How does the process of braces for buck teeth work? How long does it take?

How does the process of braces for buck teeth work? How long does it take to brace buck teeth is a question that many people are interested in. Below is a guide to the process of braces for buck teeth that you can refer to to easily start orthodontic treatment.

Process of braces for buck teeth

How does the process of braces for buck teeth work?

The process of braces for buck teeth will be carried out in the following stages:

Step 1: General examination and photography

This is a basic but also very important step to help the doctor determine whether you have oral diseases or not. In addition, the doctor will also perform an X-ray to assess the condition of the teeth and mouth and assist in planning a detailed treatment.

Step 2: Treatment planning

During this stage, the specialist will conduct a more detailed analysis to determine the specific treatment method such as choosing the appropriate type of braces, the time needed for the braces process, considering which procedures need to be performed during the braces process and instructions on how to care for teeth after braces… At the same time, the specialist will also inform you about the estimated cost for the braces process.

Step 3: Sign a contract to protect customer rights

Once you have fully agreed to the braces plan and schedule, the dental office will send you a commitment contract. It contains important information to protect the maximum interests of the customer.

Step 4: Attaching braces

Before placing braces, the dentist will clean the teeth by removing tartar and polishing to remove any remaining residue in the oral cavity. Then, they will begin the braces procedure. The braces will be carefully calculated to ensure the placement is accurate to the millimeter.

Procedure for braces for buck teeth

Step 5: Regular orthodontics

Regardless of which orthodontic method you use, you still need to follow the follow-up schedule as instructed by your doctor. With fixed braces, check-ups are more frequent, usually every 2 weeks, while Invisalign braces help reduce the number of check-ups, helping you to visit the dentist less often.

How long does it take to fix buck teeth?

Buck teeth, also known as protruding teeth, when protruding, will cause the teeth and jawbone to protrude along with the mouth and lips. People with buck teeth will see their teeth protrude excessively every time they close their mouth. In addition, when lying on their side, the mouth will also be pushed out. To fix buck teeth, braces are necessary.

The time it takes to fix buck teeth often depends on the severity of the condition, the type of braces, and the dentist’s skills.

  • With mild buck teeth, buck teeth, or teeth with gaps, the time it takes to fix braces can last from 1.5 to 2 years. Depending on the specific condition, the time of braces may vary.
  • For cases of severe buck teeth, protruding teeth or gaps between teeth, the time of braces will be longer from 1.5 – 3 years, depending on the condition of the teeth.
  • If you have dental problems, you need to treat them before braces. In that case, the time of braces for protruding teeth will have to be longer.

How long does it take to fix buck teeth?

Cost of braces for buck teeth

You can see the cost of braces for buck teeth through the braces price list at BIK International Dental Clinic:

Factors affecting the time of braces

Usually, the time of braces for buck teeth will depend on the following factors:

Age of braces

According to dental experts, the earlier the braces are applied, the better the results. This is because at this stage, the child’s tooth structure is not yet complete, and adjustment is also easier than that of adults.

Orthodontic method

The treatment time for braces will depend on the type of braces you choose, which can be traditional braces, Invisalign clear aligners, or self-ligating elastic braces…

Teeth condition, difficulty level

If the adjustment is mild, the time to wear braces will not be too long. However, if there is a large deviation, you will need a longer adjustment time.

Factors affecting the cost of braces for buck teeth

Doctor’s skills

One of the factors that determines the time needed for braces is the doctor’s skills. If the doctor is an experienced specialist, they will be able to control the pulling force better, helping to minimize problems that arise during the orthodontic process.


Everyone wants to have beautiful, healthy, shiny teeth and no longer worry about buck teeth if they choose a reputable orthodontic address. BIK International Dental Clinic with a team of professional doctors, modern equipment and standard medical braces will bring you a perfect smile. When coming to BIK International Dental Clinic, you will be clearly informed about the time and cost of braces. In addition, if you have any questions, you can go directly to the dental clinic for consultation and oral health check-up.

Mỗi phòng khám thuộc hệ thống Nha Khoa Quốc Tế BIK được Sở Y tế các tỉnh thành thẩm định các danh mục kỹ thuật khác nhau. Quý khách sẽ được thực hiện các dịch vụ theo đúng những danh mục kỹ thuật mà Sở Y tế cho phép. Những danh mục khác sẽ được thực hiện tại bệnh viện.
Each clinic in the BIK International Dental System is assessed by the Department of Health of each province and city for different technical categories. You will receive services according to the technical categories permitted by the Department of Health. Other categories will be performed at the hospital..