How Much Does a Clear Retainer Cost?

Wearing a retainer is mandatory and extremely important after finishing the braces treatment. This will help maintain the orthodontic effect, helping the teeth stay in the desired position. In addition to traditional metal retainers, transparent retainers have been created to meet the increasing demand for aesthetics. With outstanding advantages in aesthetics and still being able to ensure effective function, let’s find out how much transparent retainers cost with BIK International Dental Clinic.

1. What is a transparent retainer?

Braces usually take 1-3 years to help teeth move to the desired position. After completing the braces treatment, the customer will be required to use a clear retainer to ensure that the teeth are firmly fixed and do not move back to their original position. Therefore, the retainer hardly creates any tightening force, so it does not cause pain and soreness like when wearing braces or clear braces.

Wearing a clear retainer will make the chewing process easier and will not lose the effectiveness of the previous braces treatment. The clear retainer needs to be worn every day, especially at night, to maximize its effectiveness.

2. Why do I need to wear a retainer after braces?

Because after removing braces, the soft tissues in the oral cavity and teeth are not really stable, wearing a retainer is very important, limiting the displacement and movement of teeth. Therefore, to avoid the situation of teeth being misaligned after braces, spending more time, effort and money to re-braces from the beginning, customers should follow the doctor’s instructions. Thanks to that, the teeth can be kept fixed, beautiful, and chewed sustainably.

3. Types of retainers after braces?

Currently, there are 3 popular types of retainers:

  3.1. Fixed retainers

Fixed retainers are made of stainless steel with long wires. The doctor will adjust the length to suit each person’s teeth and attach it to the inside of the tooth with composite material. This material has very good adhesion, helping the steel wire to be fixed firmly and can ensure aesthetics due to its color being similar to real teeth. Because it is fixed on the teeth, this type of retainer is low cost and less likely to be forgotten or lost.

The limitation of fixed retainers is that they can be cumbersome and make customers feel uncomfortable at first. In addition, the appliance is fixed on the inside of the teeth, so it is easy for food to stick, leading to the growth and development of bacteria. Therefore, during the time of using fixed retainers, customers need to pay attention to cleaning their teeth thoroughly to avoid the formation of plaque and tartar.

  3.2. Removable metal retainers

Removable metal retainers are made of steel and are wire-like, but the section between the two canines is attached to an acrylic mold so that the appliance is fixed on the jaw. This type of retainer is quite stiff, so it can cause discomfort and gum irritation at first, but will improve after a few weeks. Thanks to its removable ability, this appliance is more popular than fixed retainers.

However, the price of removable metal retainers is higher and there may be a situation where the appliance is lost or not used for the prescribed time. Therefore, when young children have braces early, they are often advised to use fixed retainers to avoid the above situation.

  3.3. Clear retainer

With a similar design to clear braces, clear retainers are made of transparent plastic with a design that fits snugly against the teeth, so they will bring high aesthetics. However, clear retainers can be discolored, so customers should remove the retainer when eating and drinking and limit foods with dark colors as much as possible.

    3.3.1. Vivera clear retainer

Vivera clear retainer and product of the world’s leading clear braces brand Invisalign – Align Tech. Viveria clear retainers are made with advanced technology like Invisalign with 30% higher hardness and fit tightly to the teeth so they do not cause discomfort or discomfort.

    3.3.2. Zenyum clear retainers

Zenyum retainers are one of the most popular clear retainers today, this brand is headquartered in Singapore and also provides effective clear braces treatment. Zenyum retainers are highly flexible and have a lower price than Viveria retainers.

4. How much does a clear retainer cost?

The price of a clear retainer depends on the manufacturer that the customer chooses. In particular, the price of a Zenyum clear retainer is approximately 5,000,000/ 1 tray with the ability to effectively fix teeth.

With precision, high-end, luxury and personalized design to fit each person’s teeth, the Vivera clear retainer also has a relatively high price. Specifically, the price of Vivera transparent retainers with 3 pairs of trays manufactured by a leading US corporation is 12,000,000 VND.

5. Does wearing transparent retainers hurt?

In fact, the retainer only has the effect of keeping the teeth in the desired position, so it will not create any pulling force. Therefore, wearing the retainer will not cause pain to the customer. Even when you get used to the feeling of wearing braces for a long time, the discomfort of having to wear a retainer will not exist. Therefore, customers can be completely assured and comfortable when the doctor asks them to wear a retainer.

6. How long should a clear retainer be worn?

How long a retainer needs to be worn depends on the condition of the jawbone and the type of retainer that the customer chooses. In particular, removable transparent retainers have a usage time equivalent to fixed retainers, which can last from 3-12 months.

When using removable metal retainers, the time can be longer, from 6-12 months depending on the condition of the jawbone. The reason is that removable metal retainers are usually only used at night, and cannot create continuous impact force, so it will take a little more time.

7. How to clean transparent retainers

The clear retainer is designed like the clear braces tray, so the cleaning method is the same:

–  Brush the retainer with a toothbrush and toothpaste containing fluoride 2-3 times a day to clean food plaque and bacteria.

–  You can clean it with warm water to increase the ability to kill bacteria

–  If necessary, you can soak the retainer in a specialized disinfectant solution for dentures. Absolutely do not soak it in hot water because the material may be affected.

–  If you do not need to wear it after cleaning, you should put the retainer in a box and store it carefully.

Wearing a retainer after braces is very important to maintain the effectiveness of braces for a long time. Among the many types of retainers today, with the increasing demand for aesthetics, transparent retainers receive the attention of many people and the price of transparent retainers will depend on the manufacturer that the customer chooses, the higher the cost, the more benefits will be completely commensurate.

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Each clinic in the BIK International Dental System is assessed by the Department of Health of each province and city for different technical categories. You will receive services according to the technical categories permitted by the Department of Health. Other categories will be performed at the hospital..