Is it possible to have braces on one jaw? How much does it cost?

Many people want to save time and money so they want to have braces on one jaw. However, according to experts, this method is only suitable in some specific cases. Is it possible to have braces on one jaw? Whether braces on one jaw are effective and how much they cost will be answered in the following article.

Braces on one jaw

Is it possible to have braces on one jaw?

To answer the question of whether braces on one jaw are possible, according to experts and orthodontists, braces on one jaw are completely feasible. However, the effectiveness of braces on one jaw does not depend on the oral condition of each person.

Specifically, whether braces on one jaw can be done or not depends on the degree of misalignment of the teeth. However, there are only a few cases that can be done. This method is only suitable for people with mild misalignment of teeth and ensures that after braces, the bite will not be affected. Normally, doctors often recommend braces on both jaws.

Is it possible to have braces on one jaw

Braces not only help to correct problems such as overbite, underbite, misalignment, etc., but also adjust the bite and balance between the two jaws. If you have braces on one upper or one lower jaw, it will lead to uneven bite between the two jaws, making it difficult to chew and can affect the shape of the face, dislocation of the temporomandibular joint and even change the voice.

If you want to have braces on one jaw, go to a reputable dental clinic to be examined and consulted by private specialists, this ensures the safest treatment plan for you.

Cases for braces on one jaw

To achieve the best results when wearing braces, your doctor will advise you to wear braces on both jaws. However, if your oral condition falls into the following cases, you can still wear braces on only one jaw.

Braces on one jaw for buck teeth

Braces are an effective method to correct buck teeth, helping to improve facial beauty and ensure better chewing function.

In cases of mild buck teeth, the lower jaw is not misaligned, the jaw is even and the teeth grow evenly, you can choose to wear braces on only one jaw. However, for the remaining cases, braces on both jaws are always recommended by doctors to achieve the desired results and ensure safety for oral health.

Braces for 1 jaw for buck teeth

Braces for 1 jaw for spaced teeth

Spaced teeth are when the gap between the teeth is large, easily recognizable to the naked eye, affecting beauty and difficult to clean because food easily sticks to the teeth.

If you have a gap between teeth of no more than 3mm on one jaw, braces for 1 jaw will bring good results. However, this method is only suitable for cases with little gap and need to adjust the bite after completing treatment.

In cases where teeth have many gaps or gaps in many places, braces on one jaw will not be effective because it does not create an ideal fit between the teeth and jaw.

Braces on one jaw for buck teeth

Similar to the case of buck teeth, when the buck teeth are only mild and the lower jaw is even, orthodontics for one jaw is still an effective solution.

However, if the buck teeth are severe, the teeth in the lower jaw protrude too much compared to the upper jaw, you will need braces on both jaws. Sometimes, if the buck teeth are caused by overgrowth of the jaw bone, you may need surgery to completely correct the jaw.

Braces for 1 jaw for buck teeth

Effective braces methods

With the development of the current dental industry, braces for one jaw are performed through many different methods to meet the needs and desires of customers, depending on the oral condition and financial ability of each person, you can refer to the following methods:

Braces with brackets

This is a traditional braces method, applying a system of brackets and archwires to fix on the teeth, creating an effective force to help adjust the teeth to the correct position. In addition to using metal braces, customers can also choose ceramic braces or lingual braces to achieve higher aesthetic results.

Invisible braces for upper and lower jaws

Invisible braces are an orthodontic method that uses a system of clear plastic braces to adjust the position of the teeth. With this method, users can be completely confident and comfortable during the braces process, eating and oral hygiene also become easier.

1-jaw braces method

How much does 1-jaw braces cost? Is it more economical?

Is it more economical to have braces for one jaw depending on the misalignment of the teeth. As mentioned above, braces for one jaw are only suitable for a few cases of mild misalignment. Patients need to understand that braces are not only for beauty and aesthetics but also affect the bite and ability to eat. Therefore, to have a suitable treatment plan, you should visit and follow the instructions of an orthodontist.

Cost of braces for one jaw

Absolutely do not request braces for one jaw just to save money. Incorrectly prescribed braces can cause many problems such as more serious bite misalignment than before braces, damaged teeth that need to be re-treated from the beginning… This will create additional costs and take more time. Worse, it will negatively affect your oral health and aesthetics.


The above are the answers to the questions about whether braces are possible for one jaw? How much does it cost?. To have effective and desired braces results, the most important thing is to find a reliable, professional dental clinic and choose a reputable, dedicated and experienced orthodontist. If you are still hesitant about where to get braces safely and at a reasonable price, do not hesitate, make an appointment to improve your smile at BIK International Dental Clinic via hotline 19008015.

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