Safe Children’s Braces at BIK International Dental Clinic

Braces for children are the most optimal orthodontic method when parents need to correct dental defects or correct the position of teeth from an early age. The effectiveness of orthodontics can help children have even, beautiful teeth, standard bite and prevent some serious effects later if they have crooked, misaligned teeth.

1. Should children have braces?

Having braces for children can bring the following benefits:

  1.1. Correcting bad teeth

Children with crooked teeth, buck teeth, underbite, gaps, etc. not only affect their aesthetics, making them self-conscious and afraid to communicate, but also affect the balance of their face later in life. In addition, defects on the teeth make chewing difficult and can affect the digestive system. Braces can help completely and permanently overcome the above problems, ensuring overall health for children.

  1.2. High and fast orthodontic efficiency

In the immature stage, children’s jawbones are still soft, so doctors can easily move teeth to the correct position in a shorter time and the success rate is also very high. The longer it is left, the older the child is, the more misaligned the teeth and the harder the jawbone will be, making the treatment process more difficult, complicated and time-consuming.

  1.3. Help prevent oral diseases

In addition to correcting aesthetic defects and misaligned bites, braces also help prevent excessive jawbone growth, limiting the risk of having to perform surgery when the child is an adult. At the same time, having a beautiful, even set of teeth, with teeth in the correct position on the jaw, also makes oral hygiene easier later on.

  1.4. Less pain and discomfort

Children have soft jaw bones, making it easier to move their teeth, so the feeling of pain and discomfort while wearing braces is also greatly reduced.

2. When should children wear braces?

It is necessary to choose the right time for children to wear braces so that the orthodontic effect is achieved at the highest level. If braces are applied early when the child’s jawbone has not fully developed, the jawbone will not have enough space to arrange the teeth.

To know the exact time when children should have braces, parents need to take their children to BIK International Dental Clinic for examination and to determine the exact right time. Because depending on each child’s constitution as well as the development of the jaw, the appropriate time for braces is also different.

Normally, around 12-16 years old is the best time to have braces for children. At this stage, permanent teeth have fully grown, the jawbone is not really solid, so the time for braces will be shortened. In addition, because the teeth can move easily, the feeling of pain is also less. In addition, children from 6-7 years old and up can go to the dentist to control the teething process.

3. Orthodontic methods for children

Doctors often prescribe the following methods to perform orthodontic treatment for children:

  3.1. Silicone braces for children

Silicon braces for children are also known as braces with trainer jaws. Orthodontic appliances are plastic trays that children wear every day, can be easily removed and used to support teeth alignment in the early stages. Wearing silicone braces will help the braces process later on to be quicker and easier. Usually this method will be prescribed for children who are in the process of changing teeth.

  3.2. Clear braces for children

Invisalign clear braces are highly recommended for children because of the convenience they bring. This method uses braces made from transparent plastic trays, hugging the body of the teeth so it does not cause much entanglement or discomfort when wearing braces. In addition, Invisalign clear braces can be easily removed, making eating, chewing, and oral hygiene more convenient.

  3.3. Metal braces

The traditional metal braces method can also be used to perform braces for children. The pulling force provided by the metal wire and bracket system is quite strong, so the results are very high. In addition, the cost of performing metal braces is very reasonable, suitable for many parents who want to have braces for their children.

  3.4. Ceramic braces

The mechanism of ceramic braces is similar to metal braces because they both use a system of archwires and brackets to help teeth move to the desired position. However, the braces are now made from high-quality ceramic materials with the same color as real teeth, so they will bring higher aesthetics. Thanks to that, children can still comfortably smile confidently even when wearing braces.

4. How much do braces cost for children?

BIK International Dental Clinic provides professional, safe braces services for children at a reasonable cost, commensurate with the quality of service.

The specific price list for braces services at BIK International Dental Clinic is as follows:

5. What factors does the cost of braces for children depend on?

The cost of braces for children depends on the following factors:

  5.1. Oral health status

Some oral diseases such as tooth decay, pulpitis, gingivitis, etc. need to be thoroughly treated if any before braces are performed for children to ensure safety. The more severe the disease, the longer the treatment time will be and the higher the cost will be.

  5.2. Time of braces

If children get braces at the right time, it can save more money because it is easier to correct the position of the teeth at this time.

  5.3. Condition of teeth that need braces

The degree of misalignment of teeth that need braces greatly affects the cost of braces for children. In cases where children have severely crooked teeth, severe misalignment, or severe bite misalignment, the doctor needs to use more complex orthodontic techniques. Therefore, the total cost of braces will also be higher.

  5.4. Reputable dental facility

Each dental facility will have a different price list for braces for children, but usually there will not be too much difference. Performing braces at large, reputable dental facilities, gathering a team of skilled doctors as well as being equipped with modern infrastructure and machinery, the cost will definitely be higher. In return, parents can be completely assured of their children’s safety and the effectiveness of braces when choosing quality dental addresses.

6. Are braces for children painful?

While many parents worry that braces will cause severe pain in their children, in reality, children will only feel pain and discomfort in the beginning. These pains are normal because of the tightening force created by the braces.

Parents do not need to worry too much because after a while, children will gradually get used to the braces, the pain will no longer be too severe but only slightly achey within a tolerable level.

To minimize the pain for children when wearing braces, parents should choose a good orthodontist with many years of experience in the field of maxillofacial surgery.

7. Where is a good place to get braces for children?

Established more than 10 years ago, BIK International Dental Clinic has always strived to become one of the leading prestigious dental facilities, providing quality dental care services at reasonable costs.

  7.1. Team of good doctors

The team of doctors and experts working at BIK International Dental Clinic are all well-trained and specialized in orthodontic techniques in particular and the field of maxillofacial surgery in general. In addition, with many years of experience in the profession, doctors will minimize the pain when braces for children thanks to being able to control orthodontic appliances while ensuring the desired braces effect.

  7.2. Modern technical machinery

BIK International Dental Clinic also focuses on investing in machinery and techniques to support doctors to help the orthodontic process from examination to treatment take place more smoothly and quickly. Helping to bring high accuracy, efficiency and save time and money for customers.

  7.3. Dedicated customer care service

The staff and assistants at BIK International Dental Clinic are dedicated and enthusiastic with each customer who visits and uses the services at the Dental Clinic. The staff is always ready to answer all questions from customers, as well as provide specific and detailed advice on the services that customers are interested in.

  7.4. The process of braces for children ensures safety

The process of braces for children at BIK International Dental Clinic is carried out according to international standards, to ensure absolute safety for children’s oral health and bring the highest orthodontic efficiency.

So braces for children are the optimal orthodontic solution to help children have beautiful, even teeth, preventing dangerous effects on health later caused by misaligned teeth. The most important factor when braces for children is to ensure the safety of children, so customers should consider choosing large, reputable dental facilities for their children to start orthodontic treatment. Come to BIK International Dental Clinic to have a beautiful smile and strong teeth!

Mỗi phòng khám thuộc hệ thống Nha Khoa Quốc Tế BIK được Sở Y tế các tỉnh thành thẩm định các danh mục kỹ thuật khác nhau. Quý khách sẽ được thực hiện các dịch vụ theo đúng những danh mục kỹ thuật mà Sở Y tế cho phép. Những danh mục khác sẽ được thực hiện tại bệnh viện.
Each clinic in the BIK International Dental System is assessed by the Department of Health of each province and city for different technical categories. You will receive services according to the technical categories permitted by the Department of Health. Other categories will be performed at the hospital..