[Doctor Answers] Does Tooth Filling Need Root Canal Treatment?

Tooth filling is a fairly common dental method today with a reasonable price, suitable for all customers who need aesthetic restoration. Whether tooth filling requires root canal treatment or not depends on each person’s specific tooth condition because the doctor always tries to minimize the need for root canal treatment. The reason is because the root canal is an important part containing nerves deep in the tooth, root canal treatment will make the tooth more sensitive and no longer as strong as usual.

Does tooth filling require root canal treatment?

1. Does tooth filling require root canal treatment?


Whether tooth filling requires root canal treatment depends on each specific case:

  1.1. Cases where root canal treatment is not required

Dental filling is a method of restoring the aesthetics of chipped, cracked, decayed teeth, etc. by using specialized dental materials to fill the gap. Not only does it help improve overall aesthetics, the ability to chew will also be significantly restored after filling.

In fact, whether tooth filling requires root canal treatment depends on each person’s specific condition. After a general examination and X-ray, the doctor will give an accurate treatment plan to ensure maximum safety for the customer.

In cases where the tooth is only cracked but there are no signs of tooth decay or only mild decay, the decay has not affected the tooth pulp, the customer will not need to have a root canal. At this time, the doctor will only clean the cavity and then fill the gap caused by the tooth decay to prevent bacteria from attacking the tooth pulp.

  1.2. Cases where root canal is needed

In cases where the tooth pulp has signs of infection such as tooth decay causing pain or pain when chewing, the tooth becomes sensitive to hot and cold foods, the tooth is severely injured exposing the dentin, the doctor needs to perform a root canal before filling.

If the above conditions are not examined and treated promptly, they may progress to cause more serious consequences such as: pulp death, tooth abscess, blood infection, … and even tooth loss.

2. Root canal filling procedure


The international standard root canal filling procedure usually includes the following basic steps:

  2.1. General examination

To determine the overall oral health status, the doctor will first conduct a general examination with the naked eye. After that, the customer will have an X-ray to determine whether the tooth pulp is damaged or not, then a reasonable treatment plan will be proposed.

  2.2. Proceed with root canal treatment

The doctor will inject a local anesthetic to limit the pain for the customer and then drill a small hole on the tooth to reach the root canal. The infected part of the tooth pulp will be completely cleaned, helping to end the discomfort and pain caused by pulpitis.

After that, the doctor will clean the root canal and take another X-ray to determine whether the pulp is still left or not. This is one of the extremely important inspection steps in the root canal filling process, because if the pulp is not completely cleaned, bacteria will continue to attack, causing other serious consequences.

  2.3. Tooth color comparison

Comparing tooth color will help the doctor choose the exact color of the filling material to ensure maximum aesthetics after treatment. Usually, the doctor will use specialized Composite materials to bring the most natural color.

  2.4. Filling teeth

Next, the doctor will proceed to fill teeth in turn according to the standard steps of acid erosion, creating a bonding layer and filling. The entire process must be carried out in a sterile environment that meets the strict standards of the Ministry of Health to ensure customer safety.

  2.5. Re-examination

After completing the root canal filling process, the doctor will grind the edges of the tooth if necessary to ensure the customer’s chewing ability and comfort.

3. Is root canal filling good?


Performing root canal filling can bring the following benefits:

  3.1. Preserving real teeth

If the pulpitis is not treated promptly, it can lead to infection, tooth abscess, etc., and at this point the risk of tooth loss is very high.

Unlike when performing porcelain crowns, which require grinding down the real tooth stump to make a support pillar, tooth filling is just a method of filling the gap with specialized materials without having to make any impact on the tooth structure. This helps the root canal tooth, which is more sensitive, to be preserved to the maximum when restoring.

  3.2. Stopping pain

In cases of severe pulp infection, tooth decay, severe trauma affecting the tooth structure, etc., pain is inevitable. Performing root canal filling helps to completely remove the damaged pulp, immediately ending the feeling of pain, soreness, and discomfort.

  3.3. Restore chewing function

After the root canal treatment, the tooth will no longer be painful, so the chewing process will also become easier. Even in cases where the tooth is broken or cracked, making eating unappetizing, filling the tooth will help the tooth regain its original shape, effectively restoring the ability to bite and tear food.

4. BIK International Dental Clinic – A reputable address for root canal filling


BIK International Dental Clinic is proud to be one of the most reputable addresses providing a variety of oral health care services today. Accompanying many domestic and foreign customers when encountering pulpitis causing pain and discomfort, BIK International Dental Clinic fully meets the following criteria:

  4.1. Team of good doctors

When choosing to have a filling at BIK International Dental Clinic, whether or not to have a root canal, customers will be directly examined and treated by a team of good doctors with many years of experience in the field of maxillofacial surgery. With meticulous and precise operations, the doctors ensure that the treatment results will restore both aesthetics and the ability to chew normally. At the same time, the feeling of pain and soreness caused by inflammation will also end because the tooth pulp has been completely removed.

  4.2. Modern equipment

All branches of BIK International Dental Clinic are invested in and equipped with the most modern and advanced machinery and technology today. This makes the diagnosis and treatment process more accurate and easier. This helps to save maximum time for customers when coming to the dentist but still get the best treatment results.

  4.3. International standard tooth filling process

The tooth filling process with root canal at BIK International Dental Clinic is guaranteed to be performed in accordance with the correct steps according to international standards to ensure customer safety. In addition, the Dental Clinic also fully meets the standards of the Ministry of Health on disinfection and sterilization, avoiding cross-infection between patients.

So whether tooth filling requires root canal depends on the specific tooth condition of each person because the doctor always minimizes cases that need to affect the patient’s tooth structure. To know the specific answer, customers should go to a reputable dental facility to be examined and accurately consulted by a specialist.

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Each clinic in the BIK International Dental System is assessed by the Department of Health of each province and city for different technical categories. You will receive services according to the technical categories permitted by the Department of Health. Other categories will be performed at the hospital..