Are Porcelain Dental Bridges Durable? Which Type Lasts the Longest?


Porcelain bridge is known as a tooth restoration method that brings quite fast aesthetic results, after only about 3 – 5 days. Therefore, the question of whether porcelain bridge is durable or not is a question of many customers. In fact, the lifespan of porcelain bridge depends on many factors, of which the most important is the quality of the porcelain crown that the customer chooses.

1. Advantages of making porcelain bridges

Are porcelain bridges durable? Are there any advantages?

The method of making porcelain bridges has the following advantages:

Ensuring aesthetics

The teeth on porcelain bridges are all made from high-quality porcelain materials, the color can be adjusted to match the real teeth, so it will ensure aesthetics after porcelain coating. In addition, the shape and size of the porcelain crown will also be designed to suit each person’s teeth, bringing beautiful, even teeth with a standard bite.

Restore chewing ability

With high hardness and the ability to withstand 5 times more force than real teeth, making a porcelain bridge allows customers to comfortably eat their favorite foods without worrying about their teeth breaking or cracking.

Save time

Compared to the method of implanting teeth that takes about 3 – 4 months to restore lost teeth, when choosing to make a porcelain bridge, customers only take about 3 – 5 days to get the final result.

Reasonable cost

Making a porcelain bridge is considered the most reasonable tooth restoration method on the market today. Depending on the condition of the teeth that need to be restored and the different types of porcelain crowns, each treatment will have a different price. If there are no oral diseases that need treatment, the price of making a porcelain bridge will be calculated according to the number of porcelain teeth used.

2. Are porcelain bridges durable?

Are porcelain bridges durable?
Are porcelain bridges durable?

The durability of porcelain bridges often depends on the following factors:

Location of missing teeth

The duration of porcelain bridges will vary between the teeth that need to be restored. The lifespan of teeth in the front teeth, which do not have to bear much chewing force, is usually higher than that of molars. In particular, if molars are constantly subjected to force from hard, tough foods, their lifespan may be significantly reduced.

Status of the tooth stump

To perform a porcelain bridge, the doctor must grind down the stump of 2 teeth adjacent to the missing tooth to make a support pillar, so they must be strong enough according to the standard. In cases where the real tooth is not buried properly but the doctor still performs a porcelain bridge, the durability will certainly not be high, it will easily become loose and even cause further damage to the tooth stump inside.

Quality of porcelain crowns

Each type of porcelain crown on the market today has its own characteristics suitable for the oral condition as well as the constitution of each person. Therefore, the time of use of porcelain bridges is also affected by the quality of porcelain crowns that customers choose to use.

Doctor’s skills

The doctor’s skills are the most important factor determining the durability of porcelain bridges. A good doctor with high skills and expertise will perform the procedure accurately and meticulously, helping to prolong the life of the porcelain bridge in the oral cavity. In addition, if the doctor does not grind the tooth carefully, it can affect the pulp, causing the tooth to become loose and unable to hold the porcelain bridge.

3. Durability of porcelain teeth

Images of metal porcelain teeth and all-ceramic teeth

Some popular types of porcelain teeth on the market today include:

Metal porcelain teeth

There are 2 types of metal porcelain teeth, including regular metal porcelain teeth and titanium metal porcelain teeth. This type of porcelain teeth has an inner core made of Chromium-Cobalt, Chromium-Nickel alloy or an alloy containing about 4-6% Titanium and is covered with a layer of bright porcelain on the outside.

This type of porcelain teeth has a color that is relatively similar to real teeth and is strong, but after a while, the gum line will turn black due to the oxidation of metal in the oral cavity. That is why metal porcelain teeth have a fairly low durability, only about 3 – 5 years.

All-ceramic teeth

They have a similar structure to metal-ceramic teeth, but all-ceramic teeth are made entirely from pure ceramic materials. Therefore, this type of porcelain teeth can meet high aesthetic demands because the color can be adjusted to match real teeth, bringing natural beauty. In addition, thanks to its hardness, all-ceramic teeth can also help customers comfortably eat their favorite foods without worrying about teeth cracking or chipping.

High-quality ceramic materials cannot be oxidized in the oral environment, so all-ceramic teeth can last up to 20 years if properly cared for.

4. Dental care after porcelain bridge

The durability of porcelain bridge depends on how you care for your teeth after porcelain crowns

To prolong the durability of porcelain teeth, customers should note the following:

Proper hygiene

– Brush your teeth at least twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and combine it with fluoride toothpaste to help strengthen your teeth.

– Use dental floss and mouthwash to completely remove food particles left between teeth as well as bacteria in the oral cavity.
–    Replace your toothbrush every 3-4 months to prevent bacteria from accumulating.

Reasonable diet

–  To prolong the life of porcelain bridges, customers should avoid using the following foods:

–  Foods that are too hard or too tough that require a lot of force to bite and tear.

–  Carbonated water or other dark-colored drinks.

–  Foods that are too cold or too hot can cause tooth sensitivity, especially when using metal porcelain teeth that have good heat conduction.

–  Stay away from alcohol, tobacco and other stimulants.

Visit on time

After making porcelain bridges, customers should return to the dentist at least once every 6 months so that the doctor can regularly check the condition of the porcelain teeth as well as the general oral health. From there, some unwanted problems can be promptly fixed, helping porcelain teeth to last longer when used.

5. BIK International Dental Clinic – A reputable address for porcelain bridge making

The durability of porcelain crowns depends on the dental clinic that the customer chooses

BIK International Dental Clinic is always confident in accompanying customers both domestically and internationally on their journey of dental restoration, helping customers to own beautiful, even teeth in a short time with the porcelain bridge method thanks to meeting all of the following criteria:

Highly skilled doctors

When performing porcelain bridge making at BIK International Dental Clinic, customers will be examined, consulted and performed Direct dental restoration by a team of skilled, highly qualified doctors, who have been trained from basic to advanced in cosmetic dental restoration.

Therefore, ensuring that the doctor’s operations will be completely accurate, meticulous, and will not invade the tooth structure during the grinding process, helping to ensure that the porcelain bridge is firmly and permanently fixed inside the oral cavity.

Equipped with modern technology

All facilities of BIK International Dental Clinic are equipped with the most modern and advanced machinery, equipment and technology available today to support the porcelain bridge process to take place more easily and quickly while still ensuring the best quality of porcelain bridges.

Genuine materials

All types of porcelain crowns used at BIK International Dental Clinic are made from genuine imported materials from abroad. Ensuring safety and quality according to the manufacturer’s standards, the durability of the porcelain bridge will also be maximized if properly cared for.


So whether the porcelain bridge is durable or not depends on many other factors, in which the factor that largely determines this is the quality of the porcelain crown. To prolong the durability of the porcelain bridge, customers should choose to use all-ceramic porcelain teeth that are not oxidized in the oral environment and have a lifespan of up to 20 years.

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Each clinic in the BIK International Dental System is assessed by the Department of Health of each province and city for different technical categories. You will receive services according to the technical categories permitted by the Department of Health. Other categories will be performed at the hospital..