Some Effective Ways to Treat Loose Teeth at Home

Some Effective Ways to Treat Loose Teeth at Home
Some Effective Ways to Treat Loose Teeth at Home

Loose teeth are a fairly common condition caused by many different reasons. In general, to reduce pain and support stronger teeth, you can still do some ways to treat loose teeth at home. However, to completely fix loose teeth, patients need to go to the dentist for examination, find the cause and apply appropriate treatment methods.

1. Why are teeth loose?

Why are teeth loose?
Why are teeth loose?

Teeth loose can be due to the following reasons:

  1.1. Periodontal disease

Periodontal disease is one of the most common oral diseases and is the leading cause of loose teeth. Periodontal disease is actually a more severe progression of common gingivitis that is not treated immediately. At this time, the gums can be pulled away from the teeth, creating conditions for bacteria to form and develop into pus pockets that cause infection.

If it is still not detected and treated promptly, bacteria will attack and destroy connective tissue and the teeth will definitely become loose. Some symptoms of periodontal disease include: red and swollen gums, receding gums, bleeding gums, bone loss, bad breath, etc.

  1.2. Strong impact

Another cause of loose teeth can be due to some unexpected situations such as accidents, slipping and falling, etc., which seriously affect the periodontal ligament system. In addition, any strong external force such as biting something too hard, being hit, etc. will also cause the enamel to wear away, the teeth to gradually weaken and become loose.

  1.3. Tooth decay

Sầu răng
Tooth decay

If tooth decay is not treated promptly, bacteria will attack deep into the tooth pulp, causing inflammation of the pulp tissue and leading to a tooth root abscess. This is also one of the common causes of tooth loosening.

  1.4. Due to age

For the elderly, the body’s ability to reproduce and regenerate bones is reduced, so this is also a major cause of loose teeth because the jaw bone density will gradually decrease over time.

The thinning or loss of jaw bone will cause the tooth root support to become loose. If treated promptly, teeth can be completely restored to a certain extent. However, in cases where there is no proper intervention, osteoporosis in the elderly can also cause jaw bone necrosis and permanent tooth loss.

  1.5. Pregnant women

During pregnancy, estrogen and progesterone levels in women naturally increase dramatically. This change adversely affects the tissues and bones that support the teeth.

Not only that, the blood vessels under the gums of pregnant women are easily stimulated, making the gums more sensitive and red than usual. This will create favorable conditions for bacteria to attack, causing oral diseases and loosening teeth.

2. How to treat loose teeth?

How to treat loose teeth?
How to treat loose teeth?

For each specific case, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment method to bring the best results:

  2.1. In case of loose teeth due to external impact

In case of loose teeth due to chewing hard objects, you may feel pain for a few days and then the teeth will recover to their original strength without much impact. You just need to pay attention to implementing a proper oral care regimen to avoid bacteria taking advantage of the sensitive teeth to attack and cause other oral diseases.

  2.2. In case of loose teeth due to periodontitis

In case of loose teeth due to gingivitis or periodontitis, you need to go to the dentist to have your teeth scaled first to remove plaque, which is the environment where disease-causing bacteria exist. After that, the doctor will prescribe medical treatments to help the teeth recover gradually. When the inflammation is gone, the gums will hug the tooth roots tightly and help the teeth become strong and healthy again.

  2.3. In case of loose teeth due to tooth decay

When the tooth has cavities, especially when the cavities have spread deep into the pulp causing the tooth to become loose, root canal treatment should be performed as soon as possible. Once the infected pulp is completely removed, the tooth will gradually recover and become less loose. However, if the pulpitis is too severe to preserve the tooth, the doctor will recommend tooth extraction to avoid causing inflammation of the alveolar bone.

Once the tooth has been extracted, the patient can choose to have a porcelain bridge or implant placed to restore aesthetics as well as normal chewing ability.

  2.4. In case of loose teeth due to bone loss

If the jaw bone loss in the elderly causes loose teeth, the doctor will take some measures to supplement the missing bone or brace the teeth. Both of these methods require time to recover and be sure.

3. How to treat loose teeth at home

Here are some effective folk remedies to treat loose teeth at home::

  3.1. Treat loose teeth with sea salt

Treat loose teeth with sea salt
Treat loose teeth with sea salt

How to treat loose teeth at home with sea salt

Salt is an ingredient in every family’s kitchen, not only is it an indispensable spice, salt also has antibacterial, antiseptic, and effective pain-reducing effects. In cases of loose teeth due to gingivitis, tooth decay, etc., salt will help relieve pain, eliminate bacteria and effectively improve the condition of loose teeth.

How to do it:

   –   Mix 500ml of warm water with 2 teaspoons of salt.

–   Use this solution to rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth every day.

–   You need to do it consistently for 1-2 weeks to see clear results.

  3.2. How to treat loose teeth at home with ripe mango

How to treat loose teeth at home with ripe mango
How to treat loose teeth at home with ripe mango

Mango is a benign fruit, has the effect of supporting the treatment of many diseases but few people know about it. In particular, mango peel has a cooling effect that helps stop bleeding and is diuretic, so it is used to support the treatment of diseases such as toothache, intestinal bleeding, and worms, etc.

How to do it:

– Roughly scrape off the outer skin of the mango and then chop it into small pieces.

– Boil the chopped mango peel with filtered water in a 1:1 ratio over a low heat.

– Pour the mango peel water into a glass bottle, mix with white wine in a 3:1 ratio.

– Use 1 small cup of the above mixture each time, hold it in your mouth for about 10 minutes and then spit it out.

3.3. Treat loose teeth with garlic

Treat loose teeth with garlic
Treat loose teeth with garlic

Garlic is known as a “miracle drug” that effectively overcomes the phenomenon of loose teeth. Because this is a mild antibiotic ingredient, it also has anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve pain and especially effectively treat loose teeth due to tooth decay and pulpitis.

How to do it:

– Crush the washed garlic.

– After cleaning the loose tooth area, apply the crushed garlic.

– Do it every day for effective results

3.4. Using bottle gourd to treat loose teeth

Using bottle gourd to treat loose teeth
Using bottle gourd to treat loose teeth

Bottle gourd is not only a fruit that provides high nutrition but is also a precious medicine in Oriental medicine that can be used in all parts from the seeds to the pulp.

How to do it:

– Dry the bottle gourd shell dry and use to make water to drink every day.

– Or use dried squash seeds, boil with filtered water and gargle every day.

4. Prevent loose teeth

Prevent loose teeth
Prevent loose teeth

To prevent loose teeth, you can proactively note the following:

– Brush your teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush at least twice a day, especially after eating.

– Choose toothpaste containing fluoride to help strengthen teeth.
–  Combine the use of dental floss and mouthwash to clean the oral cavity as well as food debris in between the teeth.

–  Maintain a nutritious diet, rich in calcium and vitamins to increase resistance against disease-causing bacteria.

–  Visit the dentist every 6 months.

So some ways to treat loose teeth at home are generally quite simple and easy to do. However, the above measures only help to partially overcome the condition of loose teeth and at the same time support pain relief when infected. Patients who want to completely treat still need to go to a reputable dentist to be examined and advised on appropriate options.

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