

Braces are a dental method that helps to adjust the teeth in the right direction and position. Thereby, helping to improve chewing ability, prevent oral diseases such as tooth decay, bad breath, periodontitis, etc. and bring a more perfect smile to those who have cases of buck teeth, gaps, misaligned teeth, misaligned teeth, etc.

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Usually, braces should be performed in the following cases:

  • Protruding teeth: The condition where the upper jaw protrudes more than the lower jaw or the lower jaw is pushed in too much compared to the upper jaw.
  • Underbite: is the condition where the upper jaw is recessed inward, while the lower jaw is protruding. This condition makes chewing difficult, even leading to lisping and poor pronunciation.
  • Sparse teeth, gaps between teeth: is a condition where there are gaps between the teeth, these gaps can easily cause food to get stuck, and also affect pronunciation.
  • Teeth grow crookedly, messy, sparsely, unevenly: a condition where the teeth do not grow in a straight line, some teeth protrude, some teeth are recessed, or even grow on top of each other.
  • Open bite: is a condition where the two jaws do not touch each other, often formed due to bad habits from childhood such as: pushing the tongue, sucking fingers, mouth breathing, …
  • Deep bite: is a condition where the upper jaw covers the lower jaw underbite, causing the chin to be shorter and making the face lack balance and harmony.


Dental braces are a popular method today with many outstanding advantages that help customers feel more confident after performing. Specifically:

Overcome buck teeth, underbite, crooked teeth, misaligned teeth, spaced teeth, and gummy smiles.
Adjust the bite, ensuring chewing function.
Reduce pressure on the jaw (temporomandibular joint).
Even and beautiful teeth, improving facial appearance.
Early braces will help ensure oral health, limiting oral diseases.


With the development of modern dentistry, there are many methods of braces today. Depending on each person’s condition, needs and financial conditions, the doctor will advise the most suitable method of braces. Below are the popular types of braces that you can refer to.

Metal braces

Metal braces are a traditional method of braces that have been around for a long time but are still highly appreciated for their effectiveness. This type of braces comes in many different colors, so it is suitable for many ages. At the same time, metal braces have a reasonable cost for many people while still ensuring high efficiency.

Ceramic braces

This method is more aesthetically pleasing than metal braces, so the cost will also be different. At the same time, the operating mechanism of this type of braces is similar to metal braces, but the treatment time will be longer.

Self-locking braces (self-ligating)

Self-ligating braces are a modern method of braces, this type of braces has an additional automatic sliding cover that holds the archwire into the bracket slot, helping the braces automatically adjust according to the movement of the teeth. With this type of braces, the braces wearer can operate easily, the treatment is faster and the treatment time is reduced for the customer.

Lingual braces

Lingual braces are highly aesthetic. With this method, the braces will be attached to the inside of the teeth instead of the outside like other methods. Therefore, when performing lingual braces, the doctor must be really good, have high expertise and rich experience to bring about the expected orthodontic results.

Invisalign clear braces

This is a fairly new method of braces today and is performed by using transparent plastic trays to adjust the teeth to the desired position. Invisalign braces are much more expensive than braces and cannot be used in cases of severe tooth misalignment.


BIK International Dental Clinic is a reputable orthodontic address that you can choose with a team of highly skilled doctors and modern technological equipment, promising to bring customers absolute satisfaction. For specific advice, please contact Hotline: 1900 8015.

Mỗi phòng khám thuộc hệ thống Nha Khoa Quốc Tế BIK được Sở Y tế các tỉnh thành thẩm định các danh mục kỹ thuật khác nhau. Quý khách sẽ được thực hiện các dịch vụ theo đúng những danh mục kỹ thuật mà Sở Y tế cho phép. Những danh mục khác sẽ được thực hiện tại bệnh viện.
Each clinic in the BIK International Dental System is assessed by the Department of Health of each province and city for different technical categories. You will receive services according to the technical categories permitted by the Department of Health. Other categories will be performed at the hospital..

Bảng giá dịch vụService price list

Service Unit Price
Level 1 metal braces 01 case 30.000.000 đ
Level 2 metal braces 01 case 35.000.000 đ
Level 3 metal braces 01 case 40.000.000đ
Level 1 Self-Ligating Metal Braces 01 case 35.000.000đ
Level 2 Self-Ligating Metal Braces 01 case 40.000.000đ
Level 3 Self-Ligating Metal Braces 01 case 45.000.000đ
Ceramic braces class I 01 case 40.000.000đ
Ceramic braces class II 01 case 45.000.000đ
Ceramic braces class III 01 case 50.000.000đ
Invisalign Clear Braces Level 1 (USA) Route 80.000.000 đ
Invisalign Clear Braces Level 2 (USA) Route 110.000.000 đ
Invisalign Clear Braces Level 3 (USA) Lộ trình 140.000.000đ



Team of good doctors, dedicated to customers

BIK International Dental Clinic is a prestigious address in Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City and Thu Dau Mot City, Binh Duong Province. The dental clinic gathers a team of good dentists who have studied at prestigious universities in the country and abroad. Therefore, the dentists have in-depth expertise in implant placement, orthodontics, crowns, wisdom teeth extraction, gummy smile treatment, pediatric dentistry... Therefore, BIK International Dental Clinic is proud to be the address that will bring you a perfect smile, brightening the future.

BIK International Dental Clinic is a pioneer in investing in equipment and machinery according to the standards of the Department of Health. Because BIK always wants to bring optimal results, superior aesthetics and ensure safety, durability, and accuracy for customers. From there, helping customers feel satisfied after using the service. Some of the advanced equipment that can be mentioned today at BIK Dental Clinic are: X-ray machine combined with Sensor connector to take pictures on the spot and receive results within 5 seconds, facial analysis software, Scan technology, anesthesia machine, tartar removal machine, Plasma teeth whitening lamp, implant materials imported from the US, UK...

The staff of BIK International Dental Clinic is always dedicated, enthusiastic and thoughtful in guiding and helping customers wholeheartedly. At the same time, they answer all questions of customers throughout the treatment process. It can be seen that, not only affirming itself in the quality of dental treatment and beauty, BIK International Dental Clinic also affirms itself as a reputable dental address with its staff and services.

With the desire that everyone can have dental treatment and cosmetic dentistry, BIK Dental Clinic provides services at reasonable costs, suitable for the economic conditions of Vietnamese people. At the same time, all costs are publicly listed throughout the service implementation process. In addition, BIK International Dental Clinic also conducts free examinations and consultations on dental problems before providing services to customers.

With more than 100,000 loyal customers who have come to BIK International Dental Clinic for dental examination, treatment and cosmetic dentistry, we ensure to bring customers the best dental service experience.

Khách hàng của chúng tôiOur customers



Hoặc gọi 1900 8015 để được hỗ trợ trực tiếp

Or call 1900 8015 for direct support