Does Having a Deviated Philtrum Have Any Effects When Wearing Braces?


Deviant philtrum when wearing braces is quite common due to many different causes. In general, this condition greatly affects the aesthetics of the face, and also causes misaligned bites. Over time, if not promptly corrected, it will lead to serious consequences for the digestive tract as well as overall health.

1. Recognizing deviated philtrum when wearing braces

The philtrum is defined as the straight line in the middle extending from the bottom of the nose down to the top of the upper lip. While normal teeth will have the gap between the two front teeth aligned with this philtrum, people with philtrum deviation will have the gap between the front teeth deviated to both sides.

Philtrum deviation can occur when inherited from other generations in the family, due to bad living habits such as thumb sucking, sucking candy, sucking pacifiers,… during orthodontic treatment or due to failed braces.


2. Causes of philtrum deviation when wearing braces

A philtrum deviation when wearing braces can be due to the following reasons:

  2.1. Due to the doctor’s incorrect method

In reality, not all cases of braces are highly effective, because this method is only effective when the teeth grow crookedly, not in the right position. In cases of tooth misalignment originating from the jawbone, the customer needs jaw surgery to be able to completely treat it. If the face is crooked due to an imbalanced jawbone structure but braces are still prescribed, the philtrum will be more severely crooked.

  2.2. Due to incorrect braces technique

Braces are a fairly complicated orthodontic method that requires high technique and skills from the doctor. The doctor must have enough experience to diagnose and adjust the tightening force to suit the changes in the teeth throughout the treatment process.

In cases where the doctor is too hasty, wants to end the treatment early and uses too strong a tightening force, it can lead to alveolar bone loss and, more seriously, affect the temporomandibular joint.

On the contrary, if the doctor uses too weak a tightening force, it will cause the teeth to move unevenly, the braces will come loose, affecting the orthodontic process, causing the teeth to be misaligned, leading to a deviated philtrum after treatment.


  2.3. Due to problems during the orthodontic process

Although it is not common, problems during the orthodontic process are also one of the causes of deviated philtrum. These include broken teeth, falls, accidents, broken jaws, chewing hard foods, etc.

3. Does a deviated philtrum after braces have any effect?

In general, a deviated philtrum is a type of bite misalignment, the upper and lower jaws are not symmetrical, which affects aesthetics and makes chewing difficult. Food that is not crushed before digestion for a long time can lead to diseases such as stomach pain, gastric reflux, etc.

4. Correcting a deviated philtrum when braces


A deviated philtrum when braces needs to be corrected as soon as possible to promptly prevent major effects on the patient’s bite and face. Normally, based on the specific oral condition, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate method:

  4.1. Mild philtrum deviation

For cases where the teeth are only slightly deviated, the doctor can use specialized orthodontic appliances, most commonly a retainer, to adjust the teeth or jaw to the desired position. Depending on the degree of deviation, needs and financial ability of each person, the doctor will advise on the appropriate orthodontic method.

  4.2. Severe philtrum deviation or deviation due to the jaw bone

In this case, doctors are forced to intervene by performing jaw surgery to ensure the highest efficiency. This is one of the complex techniques, with high difficulty and many potential risks. Therefore, customers should choose to perform it at large hospitals, with a team of highly qualified and skilled doctors.

5. Methods of braces to correct deviated philtrum


Customers can choose the following methods of braces:

  5.1. Metal braces

Metal braces are a traditional method that has been around for a long time. The method uses a system of archwires and brackets made from metal materials to create a tightening force to help the teeth move to effectively correct the condition of philtrum deviation. The orthodontic appliance will be fixed on the teeth, so the force is created continuously and stably, bringing high efficiency in a short time.

Although the advantage is shortening the treatment time, many people still hesitate to choose this method because the color of the metal is completely different from the color of real tooth enamel, not ensuring aesthetics throughout the braces process.

  5.2. Ceramic braces

Similar to metal braces, using the tightening force of the archwire system, the braces help the teeth move to effectively correct misaligned teeth, bringing perfect aesthetics to the overall face.

The difference is that ceramic braces have braces made from high-quality ceramic materials that can be adjusted in color to match the color of tooth enamel. This helps to improve aesthetics and customers will feel more confident and comfortable when communicating and doing daily activities.

However, because they are made from ceramic materials, the braces are quite easy to break during chewing or when subjected to strong impact.

  5.3. Invisalign Clear Braces

Invisalign Clear Braces is a method that was born thanks to the application of the most modern and advanced orthodontic technology today. This method does not use a system of archwires and brackets as orthodontic appliances as traditional braces, but uses clear braces made of high-quality plastic.

This brace is designed to be personalized to fit and hug the body of each person’s teeth, so it will become almost invisible when worn, bringing absolute aesthetics. From there, the braces will create a sufficient, stable and continuous force to help the teeth move to the correct position on the jaw.

In addition, the most outstanding advantage of Invisalign clear braces is the ability to be removed flexibly, making oral hygiene no longer too difficult for people with braces.

So, philtrum deviation when wearing braces is quite common due to many different causes. Although it is easy to see that this condition greatly affects overall aesthetics, customers should not be subjective but should see a doctor promptly to prevent serious consequences for the bite later.

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Each clinic in the BIK International Dental System is assessed by the Department of Health of each province and city for different technical categories. You will receive services according to the technical categories permitted by the Department of Health. Other categories will be performed at the hospital..