Can Tooth Decay Be Treated With Braces?


Tooth decay is a fairly common condition in both children and adults due to many different causes. Tooth decay at each level will cause different effects on oral health as well as overall health. So can I get braces if I have cavities? Let’s find out with BIK in the article below.

1. Effects of tooth decay


If tooth decay is not treated promptly, it can cause the following effects:

  1.1. Weakening teeth

Over time, decayed teeth will become weaker and gradually lose their ability to chew. They are often sensitive when exposed to hot, cold, sour foods, etc. At the same time, tooth decay also affects adjacent teeth, and the risk of infection will spread to the tissues around the teeth.

  1.2. Diabetes

When bacteria attack the surface of the enamel and dentin and begin to invade, the stimuli inside the oral cavity will weaken the body’s ability to control blood sugar levels. This makes it difficult to convert sugar into energy, so the risk of diabetes in people with tooth decay is quite high.

  1.3. Impaired memory

Scientists have studied that the condition of the teeth is closely related to the brain’s ability to remember. When teeth decay, an area of ​​the brain will be affected and the sensitivity of other areas will be reduced. Tooth decay causes the brain’s arteries to narrow, affecting memory and increasing the risk of confusion in the elderly.

2. What are braces? What are the methods?


Braces are an orthodontic method that is commonly applied today in many different oral cases. When performing braces, the doctor will attach a system of archwires, brackets or transparent braces to apply force to the teeth to help them move to the desired position on the jaw.
Braces are divided into 3 main methods as follows:

  2.1. Metal braces

Metal braces are a traditional orthodontic method that has been around for a long time. When performing braces, the doctor will fix the archwire system and brackets to the tooth surface. These devices will create a stable and strong tightening force to help teeth move quickly to the correct position. This metal material is quite picky about users because it can cause irritation if customers have sensitive skin or are allergic to metal.

Although it brings high efficiency in a short time, metal braces do not ensure aesthetics during treatment because the color is too different from real teeth.

  2.2. Ceramic braces

Ceramic braces are an improved method from traditional metal braces to overcome the disadvantages of aesthetics. This method has the same operating mechanism as metal braces, which is to use the tightening force of orthodontic appliances to help customers have beautiful, even teeth with a standard bite.

The difference is that the braces are now made from high-quality ceramic material and can be adjusted in color to match the color of real teeth. This helps customers always feel confident when smiling even during the orthodontic process.

  2.3. Invisalign clear braces

Invisalign clear braces are researched and developed using the most modern and advanced orthodontic technology today. With this method, each person will use braces designed to fit their teeth. These braces are made of transparent plastic and also have the effect of creating a continuous, stable force to help the teeth move slowly.

Although the cost is quite high compared to other methods, with Invisalign, the aesthetics during the treatment process will be absolutely guaranteed because the braces are transparent and fit tightly to the teeth, so it is difficult for the other person to notice. In addition, Invisalign trays can be easily removed, making oral hygiene no longer too difficult for people with braces.

3. Can teeth with cavities be braced?


In fact, it is possible to have teeth with cavities treated with braces – orthodontics, but treatment must be performed beforehand for the following reasons:

– Cavities are weaker than normal teeth because the tooth tissue has been destroyed, so when impacted by force when braces are applied, the teeth can even break and fall out. In cases where only a small force is applied to the teeth, the effectiveness of orthodontics will be affected.

– Cavities will cause sharp pain, and if braces are applied, the pain will be even greater, affecting overall health.

– The process of braces usually lasts at least 1.5 – 2 years depending on the case, so if cavities are not treated beforehand, the condition will become more serious. During the process of braces, if you do not clean your teeth properly, bacteria will spread and attack other teeth.

4. How to treat cavities before braces


At each different stage of tooth decay, the doctor will have different ways of handling it:

  4.1. In case of mild tooth decay

In fact, in case of mild tooth decay, the teeth are still strong, braces can still be performed even without treating the tooth decay. However, if the patient is found to have mild tooth decay, the doctor will often prescribe treatment before orthodontics.

This is to ensure that the tooth decay does not spread and the customer does not suffer from tooth decay pain during the orthodontic process. If the cavity spreads later while the archwire or braces are attached, it will be more difficult to treat.

Mild tooth decay is characterized by black or opaque white holes appearing on the tooth surface. At this time, the doctor will prescribe tooth filling. If the cavity is just a small black hole, then only fluoride is needed, but if the cavity is a little larger, the cavity needs to be removed and the tooth filled.

  4.2. In case of severe tooth decay reaching the pulp

If you intentionally install orthodontic appliances while the tooth decay has not been treated, the bacteria in the cavity will easily attack and spread to other teeth during the tooth movement process. In case the pulp is damaged, the doctor needs to remove the decayed tissue as well as the damaged pulp first.

At this time, the tooth becomes quite sensitive and is no longer strong, so braces at this time are quite risky. Therefore, customers will need to proceed with the porcelain crown step before starting braces.

  4.3. Cases where the tooth body is completely broken

In cases where the cavity has attacked and broken the entire tooth body, braces cannot be performed. Because at this time the tooth no longer has enough surface area to attach braces. If the tooth body is still large enough to cover the tooth with porcelain, the cavity will be treated, the porcelain crown will be applied, and then braces will be applied.

In cases where the tooth body is too damaged to be restored with porcelain, the doctor will prescribe tooth extraction, then depending on each specific oral condition, there will be an appropriate treatment plan.

5. Oral care to reduce the risk of tooth decay when wearing braces


To minimize the risk of tooth decay during the orthodontic process, customers should pay attention to their daily oral care regimen:

 5.1. Proper oral hygiene

– Use a soft-bristled toothbrush or, best of all, an interdental brush to clean the entire tooth surface, especially the areas where braces are attached.

– Use diluted salt water or specialized mouthwash combined with dental floss to completely remove any remaining food particles in the oral cavity.

– Use fluoride toothpaste to support healthy teeth during the braces process.

5.2. Follow a suitable diet

– Do not smoke, limit alcoholic beverages or colored foods.

– Do not eat foods that are too hot or too cold, especially for customers who choose metal braces.

– Eat lots of green vegetables and foods rich in vitamin C, which are good for gums and teeth.

So can cavities be fixed immediately? The answer is no. To ensure safety and prevent serious consequences caused by cavities, doctors must treat cavities before developing a treatment plan for each person. Therefore, customers should visit the dentist for examination and consultation on effective tooth decay treatment methods for their level of tooth decay.

Mỗi phòng khám thuộc hệ thống Nha Khoa Quốc Tế BIK được Sở Y tế các tỉnh thành thẩm định các danh mục kỹ thuật khác nhau. Quý khách sẽ được thực hiện các dịch vụ theo đúng những danh mục kỹ thuật mà Sở Y tế cho phép. Những danh mục khác sẽ được thực hiện tại bệnh viện.
Each clinic in the BIK International Dental System is assessed by the Department of Health of each province and city for different technical categories. You will receive services according to the technical categories permitted by the Department of Health. Other categories will be performed at the hospital..