Can pregnant women have braces? What should I do if I have braces while pregnant?

Pregnant mothers who are pregnant and want to have braces or are already wearing braces and are pregnant often ask the question of whether they can have braces while pregnant. This is an important issue that many people are concerned about. So in this case, we need to learn more to get the correct answer.

Can I have braces while pregnant?

In theory, pregnant women can still have braces if they meet the health requirements. However, the braces process requires many examinations and interventions in the mouth, which can affect the fetus. In addition, wisdom tooth extraction during the braces process can also cause negative effects on both mother and fetus. So for the question of whether I can have braces while pregnant? According to doctors, pregnant women should not be encouraged to have braces.

Do braces have any effects while pregnant?

Before deciding to have braces while pregnant, you need to research and consider carefully. During pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes many changes. Therefore, braces during this period can cause the following problems:

  • Self-consciousness: During pregnancy, women often feel insecure about their bodies due to weight gain. Braces use brackets attached to the teeth, which can increase the mother’s self-consciousness.
  • Weaker teeth: Pregnant women’s teeth are often weak and susceptible to dental problems.
  • Impact on the fetus: Braces require force to move the teeth, which can make the teeth weaker. In addition, having to regularly visit the dentist for dental check-ups can also affect the health of the fetus through frequent movement.

What to do when wearing braces while pregnant?

If you are pregnant and want to wear braces, the most important thing is to discuss your current health condition with your doctor to have a suitable orthodontic plan. Usually after 2-4 weeks, you need to return to the dentist for the doctor to check, clean and adjust the braces for the braces on your teeth.

  • If your health is unstable, the braces process may have to be paused.
  • If your health is stable and your doctor allows it, you can continue with braces treatment. The process of straightening teeth can affect your health and the health of your fetus in the last 3 months of pregnancy.

Notes on braces during pregnancy

In case the pregnant mother is healthy enough to have braces, she still needs to follow the following to ensure her health:

  • Choose a reputable dental clinic to perform the braces process
  • Prepare yourself mentally before starting braces treatment
  • Follow the doctor’s treatment plan, do not arbitrarily shorten the time of braces
  • In case of difficulty eating, the pregnant mother should grind the food to ensure adequate nutrition for both mother and fetus
  • Oral care during pregnancy

Limit tough foods

Food that is too hard or too chewy can be harmful to teeth of pregnant women. Therefore, when wearing crowns, you should avoid eating hard foods. Pregnant women can puree food to reduce chewing pressure and still ensure adequate nutrition.

Build a dental care process

When wearing porcelain crowns, oral care is very important and must follow the correct process. You need to use a special toothbrush for porcelain crown wearers to brush your teeth every day, combined with dental floss and mouthwash to completely remove plaque on your teeth.

Supplement oral care products, prevent tooth decay

Pregnant mothers should choose dental care products for sensitive teeth or specifically for braces. This helps prevent tooth decay and other oral problems. Because if oral problems arise during pregnancy, it can affect the oral health of both mother and baby.

Through the information about whether pregnant women can have braces that we shared above, we hope that pregnant mothers will have additional knowledge about the orthodontic braces process for themselves.

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Each clinic in the BIK International Dental System is assessed by the Department of Health of each province and city for different technical categories. You will receive services according to the technical categories permitted by the Department of Health. Other categories will be performed at the hospital..