Current Teeth Whitening Service Price List

Teeth whitening is the most popular method to help teeth become whiter effectively, safely and quickly, while bringing a confident, radiant smile after only about 45-60 minutes at the dentist. In general, teeth whitening prices at reputable dental facilities are always publicly disclosed in a transparent and clear manner so that customers can feel secure using the service. Join BIK International Dental Clinic to find out how much teeth whitening costs in the article below!

1. Cases where teeth whitening is not recommended


Although teeth whitening is a fairly simple and highly effective technique, not everyone can use this service. The following cases are advised not to whiten teeth to ensure safety:

  1.1. Children under 16 years old

Children under 16 years old should not whiten teeth because at this time the teeth have not yet fully developed in the most stable way. Using bleach can irritate the pulp, causing pain and tooth sensitivity.

  1.2. Pregnant women

Pregnant women are advised not to whiten their teeth because the bleach can affect the health of both the mother and the fetus.

  1.3. Allergy to bleach

In case of allergy to the ingredients of bleach, teeth whitening should not be performed. Instead, you can learn and apply some safer teeth whitening methods such as using toothpaste or using natural ingredients.

  1.4. Patients with other oral diseases

Because the concentration of bleach in bleach can make other diseases worse. Therefore, oral diseases such as periodontitis, tooth decay, tooth neck wear, tooth enamel wear must be completely treated before performing whitening to ensure safety.

2. Factors affecting the price of teeth whitening


The price list for teeth whitening services is not the same between dental clinics and there is no fixed price for this service. The reason is that the cost of teeth whitening is often affected by the following factors:

  2.1. Teeth whitening technology

The effectiveness of teeth whitening often depends on teeth whitening medicine, but the teeth whitening process always has the indispensable support of a laser projector. In today’s busy life, customers are not only interested in whitening effectiveness but also the whitening time is a top concern.

Today’s modern and advanced laser machines have been upgraded with the efficiency of blue light. Therefore, the light exposure time will not be too long and save a lot of waiting time for customers. Because the current laser light projection system is quite expensive, the cost of teeth whitening will certainly be a bit higher.

  2.2. Teeth whitening medicine

On the market today, there are gradually emerging poor quality teeth whitening medicines, although the control agencies have tightened the quality of medical drugs on the market. Normally, the concentration of bleach in poor quality medicines is very high, making teeth whitening faster, so it is often favored by small dental clinics.

However, it is not true that the medicine with a higher concentration of bleach, the faster the whitening process, the better. Because bleach is a substance that comes into direct contact with tooth enamel to remove plaque and yellow stains, if the concentration is too high, it will damage tooth enamel, cause pain and can even affect the tooth pulp.

  2.3. Dental clinic address

The dental clinic chosen for teeth whitening is also a factor that affects the price of the service. If you choose a reputable dental clinic with modern facilities and a team of good, experienced doctors, the cost will be higher.

3. How much does teeth whitening cost?


The cost of teeth whitening services is not fixed but fluctuates depending on each whitening method:

  3.1. How to use teeth whitening strips

You can use teeth whitening strips to whiten your teeth at home and you should choose strips with a Hydrogen Peroxide concentration ranging from 10%-15% to ensure safety. Currently, there are a number of reputable whitening strip brands on the market such as Viva White, Oral B. To achieve maximum effectiveness as well as maintain the whiteness of your teeth when performing this method, whitening needs to be done regularly and many times.

The price of teeth whitening strips ranges from 400,000 – 800,000 VND/ 1 course.

  3.2. How to use teeth whitening trays

To whiten your teeth with whitening trays, customers need to combine a whitening treatment at home and see a doctor for advice. When customers come to the dentist, the doctor will examine the general condition of their teeth and give detailed, specific instructions on how to whiten their teeth at home. Customers will have their jaw impressions taken and the whitening tray will be designed specifically for each person to bring the most comfortable and suitable feeling while wearing the tray.

