How long does a dental implant last?

Dental implants are considered one of the safe and effective dental restoration solutions, bringing strong teeth and a bright smile to people with missing teeth. So how long does a dental implant last? Let’s find out the answer with BIK International Dental Clinic through the article below.

How long does an implant last?

1. What is dental implant?

Currently, dental implant is considered the most effective tooth restoration method, overcoming the maximum disadvantages of traditional dental implant methods such as poor durability, difficulty chewing, and low aesthetics.

Dental implant is often indicated in the following cases: loss of 1 tooth, loss of 2 adjacent or alternating teeth, loss of many adjacent or distant teeth, loss of all teeth.

1.1 Overview of dental implant

Implant is a technique that uses an implant pillar (this type of pillar is made from a Titanium compound with high mechanical properties, safe and benign to the body) implanted into the jaw bone to replace the position of the lost real tooth. After the bone firmly adheres around the implant pillar, the porcelain crown will be attached to the implant pillar through the Abutment joint. Thanks to that, a complete implant tooth is formed.

The structure of an implant tooth consists of 3 parts:

– Implant pillar

– Abutment joint

– Porcelain crown

What is implant tooth implant
The structure of an implant pillar consists of 3 parts

1.2 Advantages of implant tooth implant

Compared to traditional tooth restoration methods such as removable dentures and porcelain bridges, implant tooth implant is the top choice today because of its outstanding advantages:

– Restore lost teeth, helping you to own beautiful teeth, confident with high aesthetics.

– Improve chewing and pronunciation functions completely.
– Using dental implants does not cause any discomfort or pain like other dental implant options.

– Prevents bone loss.

– Lasts forever like a real tooth if you take care of your teeth properly.

advantages of dental implants
Implants perform chewing functions like real teeth

2. How long do dental implants last?

Dental implants are the most optimal method of restoring lost teeth today. Compared to other dental restoration methods such as removable dentures and porcelain crowns, dental implants are much more durable. Specifically, according to research by implant experts in Europe, the average age of an implant is at least 25 years. If you take good care of your teeth, the implant can be used forever and still ensure chewing function like real teeth.

Evidence of the durability of the implant method is as follows:

The first implant in the world took place in 1965 in Sweden. The implant lasted 45 years after implantation until the patient passed away. After re-examination, the results showed that the implant was still intact and could continue to be used.

In 1994, Vietnam had the first implant. Up to now, this patient’s implant is still used normally even though the real teeth have gradually fallen out due to the effects of age.

In addition, according to a study by a British doctor named Krebs M, he took samples of more than 46,000 dental implant cases in the world. And the results showed that up to 97% of the implants used with the function of real teeth for over 10 years.

But not all dental implants are durable. Whether dental implants are durable or not depends on whether the implant is good or not, whether it is genuine or not. In addition, the skill of the implant surgeon and your oral care also affect the durability of the implant.

Therefore, to ensure that dental implants can be used forever, you should consider and choose a reputable dental implant clinic to ensure that you use genuine products and that the skills of the implant surgeon meet medical standards.

how long does an implant last
Can an implant last forever

3. Why are implants more durable than other methods?

The implant method is much more durable than other tooth restoration methods. And this is the reason why implants are more durable.

The implant is implanted directly into the jawbone

When the implant is placed in the jawbone, bone tissue is produced and firmly attached to the implant. When the implant is completely integrated into the bone, the joint and crown will be placed on top to complete the implant.

Because it is inserted directly into the bone, the implant is very durable
Durable implant due to direct implantation into the jawbone

Preventing jawbone loss

Implant dentistry ensures stable jawbone function, keeping teeth stable and strong. At the same time, it effectively prevents jawbone loss because the implant pillars are integrated into the jawbone, acting as a real tooth root.

Alloy material of the implant pillar

The implant pillars are made from Titanium, this alloy is highly biocompatible with the body, limiting rejection to the maximum.

Titanium material is a very durable implant pillar
The implant pillar is durable because it is made from Titanium

4. How to make the implant tooth last forever

Choose the genuine implant pillar

Implant pillars with high durability, good support and chewing force will help maintain permanent implant results. Currently, there are many implant pillars on the market for people to choose from. However, you should listen to your doctor’s advice to choose the best quality and most suitable implant pillar.

Proper oral care

Proper dental implant care greatly affects the longevity of the tooth:

Brush your teeth at least twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush, brush gently in a circle or vertically, avoid using too much force or brushing horizontally, which will cause the porcelain tooth on the implant to wear out easily.

In addition, you should use specialized mouthwash and dental floss to clean plaque around the implant tooth.

Good oral care prolongs the life of the implant
Pay attention to oral care after implant placement

Do not eat too hard food

Diet is also one of the factors that affect the life of the implant tooth. Therefore, you should avoid foods that are too hard, too chewy, too hot or too cold, but should eat soft foods such as porridge, soup, etc. At the same time, increase foods that are good for oral health such as: foods rich in fiber, foods rich in vitamin D, fruits rich in vitamin C, etc.

In addition, you should not smoke, drink alcohol or use stimulants.

Reputable dental address

Implantation is a safe method and does not affect your health if you choose the right reputable dental facility. The higher the doctor’s technique and expertise, the more technically correct the implant procedure, with the support of modern dental equipment, greatly affects the implant results as well as the lifespan of the implant.

durable dental implants at reputable dental clinics
BIK International Dental Clinic reputable dental implants

Hopefully, the above information can help answer some of your questions about how long dental implants last? If you have any questions about dental problems, please contact BIK International Dental Clinic

to have specialists answer your questions in more detail via Hotline: 1900 8015

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