How long does it take for wisdom teeth extraction to heal? How to make the wound heal quickly

How long does it take for wisdom teeth extraction to heal is a question that BIK International Dental Clinic often receives. Recovery time after wisdom teeth extraction can vary from person to person, depending on many different factors. Let’s learn more about how long it takes for wisdom teeth extraction to heal in the article below!

How long does it take for wisdom teeth extraction to heal

How long does it take for wisdom teeth extraction to heal? How many days does it hurt?

How long does it take for wisdom teeth extraction to heal completely? And how many days will the wound hurt?

How long does it take for wisdom teeth extraction to heal?

Depending on each person’s constitution, the healing time after wisdom tooth extraction can vary. Normally, after about 1 – 2 weeks from surgery, the gums will recover and completely cover the tooth socket.

The recovery process is as follows:

How long does it take for wisdom teeth extraction to heal?

First 24 hours

When the effect of the anesthetic has worn off, pain and swelling may occur in the extraction area, which is normal after wisdom tooth extraction. In this case, the patient can use pain relievers as prescribed by the doctor (if needed). If there is little or no pain, there is no need to use pain relievers. In addition, there will also be a blood clot at the tooth hole to stop bleeding and protect the wound.

2 – 3 days later

The bleeding from the tooth root has stopped, and the swelling in the mouth and cheeks has also decreased.

After 7 days: The wound has healed, the patient goes to the dentist to remove the stitches (if regular stitches were used). If absorbable stitches were used, there is no need to remove them.

From 7 – 10 days to

The feeling of tension in the jaw muscles and pain is gone.

After 2 weeks

Bruises on the face (if any) after tooth extraction will disappear.

After the wound heals, a hole will appear on the jaw. The time to fill the tooth hole will last from 1 to 2 months if the tooth is small and grows slightly tilted. If the wisdom tooth grows severely crooked (for example, 90 degrees crooked), the time to fill the tooth hole can last about 4 months.

How many days does wisdom tooth extraction hurt?

When wisdom teeth are extracted, there will usually be a wound. This wound will usually be closed by the doctor with stitches after the extraction process. Therefore, after tooth extraction, you will feel pain.

The pain can last from a few days to a week depending on each person’s constitution. If you take care of yourself and eat properly, combined with taking medication as prescribed by your doctor, the pain can be reduced to only about 2-4 days. On the contrary, if you do not take care of yourself properly, the pain can last more than a week. If the pain persists or there are signs such as bad breath, bleeding, fever, etc., you should see a doctor for timely examination and treatment.

How many days does wisdom tooth extraction hurt?

Factors affecting healing after wisdom tooth extraction

Here are 5 factors that determine the recovery time after wisdom tooth extraction:

Teeth condition before extraction

Depending on the direction of wisdom tooth growth such as impacted, horizontal, crooked, … the doctor will apply the appropriate treatment method. If the tooth grows out of the gum, the doctor will extract the tooth using the usual method and the healing time is quite fast. Meanwhile, if the wisdom tooth grows horizontally or impacted, the doctor will have to surgically cut the gum to remove the tooth root and stitch it, so the wound will take longer to heal.

Doctor’s tooth extraction technique

An experienced and skilled doctor will certainly perform the tooth extraction process more quickly and accurately, minimizing the time spent. At the same time, the wound after tooth extraction is also properly treated, reducing swelling and pain and the risk of infection, thereby helping to speed up the healing process.

Technology used in tooth extraction

Currently, there are two methods of wisdom tooth extraction: traditional tooth extraction and tooth extraction with Piezotome machine. According to the traditional method, tooth extraction will be performed with forceps, prying tools and hand force. If the doctor is not professional, it can cause damage to soft tissue, leading to slow wound healing. Meanwhile, tooth extraction with Piezotome machine uses advanced ultrasonic technology, helping to extract teeth quickly, safely and stimulate the regeneration process of tooth tissue so that the wound heals faster.

Wisdom tooth extraction technology without surgery

How to care for and clean your teeth after extraction

Caring for and cleaning your teeth according to your doctor’s instructions such as using mouthwash after eating, eating soft and easy-to-swallow foods, etc. will help prevent food from getting stuck between your teeth and causing inflammation, thereby helping the wound heal faster.

Accompanying diseases

The recovery time after wisdom tooth extraction will vary depending on the patient’s health condition. If the person is in good health, the recovery time will be quick; On the contrary, if the person has weak resistance, diabetes or obesity, the recovery time will be longer.

How to heal wounds quickly after wisdom tooth extraction

To help wounds heal quickly after wisdom tooth extraction, you need to pay attention to some things when taking care of your teeth and food, daily activities as follows…

Combine hot and cold compresses properly

After the tooth is extracted, you should place ice on the newly extracted tooth area for the first 24 hours to stop bleeding and reduce swelling and pain. Then, switch to applying heat to increase blood circulation, helping the wound heal faster.

Take all medications as prescribed by your doctor

After wisdom tooth extraction, the doctor will prescribe pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce pain and itching, and prevent infection. If you cannot bear the pain, you can take medication to feel more comfortable.

How to heal quickly after wisdom tooth extraction

Have a scientific diet

About 2 hours after wisdom tooth extraction, you can eat and drink as usual. However, be careful to only eat soft, liquid and easy-to-swallow foods to avoid damaging the newly extracted tooth. Chew in the remaining jaw and avoid hot foods or alcoholic beverages.

Pay attention to rest, avoid strenuous exercise

After wisdom tooth extraction, you should not participate in strenuous activities such as exercise or running. Instead, take the time to rest and help the wound heal quickly and reduce pain.

Gentle and clean oral hygiene

When caring for your teeth after wisdom tooth extraction, remember to brush your teeth gently with a soft-bristled toothbrush, avoid hitting the wound, and rinse your mouth with clean water.

Absolutely do not smoke

Hopefully the above information has helped you better understand the healing time of wisdom tooth extraction. To ensure that the wisdom tooth extraction process is safe, quick, and has few complications, you should choose a reputable dental clinic with a team of professional doctors and modern equipment.

Some things to note after wisdom tooth extraction

After wisdom tooth extraction, it is important to pay attention to the following signs because they may be signs of wound infection. Especially after 7 days without feeling pain or pain relief:

Severe pain in the extraction area, pain that lasts and is strong for many days.

Bleeding from the extraction area after 2-3 days, continuous bleeding.

Swelling of the mouth, swelling of the cheeks that lasts and does not decrease after taking measures to reduce swelling.

Fatigue, discomfort accompanied by mild or high fever depending on each person’s constitution.

If you experience any of the above signs, you should go for a check-up and get advice from a doctor on appropriate treatment.

For safe wisdom tooth extraction and quick recovery, please refer to the service at BIK International Dental Clinic. The team of doctors here are highly qualified, have many years of experience and modern equipment. BIK International Dental Clinic is committed to providing quality services and customer satisfaction.

The article has answered the question of how long it takes for wisdom teeth to heal, hopefully the above information will be useful to you. If you have any questions, please contact BIK International Dental Clinic for detailed advice.

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Each clinic in the BIK International Dental System is assessed by the Department of Health of each province and city for different technical categories. You will receive services according to the technical categories permitted by the Department of Health. Other categories will be performed at the hospital..