Causes and effective ways to overcome tooth sensitivity

Sensitive teeth have a significant impact on the quality of life, most clearly manifested through daily eating and drinking activities. In this article, BIK International Dental Clinic will help you know the causes and effective ways to treat sensitive teeth.

causes and remedies for sensitive teeth
Do you know the causes of sensitive teeth?

1. Causes of sensitive teeth

The cause of sensitive teeth often occurs when you eat cold, sour, spicy foods or when your teeth are exposed to the wind. In addition, there are the following causes:

Exposed dentin

When the enamel is worn or damaged (cracked, chipped) or the gum line recedes, the dentin layer will be exposed. The dentin layer has thousands of dentin tubules that lead directly to the nerves in the tooth (dental pulp). When exposed to hot, cold or acidic factors, … the nerves inside the tooth will be stimulated. This is considered the cause of tooth sensitivity.

Exposed dentin is the cause of tooth sensitivity
Exposed dentin when tooth enamel wears away

Cause of tooth sensitivity due to receding gums

The roots of the teeth are covered by gum tissue. However, if you have periodontal disease, the gums can recede and expose the sensitive dentin.

Improper oral care

If you do not protect your teeth properly, food plaque accumulated on your teeth will cause many serious problems such as tooth decay, gingivitis, periodontitis, etc., causing tooth enamel to erode, leading to tooth sensitivity.

Causes of tooth sensitivity due to tooth decay

Tooth decay creates cavities in the teeth, when the cavity reaches the pulp, it exposes the nerve endings in the pulp. This makes the teeth susceptible to tooth sensitivity.

tooth decay is the cause of tooth sensitivity
Tooth decay is very easy to cause tooth sensitivity

Unhealthy eating habits

Regularly eating foods with high acid content such as oranges, tangerines, plums, mangoes, tomatoes, pickles

, … or the habit of using food that is too hot, too cold or spicy can also erode tooth enamel leading to tooth sensitivity.

In addition, some bad habits that are harmful to teeth such as: the habit of chewing ice, grinding teeth while sleeping at night also gradually damage the tooth structure leading to tooth sensitivity.

unhealthy eating causes tooth sensitivity
Using foods rich in Acid causes tooth damage and tooth sensitivity

2. How to treat tooth sensitivity at home

To overcome tooth sensitivity, we have many ways, using modern and folk methods. Basically, all of these methods are good. Please refer to and choose the right method for yourself.

Overcome tooth sensitivity using scientific methods

Brush your teeth properly

You should brush your teeth twice a day: morning and evening before going to bed. To ensure good oral hygiene, you should change your toothbrush regularly every 2-3 months, or sooner if the toothbrush is frayed.

Use the right toothpaste

You should use toothpaste specifically for sensitive teeth, suitable mouthwashes as prescribed by your dentist. In addition, brushing your teeth with warm water at 30-40 degrees Celsius can reduce tooth sensitivity.

choose the right toothpaste to reduce tooth sensitivity
Use the right toothpaste to reduce tooth sensitivity

Supplement calcium

Many dental problems originate from calcium deficiency. To supplement calcium for your body, you can use foods rich in calcium such as butter, milk or green vegetables such as broccoli, almonds and dried beans.

Scientific diet

Do not use drinks containing a lot of acid, especially carbonated water. Limit eating foods that are too hot or cold because it will cause the enamel to thin, leading to sensitivity in the lower jaw. Instead, you should eat foods rich in fiber such as fresh fruits: bananas, apples, … to help your body supplement essential minerals to fight against the process of causing tooth sensitivity.

scientific diet to overcome tooth sensitivity
Eating foods rich in Calcium makes teeth strong and reduces tooth sensitivity

Home remedies for tooth sensitivity

Guava leaves

When you have tooth sensitivity, you can chew a few guava leaves or boil water with guava leaves, combined with a little salt to solve the problem of tooth sensitivity. Because guava leaves contain very good anti-inflammatory and antibacterial substances.

guava leaves treat toothache
Guava leaves help treat toothache

Clove Oil

Clove Oil has long been used by our grandparents not only to treat toothache but also as a fairly effective way to treat other oral diseases. Because Clove Oil contains anti-inflammatory and antifungal substances, simply applying it to the sensitive teeth and gums will help to overcome this condition soon.


Garlic contains substances that inhibit the process of infection, so when you have sensitive teeth, garlic is a method you can use to overcome tooth sensitivity at home.

garlic helps overcome tooth sensitivity
Garlic has anti-inflammatory effects

Rinse your mouth with salt water

Salt is an essential mineral for the human body, helping teeth to be healthy and less sensitive. When you have tooth sensitivity, you can rinse your mouth with salt water every day to treat tooth sensitivity.

Baking Soda

Tooth sensitivity is caused by damaged teeth that are not strong. Using Baking Soda helps balance the PH of the teeth, reducing tooth sensitivity.

baking soda helps overcome tooth sensitivity
Baking Soda effectively overcomes tooth sensitivity

3. How to treat tooth sensitivity at BIK International Dental Clinic

If tooth sensitivity is not detected and treated promptly, it can cause the symptoms to gradually accumulate and become more and more severe, even leading to pulpitis. Therefore, when signs of tooth sensitivity appear, you should go to reputable specialized facilities to be examined and given appropriate treatment to avoid possible dangerous complications.

With a team of good and experienced doctors and a system of modern machinery and equipment, BIK International Dental Clinic is a reputable address for the treatment of dental diseases that is trusted by many customers. Coming to BIK International Dental Clinic, you will be thoroughly examined and specifically advised on your tooth sensitivity condition, thereby thoroughly treating it, helping you eliminate tooth discomfort and be able to eat, chew and talk comfortably.

If you have any questions that need to be answered, please contact BIK International Dental Clinic immediately for detailed and completely free advice from experts.

treatment of tooth sensitivity at bik international dental clinic


Branch 1: 20 – 22 Le Van Viet, Hiep Phu Ward, Thu Duc City
Branch 2: 707 Kha Van Can, Linh Xuan Ward, Thu Duc City
Branch 3: 553 Dai Lo Binh Duong, Hiep Thanh Ward, Thu Duc City Thu Dau Mot, Binh Duong Province
Hotline: 1900 8015
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Each clinic in the BIK International Dental System is assessed by the Department of Health of each province and city for different technical categories. You will receive services according to the technical categories permitted by the Department of Health. Other categories will be performed at the hospital..