Author Archives: admin_vio
The Most Effective Orthodontic Methods Today
Cosmetic braces are an orthodontic method chosen by many people today to correct conditions such
How Much Does Invisalign Cost?
Invisalign clear braces are a method that applies the most advanced exclusive orthodontic technology today.
Braces for Children: Age and Appropriate Methods
Braces are an extremely useful solution to improve dental defects in children. However, improper braces
Installment braces and things to note
In fact, many people have difficulty eating and daily activities due to problems with their
Does braces hurt? Which stage is the most painful? How to reduce pain when wearing braces
Braces are an effective solution to improve aesthetics and overcome dental defects. This method helps
How long does it take to see results with braces?
Braces are a solution that brings very good results for uneven teeth and misaligned bites.
Is it dangerous to extract tooth number 4?
Tooth number 4 is a fairly small tooth but can take on the role of
Top 6 Best Toothbrushes for Braces Wearers
When fixed braces are attached to the tooth surface, the teeth will become much more
Top 10 Best Toothpastes For Braces Wearers
During the orthodontic process, teeth are subjected to a large force, so they often become
How to deal with yellow braces?
Yellow braces are a very common condition that occurs when you do not practice proper
What To Do If My Cheeks Are Sunken After Braces?
The early stages of braces make chewing difficult, the body is not fully supplemented with
Does Having a Deviated Philtrum Have Any Effects When Wearing Braces?
Deviant philtrum when wearing braces is quite common due to many different causes. In general,