Instant Teeth Whitening With Laser Whitening Technology

In fact, discolored, yellow teeth due to long-term accumulation of food plaque is a condition that many people encounter, causing them to lose their confident smile when communicating. Currently, teeth whitening with Laser Whitening technology is considered the most effective and fastest method to overcome tooth color defects and bring a confident, bright white smile.

1. Introduction to Laser Whitening teeth whitening technology


Discolored, yellow teeth are considered the most common cause that makes many people feel self-conscious about their smile. In that situation, teeth whitening is the most effective solution at the dentist

Laser Whitening is a whitening technology with the support of Laser light. This method will be performed entirely at the dentist, after applying the whitening agent, the Laser light will be shined to stimulate the bleaching agent to destroy the agents that cause discoloration and bring bright white teeth.

In fact, the level of whitening of teeth after whitening depends a lot on the initial condition of the teeth, but on average it only takes about 60 minutes for the results to be clearly seen.

2. Benefits of Laser Whitening Teeth Whitening Technology


Teeth whitening with Laser Whitening technology always attracts the attention of customers thanks to the following benefits:

2.1. Brings immediate results

The entire teeth whitening process with Laser Whitening technology is very simple and fast. After only about 40-60 minutes, customers can have a bright, white smile.

2.2. Does not damage tooth enamel

Although it brings immediate results, Laser Whitening teeth whitening technology has undergone rigorous testing to ensure absolute safety. The concentration of bleach used during whitening is controlled by experienced doctors, so tooth enamel is guaranteed not to be damaged.

2.3. Long-term teeth whitening effect

The purpose of Laser light is to make the teeth whitening agent work more effectively, thereby completely eliminating the factors that cause tooth discoloration, helping to maintain the whiteness of teeth for a longer time.

3. In which cases should teeth whitening not be performed?

Whether teeth whitening is effective as desired or not depends on many factors, of which the initial condition of the teeth is considered the most important. Therefore, in the following cases, teeth whitening should not be performed because it is difficult to ensure safety and high efficiency:

3.1. Children under 16 years old

Children under 16 years old should not whiten their teeth because the bleaching agent can irritate the pulp, making the teeth sensitive.

3.2. Pregnant women

Pregnant or breastfeeding women should not whiten their teeth because the bleach can have a negative impact on the health of the fetus.

3.3. Allergy to bleaching agents

In case of allergy to the ingredients of bleaching agents, you should not whiten your teeth but should use safer teeth whitening methods such as toothpaste or natural ingredients.

3.4. Patients with other oral diseases

Oral diseases such as periodontitis, tooth decay, tooth neck wear, and tooth enamel wear must be completely treated before whitening to ensure safety.

4. Teeth whitening process with Laser Whitening technology

The professional teeth whitening process with Laser Whitening technology at the dental clinic includes the following basic steps:

4.1. Examination and consultation

The doctor will conduct a general examination of oral health to ensure that the teeth are suitable for teeth whitening. After measuring the brightness of the teeth, the customer will be advised in more detail about the teeth whitening method.

4.2. Oral hygiene

After the tartar has been removed and the oral cavity is cleaned, the doctor will isolate the gums and teeth with a specialized rubber base to ensure safety because bleaching agents must be used.

4.3. Applying bleaching agent

The bleaching agent will be applied evenly to all tooth surfaces, both front and back, carefully and safely.

4.4. Teeth whitening with Laser Whitening technology

The laser light will be illuminated at a safe level, suitable for each customer’s oral condition to stimulate the whitening agents to work. Whitening agents will effectively whiten teeth from the inside out.

5. How to maintain bright white teeth after teeth whitening

To keep teeth white longer, you also need to pay attention to the following:

5.1. Oral hygiene

Clean your teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush at least twice a day to remove food debris stuck on the tooth surface and combine with dental floss to clean between teeth most effectively. In addition, you should rinse your mouth with a mixture of salt water every night and morning to increase the ability to kill bacteria, and use toothpaste containing Flour to support healthy teeth.

5.2. Use teeth whitening maintenance medicine

Teeth whitening maintenance medicine will be prescribed by the doctor after bleaching. Using medicine to support after bleaching will help maintain the bright white color over time, slow to fade.

So Laser Whitening teeth whitening technology is professionally performed at the dentist, although it brings immediate results, it still ensures absolute safety for the customer’s health. However, you should still choose a reliable dental address for more peace of mind during and after the bleaching process.

Mỗi phòng khám thuộc hệ thống Nha Khoa Quốc Tế BIK được Sở Y tế các tỉnh thành thẩm định các danh mục kỹ thuật khác nhau. Quý khách sẽ được thực hiện các dịch vụ theo đúng những danh mục kỹ thuật mà Sở Y tế cho phép. Những danh mục khác sẽ được thực hiện tại bệnh viện.
Each clinic in the BIK International Dental System is assessed by the Department of Health of each province and city for different technical categories. You will receive services according to the technical categories permitted by the Department of Health. Other categories will be performed at the hospital..