Author Archives: admin_vio

Reasons why you regret getting dental implants – Notes

Currently, dental implants are chosen by many patients to overcome their tooth loss. With the

Is cheap dental implant in Ho Chi Minh City really good?

Nowadays, cheap dental implant services are quite popular in Ho Chi Minh City. The reason

How Long After Dental Implant Can I Eat Normally?

Dental implants are the best tooth restoration solution today, even for people who have lost

Instructions on How to Care for Your Teeth After Implant Placement

Because the wound will be formed on the jawbone after implant placement, oral care after

What is an Abutment? What role does it play in Implant placement?

To create a complete implant tooth, three main parts are needed: the implant post, the

How long does it take to implant a tree? Factors affecting implant time

Are you wondering how long it takes to implant a tooth? You are looking for

Does dental implant affect health?

Does dental implant affect health? In essence, dental implant is a method of tooth restoration

Does dental implant surgery hurt? Effective ways to reduce pain after dental implant surgery

Dental implants are considered a safe and effective long-term restoration method for missing teeth. However,

Are Dental Implants Durable? Factors That Determine The Lifespan Of Dental Implants

One of the things that many patients are most concerned about before getting dental implants

Dental Implant Installment Payment 0% Interest – Prestige – Quality at BIK International Dental Clinic

BIK International Dental Clinic provides dental implant services with 0% interest rate via credit card

What to Do If You Lose All Your Teeth? How to Fix It

There are many reasons why patients lose all their teeth and if this condition is

Is American Hiossen Implant Good? How Much Does It Cost?

Hiossen Implant is a line of implants manufactured in the US, meeting all strict standards