How many days does it hurt to have braces? How long does it take for the pain to go away?

When starting orthodontic treatment, some people may experience side effects such as pain and sensitivity. So how many days does it take for braces to hurt? How long does it take for the pain to go away? Tips to reduce pain when getting braces? These questions will be answered in detail in the following article.

How many days does it take for braces to hurt?

How many days does it take for braces to hurt? How long does it take for the pain to go away?

How many days does it take for braces to hurt

With the question of how many days does it take for braces to hurt? First, it is necessary to confirm that the braces process will cause some discomfort and pain when you first start wearing braces and after each monthly adjustment of the arch wire. Because braces are a method of using appliances to create pressure and move the teeth to the correct position on the jaw, it will cause a certain feeling of tension and pain.

In addition, the level of pain when wearing braces will vary from person to person due to differences in pain threshold and physical condition.

Common symptoms when wearing braces include:

  • Sensitivity in teeth and gums when chewing.
  • Mouth ulcers, damage to the oral mucosa due to the arch wire, appliances hitting the lips, cheeks causing pain.
  • Tongue pain due to the tongue colliding with the inner braces band.

How many days does it take for new braces to hurt?

So how long does it take for braces to hurt? Normally, this feeling will last from 7 to 10 days. After that, the body will adapt to the pressure and the pain will gradually decrease and disappear completely.

Every month, when the doctor adjusts the tightening force, the braces pain will recur with the same duration as the first time, but there are ways to reduce the pain, so don’t worry.

It is not uncommon for some cases to hurt for more than 1 month. The cause may be due to the patient’s poor pain tolerance, causing the pain to last longer. In addition, changing the size of the archwire and using stronger pulling force devices can also prolong the pain.

How long does it take for braces to stop hurting?

During the process of wearing braces, when you feel pain, it is due to the pulling pressure from the arch wire and the purpose is to push the teeth into the correct position on the jaw. Normally, after wearing braces, you will feel pain and discomfort in the mouth for about 7-10 days. After about 1-2 weeks, the pain and discomfort will gradually disappear as you get used to the pulling force of the braces. If the braces cause damage and bleeding in the cheeks and lips, you can use orthodontic wax to protect the damaged area, helping you feel more comfortable.

How long does it take for braces to stop hurting

Tips to help reduce discomfort and pain when first getting braces

In addition to being concerned about how many days it takes for braces to stop hurting, people who intend to get braces often want to learn more about how to effectively reduce pain when getting braces. Here are some tips to help reduce pain and bring comfort when starting braces:

Rinse your mouth with warm salt water

Dissolve 1-2 teaspoons of salt in warm water, then use the salt solution to gargle for about 2-3 minutes. In addition to being antibacterial, warm salt water can also help relieve mild pain.

Tips to relieve pain when wearing braces - Gargle with salt water

Applying ice packs

Using ice packs to apply is an effective method to relieve pain after wearing braces. By cooling the damaged area, ice packs help constrict blood vessels and effectively reduce swelling and inflammation.

Eat soft foods

When you have a toothache, your mouth will become very sensitive, so you should avoid eating hard, chewy foods. Instead, choose soft, easy-to-digest foods such as porridge, soup, milk, eggs, etc.

Use orthodontic wax

For those who have pain due to the archwire or braces piercing the lips or cheeks, you can use dental wax to solve the problem. Take a small amount of wax, roll it into a ball and apply it to the area where the braces are causing discomfort. Or with the archwire, you can apply the wax to the protruding end of the archwire to prevent the archwire from piercing the cheek.

Orthodontic wax reduces pain when wearing braces

Experience for you when wearing braces to limit pain

In addition to researching how to reduce pain after wearing braces, you can also refer to some of the following useful experiences:

Choose the right type of braces

The level of pain when wearing braces will depend on the type of braces you choose. If comparing the effectiveness, self-closing braces will bring a smoother feeling and reduce pain compared to conventional braces.

Doctor’s skills

The doctor’s skills are an important factor that affects whether braces are painful or not. To avoid risks due to the doctor’s skills, you need to research carefully to choose a reputable and professional orthodontic clinic.

Experience in braces to limit pain

Eat properly and practice proper oral hygiene

Determining a suitable diet during the braces process will help reduce pain and discomfort, while bringing better results.

In addition, proper oral hygiene is also very important. You need to take good care of your teeth and remove excess food to ensure your mouth is always clean and reduce the risk of dental problems when wearing braces.

Hopefully, the information about the question of how many days does it hurt to get braces and effective pain relief tips have helped you confidently start the long orthodontic process.

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Each clinic in the BIK International Dental System is assessed by the Department of Health of each province and city for different technical categories. You will receive services according to the technical categories permitted by the Department of Health. Other categories will be performed at the hospital..