Is gummy smile surgery painful?

Gummy smile does not affect oral health much, but it causes serious aesthetic loss. Is gummy smile surgery painful? This is a question of many patients who are planning to treat this condition. Let’s find out with BIK International Dental Clinic in the article below.

1. Advantages of gummy smile surgery

Gummy smile does not affect the function of the teeth. However, its biggest disadvantage is that it makes you lose confidence. With the current era of medical technology development, gummy smile surgery is an effective method, bringing optimal results for you, helping you regain confidence in life and work thanks to the following advantages:

Bringing a harmonious, balanced face: gummy smile surgery helps to effectively overcome the defects of protruding jaws and gummy smiles.

Long-term treatment effectiveness: gummy smile surgery will help you own a radiant smile with standard proportions. The results are long-lasting and stable.

Painless, no scarring: During the gummy smile surgery, the patient will be anesthetized by the doctor so there will be no pain. At the same time, when the gummy smile treatment is performed in the oral cavity, the gum line will be sutured with cosmetic thread so there will be no scarring.

Safe, no complications: The gummy smile surgery will be performed according to a strict process and apply specialized techniques to ensure high safety, without affecting and impacting the nervous system of the maxillofacial region.

Quick recovery: Normally, gummy smile surgery will be performed quickly in a short period of time and recovery will also be very quick afterwards.

2. Does gummy smile surgery hurt?

Gummy smile surgery is one of the extremely effective methods used to treat gummy smile. Depending on each case of gummy smile surgery and each person’s constitution, the level of pain for the patient is also different. However, it is usually just a slight discomfort. In each stage, the patient will feel like:

– During surgery

During the procedure, the doctor will perform anesthesia or general anesthesia. Therefore, during the period of gummy smile treatment, there will usually be no pain or discomfort.

– After gummy smile surgery

After surgery, when the anesthetic wears off, the patient will usually feel a little pain in the jaw and upper lip. However, this feeling will gradually decrease and disappear after about 3 to 5 days.

The recovery time after surgery depends mainly on the condition of each patient. Usually, after gummy smile surgery, the swelling will go away after 5 to 7 days, and after 3 to 6 months, the patient will be completely recovered and stable. During the recovery period, you can resume normal activities, but you should limit too much impact on the upper jaw area.

3. What to do after gummy smile surgery to avoid pain

To minimize pain and complications after surgery, you should research and choose a reputable and quality dental facility.

After surgery, you should choose soft, easy-to-swallow foods and pay attention to supplementing essential minerals and nutrients. At the same time, take antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs as prescribed by your doctor.

Limit foods that can easily cause swelling and redness of the wound such as chicken, sticky rice, water spinach, beef, etc. Do not eat foods that are too hard, chewy or crunchy to ensure that food particles do not fall into the surgical area.

You should not exercise vigorously, laugh loudly, and stay away from stimulants such as alcohol or tobacco.

Clean your teeth properly and gently, avoiding strong impacts on the gums or surgical site.

Re-examine according to the doctor’s schedule to monitor the post-operative condition and make adjustments if there are dental problems.

5. Painless gummy smile surgery procedure at BIK International Dental Clinic

BIK International Dental Clinic is a prestigious address and is highly appreciated by customers for its quality and service with a team of experts and doctors with many years of experience, along with a system of modern machinery and technology, applying advanced dental techniques to help you effectively overcome the condition of gummy smile, quick recovery time, no scarring, bringing high aesthetics.

At BIK International Dental Clinic, the gummy smile treatment process is carried out in the following steps:

Step 1: Examination and consultation

The doctor determines the cause and extent of the gummy smile. At the same time, through a specialized machine system, the most appropriate gummy smile treatment method will be proposed.

Step 2: General health check

Before proceeding with gummy smile treatment, the doctor will check the patient’s general health. This is to ensure that the patient is eligible for surgery.

Step 3: Aseptic cleaning and anesthesia

This is the step to ensure that the gummy smile surgery process is safe and effective. At the same time, anesthesia or sedation helps to minimize the discomfort and pain for the patient during surgery.

Step 4: Perform gummy smile surgery

Gummy smile surgery is performed in a sterile room with the support of modern machinery, directly performed by highly qualified and skilled doctors at BIK International Dental Clinic.

Step 5: Post-operative care

After the gummy smile surgery is completed, the patient will be taken to the post-operative room to rest and be monitored. This concludes the gummy smile treatment process.
If you have any questions that need to be answered, please contact BIK International Dental Clinic immediately at Hotline: 1900 8015, experts will support you quickly and advise you completely free of charge.
Mỗi phòng khám thuộc hệ thống Nha Khoa Quốc Tế BIK được Sở Y tế các tỉnh thành thẩm định các danh mục kỹ thuật khác nhau. Quý khách sẽ được thực hiện các dịch vụ theo đúng những danh mục kỹ thuật mà Sở Y tế cho phép. Những danh mục khác sẽ được thực hiện tại bệnh viện.
Each clinic in the BIK International Dental System is assessed by the Department of Health of each province and city for different technical categories. You will receive services according to the technical categories permitted by the Department of Health. Other categories will be performed at the hospital..