Should I Get Porcelain Teeth Or Veneers? Which Method Is Best?


Porcelain teeth and veneers are both restorative methods that help overcome defects and bring beautiful, even teeth with a natural bright color like real teeth. So whether to get porcelain teeth or veneers depends on many factors such as the position of the teeth that need porcelain crowns or the intensity of chewing and many other factors depending on each person’s needs.

1. What is Veneer porcelain bonding method?

Veneer porcelain bonding is a method of porcelain tooth restoration with Veneer pieces made from porcelain only about 0.3 – 0.5mm thick and has the following advantages:

  1.1. High aesthetics

Although Veneer porcelain pieces are designed to be very thin, they are still enough to cover the defects of the teeth, helping to bring beautiful, even teeth and especially have a natural color like real teeth. In addition, they are made from high-quality porcelain materials with high transparency and gloss, so it is difficult for people to distinguish between fake teeth.

  1.2. Save time

The time to complete the porcelain veneer process is quite fast and brings immediate results. In which, customers only need to go to the dentist twice and each time lasts about 30 – 60 minutes to get the desired restoration effect.

  1.3. Preserve real teeth

Because the porcelain veneer is designed with an ultra-thin thickness, when performing this method, the doctor only needs to remove a very small layer of enamel on the outside surface to create roughness to help the veneer firmly fix on the tooth. Therefore, it is possible to avoid the risk of the real tooth structure being affected and the pulp being damaged, leading to some other serious complications.

2. Veneer porcelain is suitable for which cases?

Veneer porcelain is often used for the incisors and canines in the following cases:

–  Teeth are worn or have short roots

– Teeth are sparse, with gaps less than 2mm

– Teeth are chipped or broken with a size not exceeding 1/3 of the tooth body

– Teeth are slightly misaligned, the size of the teeth uneven
–   Teeth are discolored, heavily yellowed and teeth whitening is not effective

3. What is the method of making porcelain teeth?

To perform this method, the doctor needs to grind down the real tooth to make a support and attach a porcelain crown on top to help bring about aesthetic results as well as good chewing function.

  3.1. High aesthetics

If choosing high-quality all-ceramic porcelain crowns, the color of the porcelain teeth will be adjusted to completely match the real teeth, bringing high aesthetics. In addition, all-ceramic teeth are not oxidized in the oral environment, causing the gum line to turn black after a period of use like metal-ceramic teeth.

  3.2. Restoring chewing function

With a strength 4-5 times higher than real teeth, porcelain crowns are often prescribed for cases where customers need aesthetic restoration for molars. Porcelain crowns can help restore chewing ability that damaged real teeth cannot do.

  3.3. Long life span

Genuine porcelain teeth often have a fairly long life span, some can last up to 25 years and even a lifetime if properly cared for.

4. When should you get porcelain crowns?

With the above advantages, you should get porcelain crowns when you encounter the following conditions:

– Broken, chipped or damaged teeth at any level (as long as the tooth body is still intact)
– Discolored, yellowed, or discolored teeth from severe to mild
– Teeth after root canal treatment
– Enamel-worn teeth

5. Comparison of Porcelain Crowns and Veneers

6. Should I get porcelain crowns or veneers?


To choose between porcelain teeth or veneers, customers need to refer to the following factors:

  6.1. Location to be restored

The location of the tooth to be restored is the first factor to consider before deciding whether to have porcelain crowns or veneers. In cases where the front teeth or canines are only slightly discolored or cracked, you can choose porcelain veneers to save time and money. However, this method cannot be applied to molars, so when you want to restore molars, customers will be prescribed porcelain crowns to bring the best results.

  6.2. Chewing intensity and habits

If customers often have the habit of chewing hard, tough foods with high chewing intensity, porcelain veneers are not a safe choice. Porcelain veneers in this case can damage tooth tissue, and durability is also reduced due to having to withstand a lot of impact force. Therefore, customers should choose porcelain crowns if the chewing intensity is high (including the front teeth) so that they can comfortably eat their favorite foods.

  6.3. Tooth surface abrasion

Veneer porcelain is not really suitable for teeth with too much surface abrasion. Typically, these are cases of teeth with enamel hypoplasia, tooth decay, or when the inner surface of the tooth is worn down to the dentin layer. At this time, if porcelain veneers are still performed, the outer tissue layer is not strong enough to withstand the adhesion of the veneer, so it will not bring long-term effectiveness. Therefore, when the enamel has lost about 50%, customers should choose to have porcelain crowns.

  6.4. Color of adjacent teeth

In cases where customers need to cover or bond many teeth at the same time, the color of the teeth is not too difficult because creating the color of adjacent teeth is quite easy. However, if the customer only needs to cover or bond a single tooth located between normal teeth, creating the color is much more difficult. In this case, porcelain veneer is easier to perform because the real tooth color seems to be completely retained and the bond is also very thin, so it will accurately reflect the desired tooth color.

With the porcelain crown method, it takes time to create the color to bring the most similar feeling to the real teeth on both sides and sometimes it is very difficult to achieve the desired natural color, especially if the customer chooses metal porcelain teeth, the color mixing will be much more difficult.


So making porcelain teeth or applying Veneer both have their own advantages and disadvantages to suit each person’s needs. To know exactly whether to use porcelain crowns or porcelain veneers, you should choose to visit a reputable dental clinic to receive more specific and detailed advice from the doctor based on your current oral condition.

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