Tooth decay is an oral disease that can occur at any age, especially for those who have the habit of consuming too much food containing sugar and starch. This condition not only causes pain and discomfort but also significantly affects the quality of daily life. To quickly relieve the pain when you cannot go to the dentist for complete treatment, you can apply some ways to treat molar decay at home suggested in the following article.
1. Causes of molar decay
What causes molar decay? Molars play an important role in chewing, so they are often exposed to food, sugar, etc., so if you do not clean your teeth regularly and properly, bacteria will have a favorable environment to develop and attack tooth enamel.
If this condition is left untreated for a long time, the teeth will gradually turn black, which means that the enamel and dentin have been destroyed.
Another common cause of molar decay is that the patient does not have their teeth cleaned regularly, using a hard toothbrush, toothpicks, and rinsing with green tea is not enough to completely clean the mouth. In addition, weak enamel can also be the reason why bacteria can easily penetrate and attack, causing tooth decay.
2. Signs of tooth decay
Tooth decay often has the following signs:
– Brown or black spots that can be seen with the naked eye.
– Swollen or bleeding gums: Swollen gums can cause discomfort for the patient, because even a small force such as brushing teeth or flossing can easily cause the gums to bleed and become infected.
– Cavities appear, the size of the cavity depends on the condition of the decay.
– Toothache: Toothache often occurs when leftover food gets into the cavity, or when the patient uses unusually hot or cold foods.
– Pain when chewing: Bacteria erode tooth enamel, causing damage, affecting the nervous system and can even affect the pulp, causing the patient to feel pain when chewing.
3. How to treat tooth decay at home
Because of the chewing function – the most important function of teeth in terms of eating and absorbing nutrients into the body, molars play an extremely important role. If molars are decayed, it will make daily eating extremely difficult, and in the long run, it will greatly affect the health of the whole body.
In order to prevent tooth decay bacteria from progressing and reduce immediate pain, home remedies with natural, benign, and easy-to-find ingredients have always been the first choice of Vietnamese people since ancient times. Let’s learn about simple ways to treat tooth decay at home below:
3.1. Gargle with salt water
Gargle with salt water is one of the simplest and easiest ways to do at home. Salt has long been known as a natural antibacterial agent, so gargling with salt water can reduce inflammation and pain caused by tooth decay. In addition, salt can also help protect damaged teeth from infection.
To perform this method, the patient can use saline solution or dilute salt with warm water. Note that the salt water should not be too salty or too diluted.
3.2. Treating tooth decay with perilla leaves
Perilla leaves contain a rich source of Perillaldehyde, which has the ability to kill bacteria, improve tooth decay, and minimize tooth damage caused by harmful bacteria.
In addition, perilla leaves are also effective in increasing blood circulation to the oral cavity so that teeth, gums, and gums are always nourished to be the healthiest. Not only that, perilla leaf essential oil also has the effect of improving bad breath, bad breath when suffering from tooth decay.
– Perilla leaves as a topical medicine: Wash a handful of fresh perilla leaves, then crush them or use a blender to puree them. Use a thick cloth to squeeze out the juice of the leaves and use that juice to dab on the cavity or you can apply the pulp to increase the effectiveness. Apply the juice from perilla leaves 2 to 3 times a day to see the effect.
– Perilla leaves for mouthwash: Wash and boil a handful of fresh perilla leaves thoroughly with 400ml of water for about 10 minutes. Then, remove the pulp and add a teaspoon of salt and stir until the mixture is completely dissolved. Let the mixture cool and use it to rinse your mouth after daily meals to prevent and treat tooth decay.
3.3. How to treat tooth decay with areca wine
Using areca wine to treat tooth decay is a long-standing method often used by the elderly because every house has areca in the garden. In fact, to this day, this formula is still passed down as one of the effective and quick ways to treat tooth decay at home.
Because areca wine is a spicy, astringent mixture and contains a large amount of substances such as Tannic, Galic Acid, Ligin, … These are substances that can limit the growth of bacteria that are harmful to oral health such as bacteria that cause tooth decay.
In wine containing a high alcohol concentration combined with areca nuts, it will have high antiseptic properties and make teeth stronger when they are suffering from tooth decay.
How to do:
– Step 1: Separate about 20 to 25 fresh areca nuts and wash them.
– Step 2: Split the areca nut into 2 or 4 parts and put it in a jar, pour in white wine with an alcohol concentration of less than 30 degrees to cover the areca nut in a ratio of 1:3.
– Step 3: Soak the areca nut for about 30 days before using.
– Step 4: Pour a little beca wine and hold it in your mouth for about 3 to 5 minutes, then rinse your mouth with clean water. Can be applied 1 to 2 times a day.
3.4. Use guava leaves to treat tooth decay
Guava leaves are known as one of the ingredients that can reduce toothache when decayed. Because the leaves contain a lot of tannin, quercetin, Beta-sitosterol, astringents, …, they have antibacterial properties, reduce toothache, improve gum inflammation and prevent bacteria from attacking deep into the tooth pulp.
How to do it: Wash about 2 – 3 guava leaves with diluted salt water. Chew the fresh leaves thoroughly and swallow the juice slowly, keeping the remaining pulp in the cavity of the molar for about 5 minutes. Then spit out the pulp and rinse your mouth thoroughly with clean water. This method can be done 2 to 3 times a day.
3.5. Treating molar cavities with ginger
Ginger is a medicine that has the ability to relieve pain, fight inflammation, and kill bacteria naturally because it contains Cineol, b-zingiberene, and geraniol. In addition, ginger also has the effect of dilating blood vessels, stimulating blood circulation to the oral cavity to help strengthen teeth.
How to use: Crush half of fresh ginger and apply it directly to the cavity to relieve toothache and kill bacteria. This method can be applied 2 to 3 times a day.
4. How to prevent molar cavities
To effectively prevent molar cavities, you should note the following:
4.1. Proper oral hygiene
Brush your teeth at least twice a day, especially after each meal to completely remove plaque on the tooth surface, avoiding the formation of dense tartar.
– Use a soft-bristled toothbrush, brush your teeth in a circular motion to limit gum damage.
– Replace your toothbrush at least every 3-4 months to avoid bacteria accumulating and causing tooth decay.
– Combine the use of dental floss or a water flosser to completely remove food debris deep in between teeth, where the toothbrush cannot clean.
4.2. Reasonable diet
It can be said that sweet foods containing a lot of sugar as well as foods containing a lot of starch are one of the leading causes of tooth decay. Therefore, you should limit these foods in your daily meals. In addition, you should also limit carbonated drinks, spicy foods, sour foods, etc. to avoid damaging tooth enamel.
So when you have a cavity in your molars, you can completely apply some ways to treat cavity in your molars at home to temporarily limit the pain. However, to completely treat persistent pain caused by tooth decay, you need to go to the dentist to be examined by a specialist to find the specific cause and then proceed with specialized treatment.