After receiving the whitening tray and the amount of whitening agent prescribed by the doctor, the customer will apply the agent to the whitening tray and then wear it on the jaw to perform whitening. This process is done right at home.

Depending on the degree of tooth discoloration, the whitening process using this method will last for a certain amount of time. Normally, after only about 2 weeks, the teeth can reach the desired whiteness. Because the whitening process is done at home, the cost of this method only depends on the amount of whitening agent needed.

The price of teeth whitening service using whitening trays usually ranges from 1,000,000 – 2,000,000 VND/ 1 course.

  3.3. Laser Teeth Whitening Method

Laser teeth whitening service combined with bleaching agent is the leading whitening technology today at dental clinics. This process is performed entirely by a specialist doctor combined with modern equipment at dental clinics.

This method will give customers a set of bright white teeth quickly, bringing high efficiency and aesthetics while still ensuring safety for oral health. Above all, the whiteness of the teeth can be maintained for several years with just one procedure at the dental clinic.

Because of the above outstanding advantages, the price for laser teeth whitening service ranges from 2,500,000 – 3,500,000 VND/ 1 whitening session.

4. How long does the teeth whitening process take?

The outer layer of the tooth must constantly come into contact with food and drinks. Brushing your teeth with a toothbrush every day only cleans the surface of the teeth, but before that, the ingredients in the food have penetrated the enamel. That leads to yellow teeth after a while and even forms plaque that sticks to the base of the teeth. That is also the cause of bacteria growth and bad breath.

Teeth whitening is considered the fastest method to remove unsightly yellow stains on teeth. The nature of teeth whitening is simply to create an oxidation reaction to lighten the yellow color in the enamel, making teeth whiter. Because the process is quite simple and supported by modern technology, the total whitening time at the dentist only takes about 60 minutes.

5. Symptoms that may occur after whitening

Teeth whitening is an absolutely safe teeth whitening method if performed at a reputable dental address, but customers can still experience symptoms after whitening. Because the enamel will have to come into direct contact with the whitening agent, the sensitivity that occurs is completely normal and will go away on its own after a few days.

In cases of prolonged tooth sensitivity, it may be due to oral diseases that have not been completely treated before bleaching or the amount of bleach used by the dentist is too high for the customer’s body.

6. How to care for teeth after bleaching

To maintain the whiteness of your teeth after bleaching, you should take note of the following:

  6.1. Diet

Stay away from tobacco because this is the most common cause of teeth quickly becoming discolored. Do not eat dark-colored foods such as coffee, tea, soy sauce, etc. and prioritize using white or colorless foods such as rice, chicken, porridge, etc. If you use dark-colored foods, you need to rinse your mouth thoroughly afterwards.

  6.2. Oral hygiene

Clean your teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush at least twice a day to remove leftover food stuck on the tooth surface and combine with dental floss to clean between teeth most effectively. In addition, you should rinse your mouth with a salt water mixture every evening and morning to increase the ability to kill bacteria.

  6.3. Use medicine to maintain white teeth

Using medicine to support after teeth whitening will help the bright white color to last over time, and not fade for a long time.

7. Price list of teeth whitening services at BIK International Dental Clinic

So the price list of teeth whitening services often has a difference between dental clinics, but in general, each dental clinic offers a transparent, clear price that is suitable for the service, modern machinery equipped at the dental clinic along with a team of experienced doctors. Hopefully through this article, BIK International Dental Clinic has answered your question: How much does teeth whitening cost?

Mỗi phòng khám thuộc hệ thống Nha Khoa Quốc Tế BIK được Sở Y tế các tỉnh thành thẩm định các danh mục kỹ thuật khác nhau. Quý khách sẽ được thực hiện các dịch vụ theo đúng những danh mục kỹ thuật mà Sở Y tế cho phép. Những danh mục khác sẽ được thực hiện tại bệnh viện.
Each clinic in the BIK International Dental System is assessed by the Department of Health of each province and city for different technical categories. You will receive services according to the technical categories permitted by the Department of Health. Other categories will be performed at the hospital..