How does the face change before and after braces?

Before and after braces, not only do they help your teeth become even and beautiful and have a standard bite, but they also significantly change your face. So how will facial features such as nose, chin, lips, cheeks… change after braces? The following article will answer this question in detail!

Before and after braces

How do braces change your face before and after?

Do braces affect your face? During the braces process, the structure of your nose and chin does not actually change. However, through precise adjustments from your doctor, your teeth and bones will be rearranged to the correct position. When the braces are removed, your teeth will be more even and beautiful, helping your face become more balanced, creating a V-line feeling and a higher nose.

Therefore, before and after braces can change your face. Here are some important points to note about this change:…

Slimmer face

After braces, your face will become slimmer and more graceful due to the adjustment and rearrangement of the position of the teeth. This helps create a new face shape, helping many people feel more confident with their beauty.

Braces help create a V-line chin

Braces not only correct the position of each tooth but also affect the structure of the face. Especially in the case of correcting the overbite, raising the jaw, pulling back the lower jaw or making the lower teeth even, it will significantly improve the chin condition, creating a V-line chin shape, making the face more neat and harmonious.

Changes in the face before and after braces

Braces make the nose feel higher

Another change when braces are used is a higher nose. When the teeth are properly adjusted, it can affect the structure of the lips and nose. There are cases where the upper lip touches the nose due to protruding teeth, but after braces, the lips are pulled in and create a higher and more elegant nose, making the face more delicate.

Changes in chewing ability before and after braces

The bite and jaw correlation play an important role in creating precise contact between the two jaws, helping the jaws move rhythmically to grind food. But the following dental problems can affect normal chewing function:

  • Underbite: The lower teeth in front of the shield cover the upper teeth, causing facial imbalance.
  • Open bite: The two jaws do not fit together, creating a gap when smiling.
  • Class 2 overbite: The upper teeth protrude too far, creating an asymmetrical protruding jaw and pout.
  • Crossbite: The teeth are not balanced in many directions, causing imbalance.
  • Crossbite: The upper teeth touch the lower teeth, not making contact.

Before and after braces change the ability to chew

These problems not only affect appearance but also make people feel self-conscious in daily communication and affect the ability to chew. In addition to aesthetic changes, there are also changes in the ability to chew before and after braces:

  • Improves impaired chewing function, making the eating process easier.
  • Reduces the need to overuse jaw muscles, reduces joint pain and temporomandibular joint disorder.
  • Reduces the risk of oral diseases, makes teeth cleaning easier and reduces the risk of lisping when speaking.
  • Reduces the risk of diseases related to the digestive system because food is completely crushed.

Notes before and after braces

Before and after braces, there will be significant changes when you perform treatment at reputable facilities and comply with the oral care process before and after braces. Below are the issues you need to pay attention to and note:

Before braces

To make positive changes before and after braces, you need to go to dental clinics for advice and understand your oral problems. The doctor will then recommend the appropriate treatment depending on the condition of your teeth.

If you have problems with crooked teeth or other diseases, a dental X-ray will help determine the cause and decide on the appropriate orthodontic treatment.

Choose a reputable and quality clinic to have the best treatment plan. Prioritize choosing a doctor with high skills and professional knowledge. BIK International Dental Clinic is a reliable choice for you.

Before braces, treat oral problems such as gingivitis, tooth decay, periodontitis, etc. to ensure the braces process is quick and effective.

Notes before braces

After braces

Once the doctor has adjusted the jaw to the correct position, this stage requires attention to the following:

  • Follow the doctor’s instructions on diet, hygiene and dental care.
  • Avoid eating foods that are too cold, too hot, sugary or too hard. Limit drinking alcohol, beer, and smoking because they can affect the braces process.
  • Careful oral hygiene is important when wearing braces, using dental floss, mouthwash to remove plaque and regular check-ups as required to achieve the best results.
  • Wear a retainer as instructed by your doctor to ensure the best results after braces.

Notes after braces

Image changes before and after braces

Changes before and after braces

Changes in face before and after braces

Changes before braces

Changes in appearance after braces

Before and after braces, you will feel the change in aesthetics and chewing ability. However, the level of improvement will depend on the initial condition of the teeth and the expertise of the doctor performing the treatment. So choose a reputable dental address for braces, in which BIK International Dental Clinic is the choice you can refer to.

Mỗi phòng khám thuộc hệ thống Nha Khoa Quốc Tế BIK được Sở Y tế các tỉnh thành thẩm định các danh mục kỹ thuật khác nhau. Quý khách sẽ được thực hiện các dịch vụ theo đúng những danh mục kỹ thuật mà Sở Y tế cho phép. Những danh mục khác sẽ được thực hiện tại bệnh viện.
Each clinic in the BIK International Dental System is assessed by the Department of Health of each province and city for different technical categories. You will receive services according to the technical categories permitted by the Department of Health. Other categories will be performed at the hospital..