Can I get a porcelain crown on one tooth? How much does it cost?

Is it possible to have a single porcelain crown? This is a question that many customers have when they have a chipped or broken tooth. The following article will reveal the answer to this question to you.

1 piece porcelain crown
Illustration: 1 piece porcelain crown

1. Is it possible to have a single porcelain crown?

With the development of modern porcelain teeth technology, porcelain teeth have gradually become an aesthetic trend that can bring a set of teeth that are both beautiful, white and natural like real teeth.

What is the porcelain crown method?

Porcelain crowns are a dental technique that uses porcelain and metal materials to create crowns that are similar in shape and size to real teeth. To be able to cover the porcelain crown, the doctor will grind down the real tooth to support the porcelain crown. Then, the doctor will use a specialized dental adhesive with high adhesion and long-lasting durability to stick them together to restore the shape and function of the tooth.

With modern dental techniques, the restored porcelain teeth have the same shape and color as real teeth, helping you to overcome defects on your teeth such as: uneven teeth, discolored teeth, broken teeth, buck teeth or slightly protruding teeth, restoring cavities, etc.

What is porcelain crown
Illustration: What is porcelain crown?

Answer: Can I crown one tooth with porcelain?

In fact, it is completely possible to crown one tooth with porcelain. When performing the crown, doctors only affect the tooth that needs to be restored, without interfering or invading other teeth or surrounding gum tissue. Therefore, you can completely rest assured to perform a single porcelain crown without worrying about affecting other teeth.

Compared to making a dental bridge, a single porcelain crown will be easier to clean, limit inflammation, so the usage time will be longer. In addition, porcelain teeth are very diverse, suitable for different tooth colors, helping to cover a single porcelain crown naturally on the jaw like the surrounding real teeth.

You can completely rest assured to cover a single porcelain crown in the following cases:

– The tooth has severe cavities, the cavity is too large so the filling cannot be resolved anymore, the filling is very easy to peel off.

– Teeth with dead pulp or root canal can also be covered with cosmetic porcelain crowns to protect the real tooth stump inside.

– Teeth are cracked or chipped due to accidents, trauma, or lack of micronutrients.

– Teeth with severe enamel wear.

– Teeth grow slightly outward.

can I have a single porcelain crown
Can I have a single porcelain crown?

The method of having a single porcelain crown will basically not cause any effects on oral health. However, if you choose a dental clinic with poor reputation, the dentist is not skilled when performing the porcelain crown, it can easily affect the surrounding teeth and leave dangerous complications.? Which type is the best today?

2. Is it necessary to grind the two adjacent teeth when having a single porcelain crown?

Usually, cosmetic porcelain crowns will be performed with the criterion of “restore which tooth – grind that tooth”, there is no need to grind the two adjacent teeth. However, there are still some exceptional cases where it is necessary to grind the adjacent teeth to adjust the gaps and positions of the teeth to be even.

In case the tooth that needs to be covered with porcelain is still good

In this case, the doctor will only affect the tooth that needs to be restored, without interfering or invading the surrounding teeth. Before grinding, the doctor will calculate the amount of enamel that needs to be ground down to ensure that it does not affect the dentin and pulp. Then, use a crown to cover the ground real tooth stump to restore the tooth to its best condition and similar to a real tooth. After restoration with porcelain teeth, you will have a tooth that is almost like a real tooth in both shape and chewing function.

covering a porcelain tooth without grinding the two adjacent teeth
Covering a porcelain tooth without grinding the two adjacent teeth

In case the porcelain tooth is weak

In case the tooth is weak, it is best to remove it and implant a new tooth, the tooth root is no longer strong and can no longer withstand force. In addition, grinding the stump to make the tooth smaller will make the tooth even weaker. Porcelain crowns should be used when the tooth is weak, not to solve the problem of chewing or aesthetics, but on the contrary, it has a negative effect. When the tooth is too weak, you should consider the method of implanting teeth instead of porcelain crowns.

Weak teeth should not be covered with porcelain crowns
Implantation is a restoration solution for teeth that are too weak

To be able to make the most accurate assessment of whether porcelain crowns require grinding the two adjacent teeth or not, you need to go directly to the dentist for a specific examination, X-ray, … to be able to come up with a treatment plan suitable for your teeth condition.

3. Which type of porcelain crown should you choose for a single tooth?

Currently, all types of porcelain teeth can be used to restore single porcelain teeth. However, different types of porcelain teeth today will have their own advantages, disadvantages and price lists. Popular on the market: Metal ceramic teeth and all-ceramic teeth.

– Metal ceramic teeth: Metal ceramic teeth have a reasonable cost and are suitable for many subjects. However, this type of ceramic teeth is easy to cause irritation, blackening of the gum line after a period of use, making it less aesthetically pleasing and requiring restoration.

– All-ceramic teeth: made from pure ceramic material, so it is safe and almost does not irritate your oral cavity, does not cause blackening of the gum line, has high compatibility with real teeth, and good light transmission. If you have the financial means, you should choose all-ceramic teeth to achieve high and safe results.


Which type should you choose to cover a porcelain tooth?
Types of porcelain teeth suitable for covering a porcelain tooth

4. How much does it cost to cover a porcelain tooth

According to a general survey, the price of a porcelain tooth will fluctuate between 1 million – 12 million depending on the type of porcelain.

The cost of a porcelain tooth depends on the porcelain material you choose, the facility that performs it, and if any problems arise during the process, the cost will also change. Therefore, you need to contact the dentist directly for examination and check the specific condition of your teeth. The doctor will then advise you on the appropriate treatment.

5. How long does it take to cover a single tooth with porcelain?

The time it takes to cover a tooth with porcelain depends on many different factors. For those who do not need root canal treatment or treatment for gingivitis or other oral diseases, the process will be faster. Usually, after examination and taking impressions, you will return to the dentist 3-4 days later to have the tooth covered. It takes about 1 day to cover a tooth with porcelain.

A standard porcelain tooth grinding process must include all the following important steps:

Step 1: Examine and consult on suitable cosmetic procedures.

Step 2: Clean the teeth and anesthetize the customer, proceed to grind the tooth stump.

Step 3: Take dental impressions, install temporary teeth for the customer.

Step 4: Design porcelain teeth.

Step 5: Install porcelain crowns and fix the teeth.

1-tooth porcelain crown process
1-tooth porcelain crown process

6. Notes for long-lasting beautiful porcelain teeth

After porcelain coating, you should pay attention to the following issues:

Initially applying porcelain coating

Limit eating tough and hard foods, avoid foods that are too hot/cold that can irritate and cause tooth sensitivity.

limit eating hard foods to protect teeth
Limit eating hard foods to protect porcelain teeth

Home dental care

Brush your teeth, floss and rinse your mouth at least twice a day to clean excess food on your teeth. Remember to brush gently and more thoroughly on porcelain-covered teeth. In addition, you should use mouthwash or salt water for the best cleaning.

Home dental care to protect beautiful porcelain teeth
Pay attention to home dental care after porcelain teeth are covered

Dental care at the dentist

Visit the dentist every 3-6 months for a check-up and timely treatment if there are complications with the porcelain teeth.

Porcelain teeth covering 1 tooth can be done in many different cases. If you are experiencing a chipped or broken tooth and intend to cover a porcelain tooth to improve your appearance, you can completely refer to this method at reputable and quality dental facilities.

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Each clinic in the BIK International Dental System is assessed by the Department of Health of each province and city for different technical categories. You will receive services according to the technical categories permitted by the Department of Health. Other categories will be performed at the hospital..