Customer Tran Van Dua

Losing almost all of his upper teeth made it extremely difficult for Mr. Dua (62 years old, Ho Chi Minh City) to eat and chew, and the joy of family meals gradually faded.

Mr. Dua confided: “Since losing my teeth, my spirit has been very low! Eating and drinking are painful, laughing and talking are cautious and shy. I just wish I had new, strong teeth, so that I could eat more deliciously and have enough health to enjoy life with my children and grandchildren!”. At first, Mr. Dua was also hesitant when he learned about the dental implant method. But after following BIK International Dental Clinic for a while and seeing the successful dental implant results of other uncles and aunts, he believed that BIK International Dental Clinic would make his dream of eating and chewing deliciously come true.

Through a general examination and 3D Cone Beam CT scan, BIK International Dental doctors applied the Implant method to help Mr. Dua restore his CHEWING function and AESTHETIC effect #AFTER_ONLY_3_DAYS.

If you are also having problems related to tooth loss, but do not know how to fix it properly. Please contact Hotline 1900 8015 immediately for a doctor to advise and answer your questions

Mỗi phòng khám thuộc hệ thống Nha Khoa Quốc Tế BIK được Sở Y tế các tỉnh thành thẩm định các danh mục kỹ thuật khác nhau. Quý khách sẽ được thực hiện các dịch vụ theo đúng những danh mục kỹ thuật mà Sở Y tế cho phép. Những danh mục khác sẽ được thực hiện tại bệnh viện.
Each clinic in the BIK International Dental System is assessed by the Department of Health of each province and city for different technical categories. You will receive services according to the technical categories permitted by the Department of Health. Other categories will be performed at the hospital..