Author Archives: admin_vio
Should I get braces? Benefits of braces
Braces are a very popular orthodontic method today thanks to its effectiveness in correcting some
Top 12 Reputable Orthodontic Dental Addresses in Ho Chi Minh City
Braces are the optimal orthodontic solution to help correct some dental defects such as buck
How much does it cost to fix buck teeth on the upper jaw?
Protruding teeth are a fairly common condition that appears today and is caused by two
How much does it cost to fix mild buck teeth?
Whether mild or severe, buck teeth will more or less affect the aesthetics of the
Do Clear Braces Hurt?
Many people wonder if clear braces are painful, the nature of braces is to create
Safe Children’s Braces at BIK International Dental Clinic
Braces for children are the most optimal orthodontic method when parents need to correct dental
How Much Does It Cost To Fix Gap Teeth?
Braces are considered the best solution to completely fix the problem of teeth spacing, gaps
What Are Lingual Braces? Are They Good?
With the increasing demand for aesthetics, lingual braces were born to help customers feel confident
How Much Does Invisible Braces Cost?
Invisalign, also known as clear braces, is an orthodontic method that uses plastic braces instead
Can porcelain crowns be used with braces? Which method should I choose?
Porcelain crowns are a cosmetic restoration method for the outside of the teeth, helping teeth
How Much Does Invisalign Cost?
Invisalign braces are considered the perfect choice for those who need orthodontic treatment to correct
How Much Does Braces Cost For One Jaw?
The method of braces for one jaw is usually only applied to cases of very