Is it okay to have a chipped front tooth? What should you do when your front tooth is chipped?

Many people have difficulty with chipped front teeth, the main problem is that it affects aesthetics, making them feel self-conscious when talking. If you are facing chipped front teeth, what should you do? Are there any methods to restore chipped front teeth? Read the article below to understand more!

Learn about chipped front teeth

The surface of the tooth is always covered with an extremely hard and strong enamel layer. However, this enamel layer is also vulnerable to external pressure.

Chipped teeth are when the enamel is damaged due to impact or falling, causing part of the tooth structure to break. It often occurs at the top or biting edge, making the tooth sharp and uneven,… The damaged area can damage the soft tissues in the mouth.

In addition, the process of eating and cleaning teeth is also affected. When teeth are weak, they are easily attacked by bacteria, causing many dangerous oral problems.

Learn about chipped front teeth

What causes chipped front teeth?

Front tooth wear is when part of the tooth structure is lost, possibly at the top or biting edge, causing the tooth to become sharp. Causes of this condition often include:


Falling, strong impact or too much pressure when eating and drinking (chewing hard foods, etc.) can cause chipped front teeth, accompanied by a feeling of pain and discomfort.

Mineral deficiency

If there is a lack of calcium, the enamel layer will become thinner and more fragile than normal.

Due to some habits

Teeth grinding while sleeping, frequently consuming acidic foods, etc. can damage tooth enamel, leading to teeth cracking or breaking easily.

Causes of chipped front teeth

Is chipped front teeth a problem?

Chipped front teeth over a long period of time can cause many problems:…

Loss of facial aesthetics

This is the most obvious sign of impact. Most people with cavities in their front teeth often feel a lack of confidence when talking and laughing.

Weakened chewing force

The front teeth play an important role in biting and tearing food. However, if the front teeth are chipped, it will reduce the biting force, making it impossible for many people to chew hard and tough foods, not only causing difficulties in the eating process but also affecting the digestive process.

More sensitive front teeth

Cracks in the enamel can cause direct contact with the nerves, leading to a feeling of sensitivity and pain when consuming food or drinks that are too cold or sour.

Increased risk of oral diseases

Many people experience large cracks in their front teeth, which over time will lead to tooth decay, pulpitis, periodontitis, etc. The main cause is that cracks or chips in the teeth create conditions for bacteria to penetrate the internal structure of the teeth.

Affects other parts of the oral cavity

The edge of the broken front teeth is sharp, which can cause discomfort when biting. If not careful, it can damage the tongue or cheek, causing pain and discomfort.

Is it okay to have a chipped front tooth?

What to do when your front tooth is chipped

If you discover that you have a chipped front tooth, the first important thing you need to do right away is:

  • Quickly spit out the broken piece of tooth, do not let the sharp piece of tooth be swallowed into the stomach.
  • Limit the use of your hand or tongue to touch the chipped tooth because the chipped tooth surface can cause injury to you.
  • If possible, keep the broken pieces so that the doctor can fill them back into your tooth.
  • Then, rinse your mouth thoroughly and make an appointment to see your doctor for timely examination and treatment.

What to do when your front teeth are chipped

Common methods of restoring chipped teeth

When your front teeth are broken, you should go to the dentist immediately to have your doctor examine and advise you on timely remedies. Below are some of the most common methods for restoring broken teeth:…

Reattach broken teeth

In cases where the tooth is chipped but does not cause damage to the pulp and the tooth root is not exposed, the dentist can use dental tools to reattach the broken piece.

This method is only applicable to cases where the broken tooth fragment is still quite strong and not damaged.

Re-gluing broken tooth pieces

Tooth filling

The tooth filling method is applied in cases where there are few broken pieces. The area of ​​the broken pieces is usually small, not affecting the tooth structure much.

The doctor needs to remove the damaged parts of the tooth first. Then, they will fill the gaps on the tooth surface with filling materials such as Composite. This is the most popular filling material today with many advantages:

  • Quick implementation, only takes about 10 – 25 minutes for each filling point.
  • Highly aesthetic because the color of the filling is similar to real teeth.
  • Does not cause damage to the natural tooth structure.

However, the durability of large fillings often does not last long. In cases where more than half of the tooth fragment is lost, the doctor will recommend cosmetic porcelain crowns.

Tooth filling to fix chipped front teeth

Covering or bonding porcelain teeth

Currently, porcelain teeth are considered the best tooth restoration method. The doctor will grind your real teeth to a specific ratio and then attach the porcelain teeth.

In addition to fixing damaged teeth, porcelain teeth also protect real teeth from bacteria and other harmful agents. Here are the advantages of porcelain veneers:

  • Fast implementation time, only 2 – 4 days.
  • Porcelain teeth have the same shape and color as real teeth on the jaw.
  • High durability, can last up to 20 years or more.

Veneers for chipped porcelain teeth


For teeth with large cracks, affecting the pulp and chewing function, preserving natural teeth by covering them with porcelain or fillings is no longer suitable. In this case, the best method is to extract the damaged tooth and replace it with a new dental implant.

Dental implant is the process of implanting a titanium implant into the jawbone. After about 4 – 6 months, when the implant has fully integrated with the jawbone, the doctor will place the porcelain tooth on the implant through the Abutment joint.

How to care for and prevent chipped teeth

To care for and prevent chipped teeth, you need to follow these instructions:

  • Brush your teeth properly: Brush your teeth at least twice a day as directed by your dentist.
  • Use dental floss: Dental floss helps remove plaque between teeth.
  • Limit sweets: Avoid eating too many sweets such as candy, chocolate, carbonated soft drinks…
  • Avoid acidic foods: Do not consume highly acidic foods such as carbonated soft drinks, lemons and limes. After eating, drink or rinse your mouth with filtered water to clean the acid on your teeth.
  • Drink enough water: Drinking water helps wash away plaque and food after eating.
  • Avoid strong impact on the front teeth position

After reading this information, hopefully you understand whether chipped front teeth are okay? What to do when chipped front teeth. If you need more information, you can refer to other articles on the BIK International Dental website or contact the dental clinic directly for the most detailed advice.

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Each clinic in the BIK International Dental System is assessed by the Department of Health of each province and city for different technical categories. You will receive services according to the technical categories permitted by the Department of Health. Other categories will be performed at the hospital..