Author Archives: admin_vio

Top 6 Most Effective Anti-Cavity Candies Today

Anti-cavity candy is a type of candy that prevents the growth of bacteria that cause

Top 10 Best Toothpastes for Cavities Today

Toothpaste is a familiar product, available in most families, known for its ability to clean

What Medicine Can Be Taken For Toothache That Brings Fast Results?

Toothache is not a specific dental problem, but it is a manifestation of many other

Causes, Signs and Complications of Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is considered one of the most common diseases today that can occur in

Is Tooth Decay Hereditary? Is It Contagious?

Tooth decay is the most common oral disease today and can appear at any age

Dreaming About Tooth Decay Is A Good Or Bad Omen?

Dreaming of cavities is common in many people, the main cause is probably due to

Can Pericoronitis Heal Completely?

Pericoronitis is a condition in which the gums completely cover the growing wisdom teeth, causing

What is Gingivitis? How to Treat Gingivitis at Home Fastest

Gingivitis is a condition in which the gums are inflamed and is no longer rare

The Most Effective Ways to Treat Tooth Sensitivity at Home

Tooth sensitivity is a common condition today, mainly caused by the habit of eating acidic

Does Extracting Decayed Molar Teeth Have Any Effects?

Molars are the type of teeth that are most susceptible to bacteria attack, leading to

Does Extracting Decayed Wisdom Teeth Have Any Effects?

Tooth decay is an oral disease that can occur at any age and any tooth

What To Do When Children Have Bad Breath? What Are The Causes?

Bad breath is a common condition not only in adults but also in children, the