Author Archives: admin_vio

What Causes Swollen Gums in Children? How to Prevent It

Children with swollen gums is not a rare condition today, mainly due to the process

Tooth Decay Medicine For Adults, Children And Pregnant Women

Tooth decay is a fairly common condition and can occur in all subjects, even for

What to Put In a Cavity to Quickly Relieve Pain at Home

Tooth decay is one of the most common diseases today, causing pain and prolonged discomfort

Common Types of Periodontal Treatment Drugs Today

Currently, periodontitis is a common disease, but if not treated promptly, it can cause extremely

What Medicine Is Effective And Safe For Gingivitis?

Gingivitis is a fairly common inflammatory condition today, the disease will progress in stages and

How to Treat Swollen Gums in the Back of the Tooth at Home Effectively

Swollen gums in the innermost tooth is a condition that occurs due to many different

What to do if your molars are severely decayed? Do they need to be extracted?

It can be said that any tooth on the jaw can be decayed, but if

What Are The Signs And Causes Of Tooth Decay?

Tooth decay is a condition in which holes and tiny black dots appear on the

What Should Pregnant Women Do If They Have Tooth Decay?

Pregnant women with tooth decay is a very common case today due to many factors

Top 10 Most Effective Mouthwashes for Treating Tooth Decay

When suffering from tooth decay, in addition to dental treatments, doctors will encourage patients to

Should Tooth Number 6 Be Extracted If It Has Decay?

Tooth number 6 is a large molar located deep inside the jaw, so the risk

Is Tooth Extraction Painful? Are There Any Side Effects?

Tooth decay is a very common disease today, which can occur at any age from