How Much Does It Cost To Implant A Full Jaw?


Losing all teeth not only affects aesthetics and chewing ability but is also the main cause of many serious and dangerous diseases such as jaw bone loss and facial aging. Full jaw dental implants are considered the most optimal solution to prevent the above problems and the price of dental implants is often not low due to the outstanding advantages and benefits it brings. So how much does the price of full jaw dental implants range from? Let’s find out with BIK International Dental Clinic?

1. In which cases is it necessary to implant a full jaw?


Usually, the doctor will prescribe full jaw implantation for the following cases:

– People who have lost 6 teeth to 1 jaw or more
– People who have lost all their teeth
– People with severe periodontitis, loose teeth that cannot be treated and restored, and must have their teeth extracted

Note: In case of diabetes, high blood pressure, or High blood pressure or other chronic diseases need to be monitored until the indicators are stable before implanting teeth. In addition, pregnant women, breastfeeding women or smokers are contraindicated from implanting teeth.

2. What is all on 4 implant?

All on 4 implant is a technique that helps save a lot in cases of: complete tooth loss in the upper jaw, complete tooth loss in the lower jaw or tooth loss in both jaws. Instead of having to implant 9-12 Implant pillars for a jaw with completely lost teeth, with this method, the doctor will only place 4 Implant pillars into the jaw bone. On these 4 Implant pillars, a bridge of 8-10 teeth will be fixed above to ensure aesthetics as well as normal chewing function. Normally, All On 4 is indicated to restore lower jaw teeth, if it is the upper jaw, the jaw bone must be strong to ensure safe effectiveness.

Depending on their own needs, patients can choose 1 of the 2 All on 4 dental implant methods below:

  2.1. Fixed All on 4

The removable denture is fixed on top of 4 Implant pillars through a Titanium Bar, the patient must go to the dentist for periodic cleaning every 6 months.

  2.2. All on 4 removable

Patients can remove the dentures attached to the 4 Implant pillars for cleaning without going to the dentist.

3. What is All on 6 Implant?

All On 6 Implant technique is the optimal solution for cases of missing upper or lower teeth but the jaw bone is too weak. With All On 6 Implant, there are 2 more Implant pillars implanted in the back teeth area, helping to support the upper jaw of 14 porcelain teeth more firmly while minimizing the process of jaw bone loss.

4. How much does a full jaw Implant cost?


With its outstanding advantages, dental implants have a fairly high price. The cost of dental implants will be calculated as follows:
Cost of dental implants = (Implant price + Abutment price + Porcelain teeth price) x Number of teeth to be made + Other costs (if any)

The current price of full-jaw dental implants on the market ranges from 120,000,000 VND – 200,000,000 VND. The cost has a fairly high fluctuation range because it is determined by the following factors:

  4.1. Implant Types

Each type of Implant originating from different countries around the world will have different quality and warranty periods. The price for 1 Implant currently ranges from 20,000,000 VND – 45,000,000 VND.

  4.2. Porcelain crowns

Porcelain crowns have prices ranging from 1,500,000 VND – 12,000,000 VND/ 1 tooth depending on the type. The higher the price, the higher the aesthetics, quality and longevity of the porcelain tooth.

  4.3. Oral health

To ensure the safety and effectiveness of dental implants, other oral diseases such as periodontitis, tooth decay, etc. must be completely treated to avoid the risk of infection. For the dental implant method, if the jawbone is severely resorbed and is not of sufficient quality for implant placement, additional costs will be incurred for bone grafting and sinus lift.

  4.4. Dental Facility

If you choose a reputable dental clinic equipped with modern technology and experienced doctors with high expertise, the cost will be higher, but in return, customers will feel more secure and comfortable during the entire process of using the dental service.

5. Full jaw dental implant price list

Below is the dental implant price list at BIK International Dental Clinic. How many implants will the customer implant correspond to how much money:

Below is the price list for porcelain tooth restoration on Implant at BIK International Dental Clinic:

6. Full-jaw Implant Procedure

The full-jaw Implant procedure usually includes the following basic steps:

  6.1. General examination

Because inflammatory diseases need to be thoroughly treated to prevent infection before implanting teeth, the doctor will check the general oral health of the customer before taking an X-ray to survey the jaw bone density. Based on the results obtained, the doctor will give a detailed and specific plan for implanting teeth.

  6.2. Implant placement

After local anesthesia, the implant will be placed into the jaw bone. The surgery time for full-jaw implant placement will take about 2-4 hours/jaw. If both jaws are missing teeth, both jaws can be implanted at the same time, but to ensure health after surgery, the doctor recommends implanting each jaw.

  6.3. Temporary dental restoration

After implanting the implant into the jawbone, temporary porcelain teeth will be attached to ensure aesthetics as well as chewing function.

  6.4. Checking the results of full-jaw implant surgery

About 7-10 days after surgery, the patient will have to return to the doctor to check the healing level of the soft tissues around the implant site.

  6.5. Attaching permanent teeth to the implant

Depending on each person’s bone integration ability, after about 2-6 months, the patient can go to the dentist to have permanent porcelain teeth attached to the jaw and complete the full-jaw implant procedure.

Along with the outstanding benefits in terms of aesthetics and function, the price of full-jaw implant surgery is quite high and depends on many factors. To know the exact cost of full-jaw implant surgery for each individual case, customers should go to a reputable dental facility for specific advice.

Mỗi phòng khám thuộc hệ thống Nha Khoa Quốc Tế BIK được Sở Y tế các tỉnh thành thẩm định các danh mục kỹ thuật khác nhau. Quý khách sẽ được thực hiện các dịch vụ theo đúng những danh mục kỹ thuật mà Sở Y tế cho phép. Những danh mục khác sẽ được thực hiện tại bệnh viện.
Each clinic in the BIK International Dental System is assessed by the Department of Health of each province and city for different technical categories. You will receive services according to the technical categories permitted by the Department of Health. Other categories will be performed at the hospital..