to the teeth. Patients can use fresh mint leaves and apply them to the painful area for about 20 minutes to relieve pain and swelling. If you do not use fresh leaves, you can take mint extract and soak it in a cotton swab to apply to the painful and swollen area. Do this for a few minutes to relieve the pain.

Mint helps relieve pain from decayed wisdom teeth

4.5. Use garlic

Garlic contains many ajoene compounds, so it has high antibacterial properties. Garlic will help kill bacteria and reduce pain caused by wisdom teeth. Patients can take 1 crushed garlic clove and rub it on the painful tooth and around the gums. This method should be used 2 to 3 times a day to relieve the pain.

5. How to relieve wisdom tooth pain at the dentist

Depending on the condition of the wisdom tooth decay, doctors will apply effective treatment measures. Patients should go to dental facilities early for proper examination, because if left for a long time, it can cause serious complications and even tooth extraction. Here are some methods to treat wisdom tooth decay:

– Use Fluoride gel: This is a measure applied to cases of tooth decay in the early stages. Doctors use Fluoride gel to enhance the ability to support tooth enamel. Thereby, increasing the ability to resist acid from plaque, effectively reducing tooth decay.

– Tooth filling: When the wisdom tooth has cavities but has not yet attacked the pulp, the doctor will clean the bacteria and then start filling it with commonly used dental materials.

– Root canal treatment: When the bacteria from tooth decay have penetrated the pulp, the doctor will proceed to fill the pulp. Because it contains many blood vessels and nerves, this method will cause pain and discomfort when performed.

– Tooth extraction: When the patient’s tooth decay is too severe, the above measures cannot be applied and there is a risk of spreading to the adjacent teeth, the doctor will be forced to extract the tooth. This helps prevent tooth decay from being detected and protects the patient’s oral health.

Filling to relieve pain from decayed wisdom teeth

6. How to prevent wisdom teeth from decaying

To prevent wisdom teeth from decaying, you should note the following:

– Brush your teeth at least twice a day, especially after each meal, to remove food plaque and avoid tartar formation.

– Replace your toothbrush every 3-4 months to avoid bacteria accumulating and causing wisdom teeth decay.

– Use appropriate toothpaste to help keep teeth strong.

– Combine dental floss to remove food debris between teeth, be careful to avoid damaging the gums.

– Maintain a scientific diet, supplement with all the necessary vitamins and minerals to help increase resistance to help the body fight against bacteria that cause tooth decay.

– Avoid eating and drinking foods high in sugar or starch because they are easily converted into tartar.

– Visit the dentist regularly at least every 6 months to ensure that your oral health is checked regularly.

Proper oral hygiene

So wisdom tooth decay is a disease that comes from the cause of wisdom teeth not being cleaned thoroughly, causing plaque to appear, thereby causing tooth decay. If not treated promptly, the patient may face serious complications, so you can apply ways to relieve pain from wisdom tooth decay at home first. However, to completely treat tooth decay and stop the pain completely, patients can choose BIK International Dental Clinic as a reputable treatment place with a team of specialized and experienced doctors.

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Each clinic in the BIK International Dental System is assessed by the Department of Health of each province and city for different technical categories. You will receive services according to the technical categories permitted by the Department of Health. Other categories will be performed at the hospital..