Author Archives: admin_vio

Is dental implant safe?

Implantation is the most modern restoration method today. The implant will be implanted directly into

What is All On 4 Dental Implant? Is All On 4 Method Good?

All On – 4 (All On-Four) dental implant is a breakthrough in the dental industry

Should I get braces a second time? How long will it take and how much will it cost?

Hello Doctor, can I ask if I can have braces a second time? The first

Should you eat gum when you have braces?

Currently, on social networking sites, there are more and more questions about whether to eat

Do braces affect pronunciation?

When wearing braces, people are often most concerned about how it affects their eating habits

Will braces cause buck teeth again? Effective ways to prevent it

Whether or not braces cause buck teeth to return is a problem that many people

Can thin jawbones be braced? Appropriate method

Whether thin jawbones can be braced is a common question that many people ask when

Top 12 braces experiences you must know

Experience with braces is the topic that many people who participate in braces share the

Signs of broken braces and solutions

Broken braces are an undesirable situation during the orthodontic treatment process. So, what are the

Can pregnant women have braces? What should I do if I have braces while pregnant?

Pregnant mothers who are pregnant and want to have braces or are already wearing braces

How long do I have to wear a retainer after braces?

Braces are an effective method to correct dental problems such as buck teeth, underbite, gaps,

Will braces cause the teeth to move again? Solution

Worrying about whether teeth will move back after braces is not uncommon, because there have