What is a gummy smile? Causes of a gummy smile

Gummy smile is one of the major defects that affects facial aesthetics, causing loss of confidence in communication. So what is a gummy smile? How to fix a gummy smile? Let’s find out with BIK International Dental Clinic through the following article.

What is a gummy smile and how to fix it
Do you know what a gummy smile is?

1. What is a gummy smile?

A gummy smile (also known as a gummy smile) is a condition in which when smiling, the distance from the base of the tooth to the upper lip exceeds 3mm.

The gums are the bridge between the teeth and the jaw, helping to create an aesthetic smile. But when the gums are exposed too much, it will lead to a loss of aesthetics for the overall face. However, from a biological perspective, this is not a pathological condition, so it does not affect health.

Gummy smiles can be caused by many different reasons. And for each specific cause, experts will have appropriate treatments and flexible handling for each patient.

Illustration of gummy smile

2. Causes of gummy smile

Gummy smile can occur due to many reasons that can be congenital or develop during puberty. Dental experts point out the three most common causes:

Difference in tooth growth process

During the tooth growth process, the passive tooth crown is still in the gums and is not exposed, which is called a short tooth crown. This case causes a gummy smile. Normally, if the tooth length is uneven, the height and width are not proportional, causing the gum area to be exposed more than normal when smiling.

gummy smile due to short tooth crown
Surgery to lengthen the tooth crown to treat gummy smile

Lip gap difference

Gummy smile due to curved lips or the length from the nose to the upper lip is shorter than normal. This may be due to congenital malformations or trauma after an accident or surgery.

Due to too thick gums

When the gums are too thick, grow too much or cover part of the teeth, the gums will be exposed when smiling.

Jaw bone structure

When the upper jaw teeth grow too much, the entire lower jaw teeth will be pushed out, causing the gums to be exposed when smiling.

gummy smile due to jawbone structure
Jawbone structure causes gummy smile

Effects of medication

In addition to the above causes, gummy smile also comes from some side effects of medication or improper braces.

3. Level of gummy smile

Mild gummy smile

About 3mm of gum is exposed when smiling and less than 25% of the length of the tooth. Mild gummy smile is the most common level of smile. Many people at this level can adjust their smile to not show their gums.

mild gummy smile
Mild gummy smile

Moderate gummy smile

The gum exposed when smiling will be more than 25% of the tooth crown but less than 50% of the tooth crown length.

Moderate Gummy Smile

Severe Gummy Smile

The exposed gum when smiling will be more than 50% of the tooth crown but less than 100% of the tooth crown. The main cause is still due to excessive gum growth or the tooth crown being too short.

Severe Gummy Smile

When smiling, the exposed gum is equal to or more than 100% of the tooth crown length. The main cause of this condition is due to excessive jaw bone development causing protrusion.

Severe Gummy Smile

4. Correcting gummy smile

  Treatment of gummy smile is a difficult dental technique, requiring a direct examination of the condition and a thorough check before deciding to proceed. For each cause of gummy smile, depending on the oral health condition, the patient will be advised by the dentist to treat with surgery or without surgery. Some treatment methods you can refer to:

Gummy surgery

The doctor will perform surgery to cut off part of the gum, reducing the ratio of gum covering the teeth, so that the exposed teeth will be balanced with the gums, and will not be exposed when smiling. With this treatment, patients with gummy smile will not feel pain, will not bleed, will heal quickly, and will not take much time to treat and recover.

gummy smile surgery results
Gummy smile surgery

Lip repositioning surgery


Upper lip repositioning surgery is a surgical method of cutting a section of the upper lip levator muscle, narrowing the vestibular recess. This method helps reduce 3-7mm. However, this treatment can recur after about 1 year. Therefore, you should also consider carefully and consult a doctor before making a decision.

5. Standard medical treatment process for gummy smile

Examination and consultation

When a patient comes to the dentist for gummy smile treatment, the doctor will conduct a general examination, assess the condition of the teeth and mouth, the cause of the gummy smile and the severity. From there, the most appropriate treatment plan will be given for each individual.

Oral hygiene

Before treating any case, the doctor must thoroughly clean the patient’s oral cavity. This helps remove plaque and bacteria so that the minor surgery is safe, minimizing the risk of infection. In addition, the patient will also be lightly anesthetized in the minor surgery gum area, so that you feel comfortable during the treatment process

Minor surgery to treat gummy smile

Based on the results of the X-ray and other modern technologies during the initial assessment, the doctor will perform surgery to treat you by removing excess gum. This helps you have the most natural, perfect smile

Gingivectomy to treat gummy smile

End of treatment

The doctor will instruct you on how to eat and take care of yourself after treatment so that you will not feel pain and achieve the best results. In addition, the doctor will also schedule a follow-up appointment for you.

6. Reputable address for gummy smile surgery

To help your smile become more perfect, you must choose the right reputable dental clinic. Currently, in Ho Chi Minh City, there are many different addresses for gummy smile treatment. In particular, BIK International Dental Clinic is one of the leading prestigious dental addresses with:

– Modern facilities and equipment.

– A team of good specialists.

– Reasonable costs.

– Professional, safe and fast process. Patients do not have to wait long when coming to examine, treat and beautify their teeth.

Through this article, you have also understood what a gummy smile is. If you are suffering from a gummy smile and want to be treated to quickly have a perfect smile, BIK International Dental Clinic will be one of the dental clinics worth your reference.

Mỗi phòng khám thuộc hệ thống Nha Khoa Quốc Tế BIK được Sở Y tế các tỉnh thành thẩm định các danh mục kỹ thuật khác nhau. Quý khách sẽ được thực hiện các dịch vụ theo đúng những danh mục kỹ thuật mà Sở Y tế cho phép. Những danh mục khác sẽ được thực hiện tại bệnh viện.
Each clinic in the BIK International Dental System is assessed by the Department of Health of each province and city for different technical categories. You will receive services according to the technical categories permitted by the Department of Health. Other categories will be performed at the hospital..