Does Tooth Filling Hurt? What Should You Pay Attention To After Tooth Filling?

Dental fillings are the perfect solution when you need to restore teeth that are spaced or chipped due to unexpected trauma. In particular, dental fillings are also one of the most effective and fastest methods of treating tooth decay. However, many people still hesitate to have their teeth filled because they are worried about whether dental fillings are painful or not. In fact, the dental filling process is very gentle and painless if performed by a highly skilled doctor with the support of modern machinery at a reputable dental facility.

1. Why should you fill your teeth?

Not cleaning your teeth thoroughly and properly will leave food residue on the tooth surface or in between the teeth. Over time, bacteria from the plaque will develop and strongly attack the tooth enamel and form black cavities. The most serious condition is that bacteria will attack deep into the tooth pulp, causing pulpitis.

With mild tooth decay that is detected promptly, the doctor will prescribe filling the decayed tooth to prevent the spread and attack of bacteria. Not only that, filling cavities will bring benefits such as:

–  Restore tooth shape, help restore aesthetics
–  Bring better chewing efficiency
–  Quickly overcome toothache
–  Prevent many dangerous oral diseases

2. In which cases is tooth filling needed?

Although tooth filling is a fairly simple and popular technique, not all oral cases can be filled. Normally, tooth fillings are often applied in the following cases:

  2.1. Tooth decay

Tooth decay is a common oral disease caused by absorbing too much sugar and starch that cannot be thoroughly cleaned when cleaning teeth. The manifestation of tooth decay is the appearance of tiny black streaks on the tooth surface, bacteria in the black streaks will attack the tooth structure until the tooth is damaged and cannot be retained.

The method of filling cavities is often prescribed by doctors in cases where the tooth is only newly decayed and the cavity is small. Filling cavities requires an additional step of cleaning the decayed tooth tissue, then the hole will be filled with a specialized filling material.

  2.2. Chipped teeth

Teeth are often broken or chipped due to some unexpected accidents, which greatly affects the ability to chew. In the case of chipped front teeth, it also causes loss of facial aesthetics. However, in cases where the tooth is chipped by more than 1/3, it is very difficult to restore it by filling.

  2.3. Filling spaced teeth

Spaced teeth is a condition in which the teeth are located far apart on the jaw, affecting the aesthetics of the entire face, especially the front teeth. Therefore, filling spaced front teeth is an aesthetic method to help the teeth become closer and more aesthetic. However, if the spaced tooth is too large, the filling will become large and unbalanced, so the method of filling spaced teeth is often indicated for cases where the gap between teeth is less than 2mm.

  2.4. Filling to replace the old filling

It is necessary to re-fill the tooth to ensure that bacteria do not have the opportunity to invade and attack the tooth gap again because the normal filling only lasts a few years.

  2.5. Tooth root wear

The sign of tooth root wear is the appearance of a wedge-shaped defect at the contact point between the tooth and the gum. The reason is due to the use of a hard-bristled toothbrush and incorrect brushing techniques during daily oral hygiene. Tooth filling is usually indicated when the defect is shallow. If the defect has penetrated deep into the tooth and affected the pulp, tooth filling is ineffective.

3. Does tooth filling hurt?

Does tooth filling hurt? In fact, tooth filling is a very simple and quick technique. The doctor will pour the filling materials into the holes in the tooth, after a while they will harden and will not cause any discomfort. Therefore, if you fill chipped or spaced teeth, it will definitely not cause pain.

In the case of tooth decay, before filling the tooth, it is necessary to scrape off the decayed tooth tissue, so there will be a slight pain. However, during this process, there will be the support of anesthesia along with modern machinery technology, so the tooth filling will be performed very gently and at the same time bring the most comfortable feeling possible to the customer. Therefore, it is necessary to fill the tooth as soon as a cavity is detected, the longer it is left, the more the cavity will spread, making treatment more difficult.

However, whether tooth filling is painful or not depends on the following factors:

3.1. Tooth condition

The more severely the tooth is damaged and the pulp is damaged, the more painful the filling may be. However, the doctor will anesthetize before filling the tooth to reduce the pain and the pain will not last too long.

3.2. Each person’s constitution

For those who are not too sensitive, discomfort when filling teeth is normal. On the contrary, people with sensitive skin can easily feel pain even with light impact

  3.3. Dental filling materials

If you choose poor quality dental filling materials, not only will it create an uncomfortable feeling during the filling process, but after the filling, the oral cavity can be irritated, leading to pain.

