Signs of broken braces and solutions

Broken braces are an undesirable situation during the orthodontic treatment process. So, what are the signs of broken braces? How to fix this situation? Let’s explore the detailed information with BIK International Dental Clinic in the article below.

What are broken braces?

We choose the method of braces with the hope of improving the aesthetic problem of teeth. Braces bring many benefits, helping to increase confidence in life. However, there are cases of broken braces, wasting customers’ time and effort. So what are broken braces?

Broken braces occur when the braces process has problems due to many different reasons, leading to unexpected results, even making the teeth worse.

In the current market, there are many cases of broken braces due to subjective and objective factors. When we decide to have braces, we commit to this process for a long time. However, just a few small factors can ruin the entire process and effort we have put in.

Signs of broken braces

What are the signs of broken braces? When braces are broken, there are obvious signs, but there are also quite faint signs, making it difficult for us to identify. This makes it difficult to find the right solution. If you are wearing braces and do not know how to recognize the signs of broken braces, the following article will provide you with some detailed information on this issue:…

Gummy smile and inward teeth

Incorrect braces can lead to crooked teeth, deep bite and exposed gums. The cause is due to incorrect dental adjustment, causing the teeth in the two jaws to move unevenly. Gradually, the teeth will become deformed and uneven.

Teeth not improving

After a long time wearing braces, if you do not see any improvement in your teeth, it is definitely a sign of unsuccessful braces. This is one of the most recognizable signs to realize that the braces process is not achieving the expected results.

Gum recession

Gum recession occurs frequently in people who have had braces incorrectly. This is due to incorrect braces technique. When gums recede, you will feel your teeth are bland and painful when eating and drinking. If not treated promptly, bacteria can penetrate the gums and cause periodontal disease.

Dead pulp

Dead pulp can also be dangerous when braces are not done properly. The doctor may apply too much force, damaging the blood vessels that supply nutrients to the tooth pulp. Signs of dead pulp include discoloration, brittleness, and easy cracking.

Causes of failed braces

Here are the main causes of failed braces:

Choosing a poor quality dental clinic

Having braces is a complicated procedure that requires the skill of the doctor and the quality of the equipment. If you choose an unreliable dental clinic, you may encounter a doctor who does not have the necessary skills and poor quality equipment. This can lead to problems such as:

  • Inaccurate initial diagnosis leading to ineffective treatment.
  • Improper orthodontic techniques that do not improve teeth.
  • Outdated orthodontic technology and equipment that do not ensure oral health safety.

Improper oral care

Improper oral care can also damage braces, for example:

  • Failure to follow instructions on maintaining your braces after braces can cause teeth to shift.
  • Improper brushing can cause bleeding gums and gum disease.
  • Not using interdental brushes, water flossers or dental floss to properly care for your teeth can cause food to accumulate between your teeth and harmful bacteria to grow.
  • Using food that is too hot, too cold or contains stimulants during the braces process.
  • Not going to the dentist for check-ups and treatment on time is also a reason why braces are damaged.

How to fix broken braces

Depending on the specific situation and the time when the braces are discovered to be broken, experts will consider and give appropriate remedies:

Re-adjust the orthodontic appliance

During the process of wearing the braces, if you discover that your braces are broken, you need to go to a reputable dental clinic for an examination. The doctor will identify errors during the process of wearing the braces and readjust the braces to suit the situation.

If there are serious problems such as dead tooth pulp, receding gums or exposed tooth roots, etc. during the process of wearing the braces, the doctor will have to remove the braces and apply treatment methods for that dental problem. After that, the doctor will reattach the braces and readjust the pressure on the jaw.


In case you discover that your braces are damaged after completing the braces process, you should go to the original dentist to report the problem and request a re-braces. If you are not covered by a warranty by an unreliable dentist, you need to find another more reputable place to continue treatment. Before starting the second braces process, wait a while to ensure that your dental health is stable again.

How to prevent broken braces?

Don’t worry too much because you can avoid broken braces by:

  • Choose a reputable dental clinic with an experienced doctor.
  • Follow your doctor’s appointment schedule and treatment plan.
  • Ensure oral hygiene, wear braces regularly and keep them clean.
  • Inform your doctor immediately if there are any unusual signs.

That’s some information about broken braces and how to fix them. If you need support with dental problems or want to have braces, contact BIK International Dental Clinic – a highly rated address and has received many positive feedbacks from customers recently.

Mỗi phòng khám thuộc hệ thống Nha Khoa Quốc Tế BIK được Sở Y tế các tỉnh thành thẩm định các danh mục kỹ thuật khác nhau. Quý khách sẽ được thực hiện các dịch vụ theo đúng những danh mục kỹ thuật mà Sở Y tế cho phép. Những danh mục khác sẽ được thực hiện tại bệnh viện.
Each clinic in the BIK International Dental System is assessed by the Department of Health of each province and city for different technical categories. You will receive services according to the technical categories permitted by the Department of Health. Other categories will be performed at the hospital..