
Gummy smile surgery

Gummy smile correction is a dental service that helps eliminate the ugly, unaesthetic gummy smile with the most harmonious and charming smile. Currently, gummy smile correction includes 2 methods: Surgery and non-surgery. Of which, gummy smile correction surgery is preferred and chosen by customers because of its long-term effectiveness.

phẫu thuật cười hở lợi phẫu thuật cười hở lợi
phẫu thuật cười hở lợi phẫu thuật cười hở lợi
phẫu thuật cười hở lợi phẫu thuật cười hở lợi
phẫu thuật cười hở lợi phẫu thuật cười hở lợi


  • People with too short teeth that cause gummy smiles
  • People who want to increase the height of the tooth roots
  • People with gummy smiles after orthodontic treatment


Brings an impressive smile

Gummy smile surgery effectively corrects the defects of protruding jaws and gummy smiles. Thereby helping customers have a bright, impressive smile.

Long-lasting effect

With the adjustment of gums, lip muscles, gums… you will quickly own a bright, radiant smile, standard proportions and smile without showing gums. The results are long-lasting and stable.

No pain, no scars

During the gummy smile surgery, the patient will be anesthetized by the doctor so there is no pain or discomfort. At the same time, the gummy smile treatment is performed in the oral cavity, the gum line is sutured with cosmetic thread so there is no scar or any trace.

Safe, no complications

Usually, gummy smile surgery is performed according to a strict process, applying specialized techniques to bring absolute safety to the patient.

Quick recovery

Usually, gummy smile surgery is performed quickly in just 1 – 2 hours and recovers quickly afterwards.



At BIK International Dental Clinic, with modern facilities, equipment and a team of doctors with more than 10 years of experience, we help you have a bright smile. Each gummy smile surgery here is precisely planned by doctors. Thereby, helping the face become more aesthetic and the smile becomes more prominent.

In addition, currently at BIK International Dental Clinic, the cost of gummy smile surgery is public, transparent, clear and suitable for the economic conditions of most customers.

Mỗi phòng khám thuộc hệ thống Nha Khoa Quốc Tế BIK được Sở Y tế các tỉnh thành thẩm định các danh mục kỹ thuật khác nhau. Quý khách sẽ được thực hiện các dịch vụ theo đúng những danh mục kỹ thuật mà Sở Y tế cho phép. Những danh mục khác sẽ được thực hiện tại bệnh viện.
Each clinic in the BIK International Dental System is assessed by the Department of Health of each province and city for different technical categories. You will receive services according to the technical categories permitted by the Department of Health. Other categories will be performed at the hospital..



Team of good doctors, dedicated to customers

BIK International Dental Clinic is a prestigious address in Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City and Thu Dau Mot City, Binh Duong Province. The dental clinic gathers a team of good dentists who have studied at prestigious universities in the country and abroad. Therefore, the dentists have in-depth expertise in implant placement, orthodontics, crowns, wisdom teeth extraction, gummy smile treatment, pediatric dentistry... Therefore, BIK International Dental Clinic is proud to be the address that will bring you a perfect smile, brightening the future.

BIK International Dental Clinic is a pioneer in investing in equipment and machinery according to the standards of the Department of Health. Because BIK always wants to bring optimal results, superior aesthetics and ensure safety, durability, and accuracy for customers. From there, helping customers feel satisfied after using the service. Some of the advanced equipment that can be mentioned today at BIK Dental Clinic are: X-ray machine combined with Sensor connector to take pictures on the spot and receive results within 5 seconds, facial analysis software, Scan technology, anesthesia machine, tartar removal machine, Plasma teeth whitening lamp, implant materials imported from the US, UK...

The staff of BIK International Dental Clinic is always dedicated, enthusiastic and thoughtful in guiding and helping customers wholeheartedly. At the same time, they answer all questions of customers throughout the treatment process. It can be seen that, not only affirming itself in the quality of dental treatment and beauty, BIK International Dental Clinic also affirms itself as a reputable dental address with its staff and services.

With the desire that everyone can have dental treatment and cosmetic dentistry, BIK Dental Clinic provides services at reasonable costs, suitable for the economic conditions of Vietnamese people. At the same time, all costs are publicly listed throughout the service implementation process. In addition, BIK International Dental Clinic also conducts free examinations and consultations on dental problems before providing services to customers.

With more than 100,000 loyal customers who have come to BIK International Dental Clinic for dental examination, treatment and cosmetic dentistry, we ensure to bring customers the best dental service experience.

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