  3.4. Doctor’s skills

The doctor’s skills are the factor that largely determines the effectiveness of the filling. If the doctor has a good reputation and high qualifications, it will bring a more comfortable and secure feeling to the patient.

4. Tooth filling procedure

The tooth filling steps will be performed gently and only take 15-30 minutes for the filling to be fixed in the damaged tooth area.

  4.1. General examination

First, the doctor will conduct a general examination of the tooth decay, determine the size and extent of the cavity as well as advise on some materials used for filling the tooth. At the same time, the customer will also be able to choose the color of the filling.

  4.2. Anesthesia

Plaque or tartar will be completely removed before anesthesia, and the doctor will isolate the tooth to be filled from the lips, gums and oral cavity to avoid the risk of infection. In the case of tooth decay, the decayed tooth tissue will be thoroughly scraped off before filling the tooth.

  4.3. Filling the tooth

The material used to fill the tooth will be poured into the hole to be filled. Initially, the material will be in liquid form, after about 40 seconds of laser exposure, it will harden due to the photopolymerization reaction.

  4.4. Polishing

The doctor will remove the excess filling material and polish the surface so that the filling does not cause discomfort or bumps.

5. Can a tooth be filled and then decayed again?

The condition of a tooth being filled and then decayed again is completely possible and this is a complication after filling. The reason for this condition is that the filling procedure is incorrect or the technique is incorrect. The decayed tooth tissue is not thoroughly cleaned, causing the remaining healthy tooth tissue to continue to be attacked by bacteria, causing tooth decay again. In addition, if the filling technique is not guaranteed, the filling is very easy to peel off and bacteria will have the opportunity to attack and destroy the tooth again. The condition of a tooth being filled and then decayed again is completely possible and this is a complication after filling.

6. Choose a reputable dental clinic for painless tooth filling

Performing tooth filling at a poor quality dental clinic will have risks such as inexperienced doctors, incorrect techniques, etc., which can lead to many serious complications later. Therefore, please note to choose a reputable dental facility that has the following conditions to ensure that the tooth filling procedure is safe and painless:

  6.1. Highly qualified doctors

The doctor is the one who decides the outcome of each tooth filling case. Therefore, a highly qualified and experienced doctor will have quick but accurate operations, helping patients save time while still ensuring safety and long-term effectiveness.

  6.2. Modern equipment

The tooth filling process will be supported by modern technology and machinery to help the tooth filling process take place quickly and bring optimal efficiency. In addition, the luxurious and comfortable facilities at the dental clinic also help improve the customer experience as well as bring a feeling of comfort throughout the examination and treatment process.

  6.3. Customer care service

If you receive enthusiastic attention and guidance from doctors and assistants, you will feel more confident and secure throughout the process of using the tooth filling service

  6.4. Reasonable cost

The prices of dental services must be transparent and clear so that customers can easily choose the service with the desired cost.

7. Notes after tooth filling

To increase the life of the tooth filling, it is necessary to follow the following:

  7.1. Follow the doctor’s instructions

Although there will be no pain during the tooth filling process, after the anesthetic wears off, the tooth will be a little sensitive. At this time, if necessary, the doctor will prescribe painkillers to make the customer feel more comfortable. In addition, you should not eat or drink anything for the first 2 hours so that the filling material can harden. After that time, the chewing process can take place normally without causing any discomfort.

7.2. Eating and drinking

You should avoid tough, hard foods for at least 2 days and limit the use of foods that are too hot or too cold to avoid tooth sensitivity. At the same time, you should avoid dark-colored drinks such as coffee, tea, etc. to prevent the filling from becoming yellow or discolored.

7.3. Oral hygiene

You should brush your teeth twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush with moderate force to avoid wearing down the filling. Remember to use toothpaste containing Fluoride to help strengthen your teeth. Use dental floss and mouthwash to remove food debris between your teeth to prevent the growth of bacteria.

So with all the information provided above, BIK International Dental Clinic hopes that customers have got the answer to the question Does tooth filling hurt? In general, there will not be any pain during the tooth filling process if the technique is performed at a professional, reputable dental clinic.

Mỗi phòng khám thuộc hệ thống Nha Khoa Quốc Tế BIK được Sở Y tế các tỉnh thành thẩm định các danh mục kỹ thuật khác nhau. Quý khách sẽ được thực hiện các dịch vụ theo đúng những danh mục kỹ thuật mà Sở Y tế cho phép. Những danh mục khác sẽ được thực hiện tại bệnh viện.
Each clinic in the BIK International Dental System is assessed by the Department of Health of each province and city for different technical categories. You will receive services according to the technical categories permitted by the Department of Health. Other categories will be performed at the hospital..