Dental knowledge

Top things to note when your baby changes baby teeth

To ensure that children’s teeth develop healthily and beautifully when they grow up, the period

What to do when your baby has early tooth decay? The most effective prevention and treatment

Tooth decay is a common problem in children, especially in the age group of 1

How to brush your baby’s teeth properly – Parents should know

Many parents still wait until their child has enough teeth before starting to brush their

What to Do When Children Have Toothache? Quick Remedy

Tooth decay is a common condition in young children due to the habit of eating

Why Do Babies Get Tooth Decay When They Eat Candy? How To Deal With It

Baby tooth decay due to eating candy is a common condition caused by many different

Causes of Tooth Decay in 5-Year-Old Children and What to Do?

Nowadays, tooth decay in 5-year-old children is quite common, stemming from improper oral hygiene habits

What to do if a 14 year old has tooth decay? How to fix it

Tooth decay is an oral disease that can occur at any age. If not treated

The safest and best way to care for baby teeth

Improper brushing is the leading cause of tooth decay in children between the ages of

What to avoid eating and what to eat after wisdom tooth extraction? Must pay attention

Diet and eating after wisdom tooth extraction is one of the issues that many people

Is it okay not to remove wisdom teeth? Possible complications

Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to grow in the jaw, usually appearing when we

Signs of infection after tooth extraction and how to treat it

Tooth extraction is a treatment method when the damaged teeth cannot be saved. Tooth extraction

How long does it take for wisdom teeth extraction to heal? How to make the wound heal quickly

How long does it take for wisdom teeth extraction to heal is a question that