Can Teeth Have Braces After Root Canal Treatment?


It can be said that having a beautiful, even set of teeth with a standard bite is the desire of everyone who wants to beautify themselves. When the tooth has a dead pulp and needs to be treated with a root canal, the tooth will become sensitive and not as strong as before. Therefore, whether a tooth with a root canal can be braced or not depends on the health of that tooth, whether it can withstand the pulling force of the orthodontic appliance during the braces process or not.

1. Why do teeth have dead pulp?


The condition of dead pulp and needing root canal treatment can be due to the following reasons:

  1.1. Periodontitis

Teeth that are not cleaned properly for a long time are very susceptible to gingivitis and if not treated, will lead to periodontitis. Bacteria from the inflammation will penetrate the tooth root and attack the root canals, then spread to the pulp chamber. The pulp will be inflamed from mild to severe and then die.

  1.2. Tooth decay

Tooth decay is also the main cause of dead pulp. Cavities can be filled to prevent the growth of bacteria if detected early. However, if the cavity eats away at the tooth and is not treated, it will spread into the pulp chamber and kill the pulp.

  1.3. Due to accidents

Teeth with dead pulp can also be caused by accidents or strong trauma that causes the tooth to chip too much. In this case, the pulp is no longer protected by enamel and dentin, making it easily affected by external factors leading to infection.

2. Can teeth that have had root canals be braced?


For customers who need to perform orthodontic treatment to have beautiful, even teeth with a standard bite, but the tooth has a dead pulp, it is still possible to have braces. However, this will definitely be more difficult than if the tooth is still healthy as usual.

The reason is because the pulp acts as the “heart” of the tooth, containing nerves and providing nutrients to help the tooth develop normally. Therefore, when the pulp dies and has been completely removed, the tooth will no longer feel anything, and will no longer be as strong as usual, but will become more sensitive and more susceptible to breakage.

In fact, whether a tooth with a root canal can be braced or not depends on the health of the dead tooth. Doctors will monitor and examine to accurately determine the bearing capacity of this tooth. If the conditions are met, the braces process will begin.

3. What to note when braces are done with a root canal?


Dead teeth can still be braced, but customers need to pay attention to the following issues to ensure safety when braces as well as ensure the desired orthodontic results:

  3.1. Choosing a reputable dental address

Teeth that have had their pulp removed will be much weaker than other teeth, so any impact on the teeth, even the smallest, will lead to major effects. At this time, the important thing to ensure safety is that customers should choose braces at reputable dental addresses, with a team of highly skilled doctors and many years of experience in the profession.

A good doctor will adjust the force to the most optimal level, avoiding the situation where the force is too strong, causing the teeth to loosen and fall out, but the force is too small, which will not bring about orthodontic results. At the same time, a dental clinic fully equipped with machinery and technology will support the doctor to examine and plan the most accurate treatment, minimizing the risks when wearing braces.

  3.2. Proper oral care

  3.3. Increase the durability of dead teeth

Because dead teeth are much weaker, moving them will affect their lifespan to some extent. Therefore, experts recommend that customers take some measures to increase the durability of their teeth before braces.

A popular and widely used way to increase durability is to cover the teeth with porcelain or re-fill them to make them stronger. However, customers need to be examined specifically in which cases they should cover with porcelain and which cases they should fill them.

  3.4. Regular dental check-ups

Regular dental check-ups are mandatory when performing braces. The check-ups will help the doctor to monitor the ability to move the teeth as well as the condition of the teeth, thereby adjusting the appropriate pulling force for the next stage.

At the same time, the doctor will also control abnormal signs such as weakened teeth, loose teeth or broken teeth to have timely treatment plans.

So can teeth that have had root canals be braced? The answer is yes, but it depends on the health of the tooth that has had root canals. To ensure absolute safety when performing braces for teeth that have had root canals, customers should choose a reputable dental facility with a team of highly skilled doctors and many years of experience.

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Each clinic in the BIK International Dental System is assessed by the Department of Health of each province and city for different technical categories. You will receive services according to the technical categories permitted by the Department of Health. Other categories will be performed at the hospital..