Does Tooth Extraction During Braces Have Any Effects?


Braces are the most popular orthodontic method today to help correct buck teeth, underbites, crooked teeth, etc. at all levels. To ensure the effectiveness of orthodontics, doctors may prescribe some appropriate accompanying measures. Therefore, whether braces require tooth extraction or not depends on each person’s oral condition. If the jaw still has enough space, this is completely unnecessary.

1. Do braces require tooth extraction?

Braces are an orthodontic method that uses a system of wires, brackets or transparent braces to create a tightening force to help teeth move to the correct position on the jaw. This method is used to effectively correct the conditions of protruding, underbite, misaligned, crooked teeth, etc., from mild to severe.


So whether braces require tooth extraction depends on each person’s oral condition. In cases where more space is needed for misaligned teeth to be rearranged more evenly, the doctor may recommend tooth extraction.

However, doctors will also minimize the cases of having to extract real teeth of customers. Therefore, this indication will be carefully considered by the doctor based on the appropriate treatment regimen that has been studied in advance. In some cases, tooth extraction during braces can help customers avoid oral diseases that lead to other dangerous complications.

2. In which cases does tooth extraction during braces need to be done?


It is not always necessary to extract teeth when performing braces. If there is enough space on the jaw to adjust the position of the teeth, customers do not need to extract them. Some cases that do not require tooth extraction but can still have normal braces include:

  2.1. Gap teeth

Gap teeth is a condition where the teeth do not grow close together and are spaced apart, so there is enough space for the teeth to move to the desired position, so tooth extraction is not necessary.

  2.2. Children in the age of braces

Children aged 12-16 are considered the “golden” time for braces because the teeth are not yet stable and the jawbone is not as hard as that of adults. Therefore, braces for children often do not require tooth extraction, but the doctor will use other orthodontic techniques to ensure the effectiveness of braces such as:

– Jaw expansion: The doctor will use a device to expand the jaw and create space between the teeth before braces. On average, the time to expand the jaw lasts from 3-6 months.

–  Grinding the teeth: This method is suitable for cases where the teeth are slightly misaligned, grinding the teeth will help widen the gap between the teeth. In addition, this also helps to reduce the size of the teeth if the customer has large teeth.

3. When is it necessary to extract teeth when wearing braces?


Although it is necessary to minimize the need to remove the customer’s real teeth, in order for the orthodontic process to be more favorable and achieve the desired results, in some of the following cases, the doctor may prescribe tooth extraction:

  3.1. Jaw has too many teeth

It is possible that when performing braces, the patient did not lose baby teeth before or had a condition of teeth growing inward, causing the jaw to have too many teeth. Therefore, when performing braces, the doctor will prescribe tooth extraction to create space for the teeth to be rearranged in the correct position.

  3.2. Protruding and receding teeth

Protruding and receding teeth greatly affect the bite, chewing ability and facial harmony. In these cases, the doctor will extract teeth in certain positions to ensure the best results of braces.

  3.3. Crooked and crowded teeth

This not only makes the patient lose confidence in their appearance but also brings negative consequences, affecting oral health. Therefore, the doctor will prescribe tooth extraction, at which time the space will appear, creating conditions for the remaining teeth to be adjusted to become more even and beautiful.

3.4. Misaligned bite

In the case where the teeth in the two jaws do not match, it will reduce the chewing function, which can gradually lead to tooth wear. Removing some teeth will help the bite have more space to move, resulting in beautiful, even teeth and a standard bite.

4. Does tooth extraction during braces have any effect?


In fact, tooth extraction during braces does not affect oral health but also helps improve the effectiveness of braces. However, this is only truly effective when the following conditions are met:

– The doctor prescribes tooth extraction after carefully considering the patient’s current oral health status.

– Only extract teeth when no other alternative method can be performed.

– Extract teeth with a scientific process, ensuring absolute sterility and safety.

– Develop an orthodontic regimen suitable for people who need tooth extraction.

– Closely monitor and have a timely treatment plan as soon as there are unusual problems with the teeth after extraction.

5. BIK International Dental Clinic – A reputable address for braces


BIK International Dental Clinic is proud to be one of the most reputable dental clinics for braces on the market thanks to meeting all of the following criteria:

  5.1. Team of good doctors

When choosing braces at BIK International Dental Clinic, customers will be directly examined, consulted and treated by good doctors, highly skilled and have been trained in braces – orthodontics. With many years of experience and dedication to the profession, doctors at BIK International Dental Clinic ensure the best orthodontic results, while minimizing the need for tooth extraction during orthodontic treatment.

  5.2. Equipped with modern machinery and technology

All facilities at BIK International Dental Clinic are equipped with modern machinery and technology to support the orthodontic process to take place smoothly and without causing pain to customers.

In particular, BIK Dental provides Invisalign clear braces service using the most advanced and modern orthodontic technology today. With this method, the aesthetics throughout the orthodontic process will be guaranteed because patients will use orthodontic appliances such as clear braces instead of traditional archwires and brackets.

  5.3. International standard orthodontic procedure

The orthodontic procedure from examination, consultation to tooth extraction and treatment at BIK International Dental Clinic is carried out carefully, in accordance with international standards. In addition, BIK Dental also strictly follows the regulations of the Ministry of Health on sterilization and disinfection during tooth extraction and braces to avoid cross-infection between patients.

So whether braces require tooth extraction or not depends on the specific oral condition of each person. If there is enough space on the jaw for the teeth to move to the correct position, there is no need for extraction but orthodontic treatment after treating oral diseases. To know the exact treatment regimen for yourself, customers should go to a reputable dental facility to be examined and consulted by a specialist.

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Each clinic in the BIK International Dental System is assessed by the Department of Health of each province and city for different technical categories. You will receive services according to the technical categories permitted by the Department of Health. Other categories will be performed at the hospital..