Should I get self-ligating ceramic braces?

With today’s busy lifestyle, many people in need of orthodontics have chosen self-ligating ceramic braces to save a lot of time on braces, while also limiting the number of dental visits. The reason is because this type of braces uses an automatic sliding system to fix the braces and archwires instead of elastic bands like the traditional method to improve the effectiveness of braces as well as ensure more safety throughout the treatment process.

1. What are self-ligating ceramic braces?

Similar to traditional ceramic braces, self-ligating ceramic braces also create a tightening force to pull the teeth back to the correct position on the jaw. The difference is that the archwire in this method is fixed to the braces by an automatic sliding cover system instead of traditional elastic bands.

Basically, the automatic pin has the effect of fixing the archwire and preventing it from being misaligned or coming loose as in the case of using conventional metal or ceramic braces. This helps the teeth to move continuously, without deviating from the treatment plan given by the doctor. From there, it can bring maximum orthodontic results quickly.

In addition, thanks to being firmly fixed, the archwire when pulled will not create too much friction on the teeth as well as impact on the tooth surface, helping customers avoid initial pain.

2. Who is suitable for self-ligating ceramic braces?

Self-ligating ceramic braces are suitable for all ages and are used to correct dental and bite defects such as buck teeth, spaced teeth, underbite, misaligned teeth,… from simple to complex.

Especially for those who have high aesthetic demands and want to find a solution at a reasonable cost, self-ligating ceramic braces are the optimal choice, with prices ranging from only 45 to 55 million VND. This method helps customers feel confident and comfortable in daily communication activities and not be embarrassed because of exposed braces.

3. Advantages of self-ligating ceramic braces

Self-ligating ceramic braces have the following outstanding advantages:

  3.1. High aesthetics

The braces are made from high-quality ceramic materials, so the color is the same as real tooth enamel, so it is difficult to recognize from a distance. Therefore, customers can be confident and comfortable in daily communication.

  3.2. Safe, benign

The braces are made from 100% pure ceramic and have been tested to be completely benign and safe for the user’s health. In addition, this is a very suitable method for people with sensitive skin because ceramic braces will not cause any irritation in the oral cavity.

  3.3. High orthodontic efficiency

Self-ligating ceramic braces have a more stable pulling force than traditional ceramic braces, so they will also bring higher orthodontic efficiency, while shortening treatment time.

  3.4. Reduced sensitivity

Thanks to the self-ligating bracket system, the friction between the orthodontic appliance and the tooth surface is significantly reduced, which helps to limit the sensitivity and discomfort in the beginning.

  3.5. Save time

Self-ligating ceramic brackets do not require regular visits to the dentist to adjust the elastic bands like conventional metal and ceramic brackets, so it is very convenient for work or study.

4. Limitations of self-ligating ceramic braces

Self-ligating ceramic braces still have the following limitations:

  4.1. Can be discolored

Because they are made of ceramic, the braces are also more susceptible to discoloration than metal braces. Therefore, the process of cleaning teeth thoroughly right after each meal is very important to keep the archwire and bracket system from yellowing and causing loss of aesthetics.

  4.2. Easily broken

The biggest disadvantage of ceramic braces is that they are very easy to break, so doctors will usually only use them for the front teeth or upper jaw teeth. When subjected to too much force during eating and drinking, ceramic braces can easily break, at which point customers need to reattach the braces, which takes a lot of time and money.

5. Comparison of self-ligating ceramic braces and traditional ceramic braces

6. Should I get self-ligating ceramic braces?

Each type of braces has its own advantages and disadvantages, whether or not to get self-ligating ceramic braces depends on the needs and financial conditions of each person.

Currently, most doctors advise patients to get self-ligating ceramic braces because they are more effective and save a lot of time. This type of braces can be applied to all cases of buck teeth, underbite, misalignment, crooked teeth,… from simple to complex thanks to the strong, stable pulling force throughout the orthodontic process.

In addition, thanks to its simpler structure, the aesthetics of this method are also improved compared to traditional braces. Customers with high aesthetic needs can choose self-ligating ceramic braces to optimize costs.

Self-ligating ceramic braces are an improved orthodontic method based on traditional braces. Although it is a fairly popular service, to ensure safety, customers should choose to perform it at a reputable dental facility, fully equipped with modern technology and a team of experienced doctors to bring the best results.

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Each clinic in the BIK International Dental System is assessed by the Department of Health of each province and city for different technical categories. You will receive services according to the technical categories permitted by the Department of Health. Other categories will be performed at the hospital..